Option to hide transmog

I think the funniest thing is that most players would look far, far more ridiculous without transmog, what with M+ not only giving relevant gear, but also poking into older expansions for loot now.


That is what I did with my gnome and it is super cute that way. There are a lot of nice tops and even tabards that make for good transmogs.

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Once upon a time people could appreciate humorā€¦ even creepy, probably inappropriate, bordering on alarming humor.

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Using the victim card to tell someone to ā€œdonā€™t ever attempt to speak on this againā€? What if that poster also went through the same thingā€¦

OP has a point. Sorry that you donā€™t agree. This subject is terrible for the victims, so Iā€™d rather not comment on it anymore.


Personal preference but I enjoy seeing the player progress through gear obtained. I find that being able to see gear also adds a different layer to PvP.

Lots of people wanting to argue against personal preference. Iā€™m new to these forums as Iā€™ve mentioned, definitely a lot more debating than I expected. Voicing yourself doesnā€™t seem to be encouraged.

Players being able to express themselves is certainly a big part of multiplayer games, not taking that away from anyone. I simply feel like having the option to see a different visual for aesthetic and immersion reasons is also valid.

StarCraft has a cool toggle for cartoon and the more sci-fi original aesthetic. Is this argument thrown out the video simply because players need to have others view how they express themselves? You have real life for that. Games are designed to give the player options.


There will always be a group of people who oppose anything that allows others to see them for who they truly are.


No one said you couldnā€™t post your idea. Youā€™ve got people who agree with you in here, people who donā€™t and people who are neutral.

Thatā€™s the nature of opinions on a public forum.

But you are. I just explained this earlier.

You must comply. Compliance is mandatory. Dissent will not be tolerated.


Your biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own. Resistance is futile.


Ironically, when some of us donā€™t agree with a post or threadā€¦ thereā€™s a group that comes out of the woodwork to scream at us, insult us, dogpile on and harass usā€¦ all while claiming weā€™re the ones that arenā€™t allowing opinions.

The hypocrisy around this forum is real.


No there is no point to what was posted there, it was stupid and tone deaf. We we are going to talk about ptsd for victims of abuse then the most obvious thing to talk about is the amount of violence in WoW. People are more bothered by seeing a some thigh, butt cheeks, or side boob than about the violence.

If we are going to think about the victims and the children then we need to go all the way.

I mean at least he wasnā€™t an elementary teacher

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Irony. Some people hide their profile to hide their post history. /shrug


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Gotta admit, woulda been worse

ā€œI need to see the gear!ā€ in an expansion where you can visit a machine to turn anything into tier.

Theyā€™re wearing current tier btw.

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I sometimes wear socks with thongs, though it is depending on time of year. If I am lazy to put on proper shoes and needing to race down the street, and it is cold, then I would put on a pair of thongs while still wearing socks.

A pair?

Most people only wear the one

The double-take my American eyes did


These things?

What do you call them over there?