Option to hide transmog

Obviously I did and I think it’s a weak argument.

Same energy, though. People dress the way they do because it’s how they want to be seen. Giving players the ability to nullify the self expression of others is a pretty silly thing to do.


They can still express themselves. Why does my looking at it need to matter?

Hell - how would they even know? Like if I had an add on that removed transmogs… How would they know?

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Doesn’t matter. If you really don’t want to see it, then don’t look at them.

Not in the context provided by myself and others when it comes to immersion.


You’d be more immersed by people wearing mismatched clown outfits again, yeah?


Honestly yeah, made more sense to me.


More so that a yeti onsie and an inflatable murloc belt… yea


Do those things hurt you in some way?


This is essentially what we’re asking for just with a toggle.

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Nope, same way it wouldn’t hurt anyone if I didn’t see their transmog…


No, you’re asking to mute the visual self expression of other players. You’re saying “I don’t like the way they dress, let me force them to wear modest clothing that suits my preferences”

It’s an MMO. There are other players. Sorry that you have to deal with that.

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Jokes on them if they think I wont attempt to tank dungeons without pants on.

End of the day, it’s just not going to happen.

The handful of people that would actually turn it on would immediately turn it off when they see the mismatched clown show that player characters look like without transmog, and Blizzard knows that.

They’re not going to develop it. You’re welcome to waste time continuing to ask, though.


I was gonna say, if they introduce this feature, don’t be surprised if players go back to carrying around separate RP sets to make sure everyone sees their outfit.

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i would like to have the option for more silly transmog just so we can see quality threads like these. how about balloon party hats?

Only if my rogue gets throwing knives back so I can try to pop them.

On an unrelated note, I miss having melee/ranged weapon slots. I want my dedicated Egan’s Blaster slot back.

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More people would turn off transmog than will use the arachnophobia feature.

I guarantee it.

How would you all even know someone was using it?

People barely talk in WoW.


The implication of that post is that is not going to matter if you’re seeing my transmog or my actual gear because they will be the same thing.

I need to start screen capping my chatter i have in dungeons. I usually love talking in dungeons (even M+, was in an 8 BH last night, complementing my dps for blasting and heals for keeping me alive), if even just superficially, and I don’t mind getting dunked on. I try to be more conversant to increase the overall “talkiness” because I, too, think some lively banter is mana for my nerd soul