Option to hide transmog

If someone’s self worth is defined by the validation they receive from others then I hope they receive the help they need

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I’m going to take off all of Fuzz’s armor when I log in next.


it was horrible.
summer floaties and bikini transmogs everywhere.

i log in and kaboom instantly see some void elf in a summer swimsuit with summer hat.
will never be the same again.

Well that escalated oddly.

No one asked for validation. I don’t need someone to comment. I just know that the way I express myself or my identity is out there. As it should be. Not stifled by someone’s private need to stop that expression of someone else’s character in a game.

But if you’re going to escalate this conversation into mental health issues… then I have no interest in speaking further with you.

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So. right click and inspect?

To visually see. Notice we’ve discussed the aesthetic among other reasons.

I did. You just never went any further than a surface level because you want to express yourself which doesn’t counter anyone else’s opinion.

You expressing yourself is a 1 person venture. Your transmog is for you, not others.

You need something more.

And going into LGBTQ political views to defend your video game clothing identity and trying to tie it into erasure is 100% inappropriate.

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I imagine that currently when the server calls to render a character it only needs to pull the ID of the transmogged piece since knowing the original piece has no impact on rendering that character.

But if the option proposed were to go through since the server would not know whether the client-side option to view transmog or not was chosen, it would need to provide the ID of both the original piece and the transmogged piece for the rendering to work. Doubling the calls on the server needed to render each armor piece per character. Doubling the calls that everyone in game will feel.

In a small setting that might be fine. But in Valdrakken or a raid or BG, where there is already noticeable slowdown on performance with the numbers or players that need to be rendered, this further degradation would be intolerable.

There are toys that alter appearances of others purely client-side that won’t impact the performance on others. Like the Corgi Goggles or the toy from Love in the Air. Please use those of seeing others’ transmogs is so bothersome, but don’t ask for others to tolerate worse performance because of your inability to cope.

Look, I just want to wear cool armor and do some quests and kill some things. I like to get into the game and the character I play… but when a character runs by in the goofy ‘fun’ mogs… I enjoy the game less. And the point that appears to be getting made is that matters less then what other players may or may not be seeing by those they’re never going to interact with anyway…

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You got reported. The flag will probably get removed since I don’t really see anything objectionable about your request even if I disagree and Vrak already nuked this thread of the off-topic arguments.

Her second post in the thread.

well folks looks like we got ourselves a good old fasioned trainwreck here.


PS - someone could probably create an add on that just removes transmogs. Similar to how ilvl is shown. Your old gear is still listed.

They absolutely can’t. Anything that modifies the in-game models gets perma-bans thrown with a quickness.

why do you need this?

This has “I don’t like seeing pride flags” energy, to be honest. Why do you hate self expression, TC?


Yeah and I said expressing herself is a 1 person venture.

i think it has more of a “no fantasy in my mmorpg” energy. just spikes and edges and boring gear.

Then you didn’t actually read what she said.

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That’s a disingenuous false equivalency that has already been offered up. Not at all what it’s about…