OPTIONAL graphic updates

Perhaps if you had said Warcraft 3 models and I had removed my contacts first.

thats something the devs cant do anything about, but they can provide a shared common experience, should we agree to occupy the same virtual spaces.


No, they were both created by a human artist, probably using a common concept. Not to say I wouldn’t be curious about what a machine learning algorithm could come up with, but chances are that it’d be the sort of nightmare fuel that Google’s Deep Dream engine pushes out.

It’s just my opinion. I think more people would be happy having the option to have old or newer graphics.


What is it with people doing these disingenuous comparisons? That video is over 4 years old, it doesn’t show the current faces of the Female Human model.

I may put this one to a poll myself later. If someone else doesn’t beat me to it.


Classic is being made for a niche group of Vanilla enthusiasts. It’s not trying to appeal to the masses (even though I think it will). Blizz has said this again and again.


Not sure what you mean here. No one is suggesting that you can’t play with those visuals. Just an on the fly slider option between the two.

they had a basic human female head with basic human female attributes all in a modelling program algorithm and then tinkered it a bit to make it sorta resemble its predecssor but as you can see in the video, the originals are unique people whereas the new ones are just slight variants that basically all look the same.

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So long as they keep the music and give me the universal scaling toggle I want for the live game, I would do it.

I play a lot of “retro” games on my PC. It comes down to gameplay and ambience over “awesome looks” to me.

Star Wars Battlefront is one of the best examples of a great looking game that just sucks. They do exist. I would rather have a pixelated game with great music and gameplay or story that draws me in.

Those “new” ones aren’t current.

the option is fine as long as its understood that old graphics and skeletons and animations are default and if anything messes up with them doing the toggle it reverts back to the default.

its nice to have options.

its also nice to have working graphics / skeletons / animations.

if they cant do that than no i will not agree to new stuff.


Where you put it is going to skew the results a lot. Posting it in both General and here and then compiling the results will still have a bit of a skew, but be less so.

really? how can you tell? where do i see the difference between current and original? i am unsubbed atm (not because i want to be. we are remodelling the house and money being used for that instead of sub)

I’ll pass.

You don’t need a sub to log into the game. You can go to the character select screen and compare to that video, as I did just now.

You have that option. Play BfA for BfA models. Play Classic for Classic models. Options are great, I agree.

But again, why anyone would expect models from a different game be put into Classic…is beyond me. If Blizz was to add back an old model toggle to BfA (or the expansion after), great. Because those old models once existed in that game. But these new ones NEVER existed in Vanilla. That’s the key difference. You can look back from a point in time in a game to an earlier period. But you can’t take things from the future that never existed during that earlier time.

That applies to any game feature. It’s not a matter of assigning a value of being ‘more’ or ‘less’ authentic Vanilla. It’s a black and white. You have to have these guidelines if you want a successful project. Consistency of authenticity is paramount. Now you’re applying a subjective frame of reference, and where will that lead? Everyone has a separate definition of what constitutes authenticity when it’s a sliding scale. It needs to be regarded as an absolute. Personal opinion is irrelevant; it’s the principle that matters.


Reality is there are 2 main set of opinions on this. MANY want old graphics in vanilla. MANY want new graphics in vanilla. Make (most) everyone happy. Add a slider.


The fact you can’t see the hypocrisy in your own logic is astounding. If you weren’t a hypocrite, you’d be advocating that they remove all Vanilla graphics from BfA, because they’re different games.

Mr white knight still at it?

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