Option to hide or disable battle pets in armory

How’s their stalking you? Their just looking at your public armory about your character. That’s not stalking in any shape or form.

Well when somebody is hiding behind an alt and such, people tend to do that. People value honesty rather then deception.

If anything, it’s more then enough reason to have other characters you posted on be visible on the person’s post and rid the hidden profile (Since it doesn’t do anything truly positive), since it’s mostly just used by pretty dishonest people.

I’ve also noticed those same people also used the “It’s my privacy!! :scream:” bit quite often… :thinking:

It just honestly comes across as they dislike the fact that whatever they say on the internet stays there and whenever they try to hide it, people will think your being deceptive and such. I would also wager their the same person who refuses to show their main and yet at the same time, expects people to take their words seriously at their merit, when they need the experience to back it up.

Also, while i disagree with the whole agree of gatekeeping people who play classic and retail from each other, is it also sadly used for deception as well. And i think instead of keeping them off of retail, they should have an armory page that also links back to their retail characters.

They don’t have the legion UI in vanilla either, but here we are.

I find the only time I look people up is when they feel they have to have an opinion(read non stop posting about) on something that doesnt even include them. Like Mythic+ or raiding. 99/100 times that person has no experience in either.

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With their public characters? What will they lose actually on having them public? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Can we have two? I have this one and another one that i use for… ugh… other stuff… So two would work for me. :slight_smile:

Truth. I maintain a separate act for PVP cause I can’t troll on that acct. Might effect certain arrangements I have. Only way to keep it completely separate though I wish I could merge them for the mounts if nothing else.

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The real option is

Allow posters to be truly anonymous. Blizzard doesn’t want this. This is fair.

To be fair, outside of transmog threads I never post on other characters always this guy. He’s not currently my main but has been for some expansions thousands of posts later I hide nothing. Troll my post history all you want.

re-read as: BLizzard give me the option to hide my disgusting behavior so i can have plausible deniability to the people whos opinions i care about.


I read this as, I troll their achievements when I can’t win the argument. Maybe you’re not that guy, but most people who would rather look at what a person has done than what they have said are.

I agree with this. Talk is cheap generally w/o proof but some ppl hide for multiple reasons. I’ve known some amazing players who are “dumbish” on one account and amazing on another. As long as u r not harming others, let ppl do what they wanna do. Most just don’t understand :sweat_smile:

Reposting because i like this a lot


I just always post on this mate, and just link my characters when needed, personally speaking. Once upon i time i did post on different characters, but it was very very brief and i really don’t need to add “post on nearly 50 characters i’ve” on top of other alt-aholotic things.

At least you recognize that whatever you say stays on the internet and don’t hide the post history because of that.

I’m or not anybody is going to use the post history to troll you, especially if they point out the inconsistencies with the words you’ve said now and before or be wary of the sort of person defined by well… history.

Unless you use an unused character, character under level 10, or Classic Character then just about anyone can find your Armory Profile. Hidden or not.

You’re never gonna get me.


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You can’t post on a character lower than level 10.

Well then an unused character or classic then…

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Best idea here, or remove pet and mount collections. I don’t think people need to know what pets or mounts I have.

I have come to realize in the past month just how much players swap around on characters around here and it is… Insane. I think they probably don’t want to work on an army of classic characters and getting them all to level 10.

I use an unused character, but I stick to just one that way I am not trying to appear to be someone else. I don’t flag on multiple characters, and I don’t swap around for likes.

I’ve used this many times when gifting pets/mounts. When we did secret santa for a guild, and I felt I should fill in gifts for those people who didn’t come up with a gift, it saved my bacon. If I didn’t know what mounts or pets they already had, chances are there would have been repeats and that would have sucked for those.

If players aren’t trying to be shady and troll, and stayed away from using the characters that they don’t want players on the forums to know about, then it’s not an issue.

This is why they should move the WoW forums to using btag.

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I do pretty much the same. The only time I actively change is if I am asking for help on a specific character. It is easier if people can see that character’s armory. I rarely flag anything and don’t care about likes that much.

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That’s nice of you. :grinning:

Tuesday is forum maintenance day, maybe they have a way to prevent people from abusing alts. I’m not too keen on the battle.net tag, people might want to try and harass you from there.

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