Option to hide transmog

Try answering my question.

Because you are blocking me from how I want people to see my character’s identity. Our characters are a reflection of how we want to be seen in a game where we can look unique. Not just to ourselves. But to everyone around us.

So once more, how do you deal with people in real life expressing themselves through how they dress?


so op remove your transmog then


That is quite the logical argument indeed.
I do believe in the recent past here someone actually did vocalize being a victim of some kind of abuse in here.
Maybe thats enough of an argument to take blizzard to task on this one.
I mean, as i said, we already have the Xray specs that kind do this thing with mogs.

Ok sure, then I’d also like to stop seeing some of the ridiculous mount, everyone should appear on a horse for me.

Oh and some of these customization options are ridiculous. I would prefer all dwarves to have the standard gray beard. No more humans with pink hair, and so on.

Thanks for the suggestion now if we choose we can look at cookie cutter races on cookie cutter mounts with cookie cutter gear sounds riveting


The request isn’t to see everyone naked, it’s to turn off their transmog so you just see what their armour looks like without transmog, like it was from Vanilla to Patch 4.3

If seeing people dress up their characters is causing emotional stress then that person should probably be in a mental institution and not on the internet.

EDIT: Fixed incorrect patch number.

This would effect you in no way. If people wanted to see what you made they wouldn’t use the toggle.

Also, he’s talking about the game, not real life.

Forcing someone to see something despite them not wanting to see it… too many things to unravel here.


I think this should be an option which is sold in the cash shop, so OP can put his money where his mouth is. But it should also turn off his transmog.

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As someone who has been sexually abused and been in therapy for it… please don’t ever attempt to speak on this again.


I give that about 50/50 lol.
Some like to argue for the arguments sake, not from logic and reason.

You want to walk through the game seeing everyone in mismatched BC clown costumes?

Nah, this is a stupid request.


This is you trying to create drama. You still refuse to answer my question.

How do you deal with seeing people’s outfits and their personal expression in real life?


Nah, it’ll give PvP advantages so it’ll never happen

Brother, you can’t tell someone what not to talk about.

Given it was “important” enough to make an arachnophobia filter this isn’t a stretch.


I’m aware but part of tmog is they allow people to be in nothing but their underwear

No, I will speak up on a logical inconsistency in the game. I did not speak for people that have been abused, I spoke of the logical inconsistency that blizzard has implemented.


of course they can…they own this forum, dont ya know…or believe they do…just go watch the system flags thread and see, lol


What you’re claiming isn’t logical. And all you’re doing is creating ignorance and misinformation.


Is this request stupid because you don’t like it? Good argument lol :joy:


And yet you do want to see the hideous things they’ve been trying to push as tier gear lately? :dracthyr_tea:

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Well to be fair I do feel abit queasy when I see someone wearing socks and sandals.
