Option to hide transmog

The only talk I’ve had in a dungeon in the last 3 weeks playing WoW (remix) -

  1. You better kill all these adds! (When I ran to the end and 1 shot the boss, proceeded to leave the dungeon).

  2. I had someone get a little too cutesy flirty with me over my boomkin. I was about to go to druidHR.

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Then that’s a very special kind of needy right there…


Of all the things to get flirty over in this game, imagine choosing the fat manaless bird.

I’ll never understand the “I must be seen!” Movement. /shrug

Imagine if they made it so you could play as a basketball player or pop star… would my argument still be mute because the player has the right to express themselves?

People want to play dress up while others want to play Warcraft.


Nope, it won’t.

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touche, although - and not to be contrarian - i have noticed remix is basically supersetting every mob in the dungeon. no rest, chain pulling, because of the wildly out of sync stats.

When I tank a call-to-arms Heroic I try not to be a ‘pull it all, let the Light sort it out’ kind of tank, because having read it here, and talked to PUGs in dungeons, it’s not really fun just to play ‘run behind tank and loot bodies.’ So I try not to pull too crazily, but just big enough to allow them to see their big dps numbers.

“I just want to climb on you and hug you.”

If i was a creative human, i would photoshop a Moonkin in the 'ol HR meme…


No, it would be moo

It’s like a cow’s opinion - it doesn’t matter.

the poor Tauren :confused:

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I feel attacked.


I agree, but hey… if we can’t come to GD and ask for stuff we’ll never get then where else can we turn? … based on a side tangent in this thread Discord would be worse…

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The purpose is pointless


your opinion matters to me

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Speaking of which, has anybody checked on Baine recently? I think we left him sitting in a corner in Oribos.

Which, to be fair, the Horde might prefer.

Whose? … /10char

he’s running free and hanging out in Ohn’aran Plains

He’s still medium rare.


is this a meta joke? I’m pretty dense, so i bet the joke is flying over my head…

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still there.