OPTIONAL graphic updates

New models look bad with old gear. Go play bfa, the textures on that armor looks great on those models…cuz they were made for them.


It’s not that simple, if it were so easy they would already have done this back in legion when modern WoW still had the ability to toggle models.

The modern models are 100% different in regard to essentially everything. It’s obvious the lifted a few things from the original models, but there is nothing that’s a simple copy and paste.

I know it’s easy to think about the client as if they’re using the 7.3 client, but that’s not really accurate.

They’re using the client shell, not the data.

Why anyone would expect an option to toggle on BfA mode is beyond me. Play that game for those models. You have that option.

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How would you be selecting options on other people’s character appearance?

A recreation of vanilla isn’t going to include anny wod like models, this is a fact. If u disagree with me your IQ is <80.

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Controversial and bad opinion: updated raid trailers would be cool.

That makes me wonder, though. When a content bucket is being rolled out, how will they advertise the update? It’ll probably be in the BNET app, but will they do anything else? Oh, and for the record, old graphics for me.

Look at my character. It looks horrendous.

It is part of the reason I want my old models back. I remember the second transmog came out, first thing I did was get out my T4 pieces and set them up as part of my transmog and worked out pieces in over time.

EDIT: and before anyone takes that the wrong way. No I do not want transmog in Classic.

I think it’s pretty clear that people aren’t interested in Classic just because it looks different.


If we didn’t give a crap about graphics we’d still be playing Ultima Online, Everquest, DAoC, Runescape etc. How many here would still be playing those games if they had 2019 graphics? Graphics are a huge thing and always have been. Reality is Blizzard would have made them like “BFA graphics” if they could have at the time. If your experience was based off of vanilla graphics then use those, no one is is saying you should have to use the new ones.

I think everyones going to have their own opinions and that’s why having the option to turn it on either way should be given.

Personally, I would probably play a vanilla wow for a bit with the better graphics. I wouldn’t be able to stand the pixelated low res / polygon garbo, though. I would have to turn on the newer stuff pretty much immediately. As long as it doesn’t effect you more… “old graphics” loving folk, I’m fine with it. I don’t want any advantage over you guys I just want the game to not look like it was drawn with a box of crayons.

What if I turn down texture, lighting, and shadow detail? Is my computer’s now very unflattering portrayal of your character still in keeping with the idea of a shared common experience?


if you toggle updated models, it doesnt just change yours, it changes everybody (for you).

here’s an example of one of the female human faces and how different the old and new are. if i select the old and you select the new, you will see my character with the new model, which frankly, isn’t a very nice model . sure its high res but the older one has more pleasant features and is modelled from a real person’s face, whereas the new one is a model creation algorithm (eyes so many inches apart, eyebrows so high, etc, not a real person just an algorithm)


RE: Valafar

Good point.

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Because they’re different models and the gear / posture is entirely different.

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am i the only one who would play wow if they used stick figures for character models?



And they would have had lfr and lfd and transmog, and flying mounts and a million other things that were added later to the game. What’s your point? Vanilla means Vanilla. And you don’t ‘update’ art. Would Citizen Kane be improved if you colorized it, added some rad 3d effects? That snowglobe could roll down right into your lap!

No, you accept the game for what it is and Classic for why it’s being made: a faithful recreation of a distinct time period of WoW.


Better than modern models.

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No. I never said adding all that. But if those developers remade their games with 0 updates other than better 2019 graphics, we would play them. I’m not sure anyone here is suggesting what you said.

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reminds me of the game one punch deathfist .

youre free not to play if they dont update graphics.


And people will play them for their authenticity. Did Nintendo go back and update all the games on the NES Classic? Didn’t stop it from being virtually impossible to buy since it sold out immediately.