Option to hide transmog

I just use the Blood mog we got the first month Tendors came out. ITs basically a pantless mog.

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Yes, some people loved it. My wife thought it was hilarious. That said, I recall a portion of the fan base wasnā€™t thrilled because they prefer the darker aesthetic.

Again, itā€™s all personal preference and shouldnā€™t upset anyone.

Asking you a question isnā€™t demanding anything. Itā€™s asking you a question. You keep trying to create drama where there is none.

Then I suggest trying not to put words in othersā€™ mouths.

Then it shouldnā€™t be in a video game either. Because itā€™s our expression of our character and you donā€™t get to decide that on your end.

And yet every response from you has been filled with it.

Dont lie op you know you want to see my draenei in undies with hide pants in TWW.


Lol I think itā€™s normal for him to demand you answer him while he ignores literally everyone else.

Iā€™m sure heā€™s the type that has to hide comments because they are too triggering


I believe you persistently asked the question several times. Debatable but Iā€™d say thatā€™s a little demanding. No worries though lol.


Because you completely ignored what I asked to make up drama about what I never said.


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Everyone has a different tolerance and view on what they call drama. This wasnā€™t my intention. Iā€™ll refrain from triggering you.


I have no idea how people like the OP get through a normal day, seeing people wear whatever clothes they want.


No, but how it WOULD affect us is it would suck valuable development resources away for something incredibly silly and desired by less than .01% of players.

This right here, was very intentional:

Your accusations in that post were unwarranted, dramatic and extremely disrespectful.

What you donā€™t seem to understand is that this option you want negates how people want their characters to be seen by others. You tried to make a horrible claim against me, but donā€™t even see the hypocrisy here. Knowing anyone can turn off how we look, how we express ourselvesā€¦ that is oppressive thinking.


I still am not getting how people are being lewd with the hide pants option. Most under clothes look closer to shorts or bikini bottoms. In the case of female mechagnomes all pants are under clothes. I am still shocked by this. Even the ā€œsuitsā€ are jacket tops with bikini bottoms.

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I plan on using it with the Sprite Darter chestpiece to make it look like a short dress.

Imma get my ruler.



I think the disconnect for me is thatā€™s Iā€™m not viewing world of Warcraft as real life. Iā€™m viewing it as a video game. I tried making the comparison to other games but that wasnā€™t successful.

I still donā€™t see how having the option to turn off transmog negatively affects the player. That said, I appear to be tone def to the strong desire of expression and wanting people to view me a certain way.

Regardless, I would still prefer to have this no transmog option. Wow devs are continuously trying to make this game for every audience, I believe that that I simply fall into an audience that doesnā€™t want transmog.


How is it more immersive to see people in mismatched technicolor armor sets that look like clown suits?

Not everyone walks around in the murloc or yeti onesies. In my experience, thatā€™s an exception rather than the rule.

I personally donā€™t care if they institute such a toggle as it wouldnā€™t affect me. But your justification is purely a matter of perception, and obviously others donā€™t agree.

Also Iā€™m not sure if it would be a simple thing to implement.

Think about it from both sides. I mog my character because I want to present a certain appearance. OP wants to invalidate that and see me wearing whatever.


Thereā€™s a ton of robes with side slits and stuff that seeing pants through is annoying.

That said, this is one of the silliest ideas Iā€™ve seen.

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I had a high school teacher who used this analogy when we asked him how long our research paper should be:

The length of a girlā€™s skirt: long enough to cover all of the important parts, but short enough to still be interesting.

Back in the day, that was hilarious. In this day and ageā€¦ pretty sure thatā€™d get him fired. LOL

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Thereā€™s a ton of robes with side slits and stuff that seeing pants through is annoying.

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