Option to hide transmog

For someone who claims to have me on ignore, you sure do like to harass me consistently with this kind of nonsense.

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Thats how that group works. lol.
YOU arent allowed to have any opinion or view THEY dont approve of, lol


Yes, and no one is advocating for that to change? If people want to transmog with no visible armour thats a choice thats already in the game.

Being able to turn off everyone elseā€™s transmog is much likely a larger technical difficulty then adding a toy like the Corgi Glasses because the game has to overwrite the settings of every item slot on every other character in the game.

If it was such a simple thing it would be in the game already.

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Ah, theyā€™re just Germans.

Dude you have a serious obsession lol

What about socks over sandals

Mein gott!


The ultimate turn off: socks in bed.

Because arachnaphobia is real and transmogriphobia is not?


socks with crocs team FTW

you canā€™t stop me :slight_smile:

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This isnā€™t something that should warrant that. Itā€™s not like Iā€™m going on strike lol. This shouldnā€™t be an all or nothing situation. If I want to transmog and see others with transmog, I can. If I donā€™t want to see others transmog, I donā€™t.

For me itā€™s more than not wanting to see certain transmogs. I feel like it ruins the Warcraft immersion that I try to enjoy. Itā€™s like trying to enjoy first person shooter Doom but instead of the brutality and darkness, you see rainbows and sunflowers. Theirs a reason why people didnā€™t like the rainbow secret cow level in Diablo 3.

Aesthetic and immersion is important for players depending on what they want out of the game.

Again, people are acting as if Iā€™m taking away their option to wear and view transmogā€¦ /facepalm.


But what if he/she is only wearing socks?


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not really, Ive already mentioned the Xray spec that REMOVE all your transmogs. So they do have a toy already in game for Engineering that has this kind of effect.
instead of REMOVING your mogs entirelyā€¦it removes the appearances.
I doubt this is gonna cause blizzard to go bankrupt making such a toy.

Are we just openly lying now?

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People have a fear of clown but I still see certain people are allowed to post in this forum lol


That was my point. Itā€™s creepy to just have socks on and nothing else. lol

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Im really feeling attacked hereā€¦I never go sockless :rofl: :rofl:

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and then they lash out emotionally if you point out the behavior lol


Yes. It is. And part of that is showing everyone how we express ourselves and how we identify as unique individual characters.

Once more, because you refuse to answer: how do you deal with seeing peopleā€™s outfits in real life?

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Hey, no!

*Bap! * :newspaper_roll:

You two, out!