Personally, I dislike GDKPs as it makes obtaining BIS without buying gold/somehow obtaining an absurd amount of gold via extreme time investment much more challenging. However I do think others advocating for unbanning GDKP have a point when they point out that GDKPs give people an incentive to continue raiding even when they no longer need gear. What are you guys’ ideas on how we can achieve the same effect without a GDKP system?
There’s been a few posts going around about gold rewards upon raid completion/something similar. They inspired me to create this post, however I don’t think they are perfect ideas as they would result in inflation.
on tbc/wotlk/cata ive never bought gold to buy bis in gdkps and ive always obtained full bis or close to full bis. the true way is to run w/ guild or SR. then after youre geared you can carry gdkps get paid for top dps/heal or tanking. get to kno the RL and they’ll break you off if youre good and help organize/carry/lead. do about 1-2 runs and you’ll likely be able to start buying full bis. the only ppl that strictly buy gold and get roflcarried in gdkps is VERY VERY LOW. but every so often there is a whale who is just afk 24/7 grey parse and buy a few items.
the major issue about GDKP topic is forum trolls or noobs who have absolutely no idea nor experience about the topic. and 99.99% of the time the anti-gdkper is a guildless or GUILDED low parsing player. good players know all this, and good players also understand GDKP genuinely has no impact on the game in a negative way. it doesnt hurt the economy enough to make a big deal about it. it only hurts feelings. this isn’t something to discuss though bc the average player is a man child and is incapable of comprehending.
the benefits of gdkp severely out-weight anything negative it can cause
ngl its straight up 100% same as the anti-gun control ppl. i hate to bring politics to this but it directly correlates to the same logic/reasoning and understandings. you either understand it or you dont. and ultimately whatever blizzard chooses will be the outcome.
I don’t really care if other ppl feel incentivized or not you shouldn’t be able to buy raid gear it’s that simple. Getting the people geared who help you get geared is kinda the thing to do. If you’re not in a guild well that’s a you problem really
well ya, it is also that simple. you shouldn’t care how other players play the game. if that were true though, then myself and im pretty sure 99% of players would agree that if you grey/green parse then you shouldn’t be allowed to roll on loot. participation trophies have no place in organized game-play that is directly incentivized by effort and helping.
also, did you know that the average parse in a gdkp is like 2-3x higher than the average normal guild-pug runs? if you think parses dont matter you should understand parses indicates effort and actually playing for the betterment of the entire raid/players.
i ultimately think players should be allowed to play how they want and nobody should be able to dictate or say how you prefer to play as long as 100% of the other players in said raid also agree.
The gear IS BOP it’s not meant to be sold… the trade window is cause blizz got tired of tickets asking for items to be swapped cause someone got gear they shouldn’t off. If it was meant to be sold BOP wouldn’t be a thing. It’s literally the rules of the game no game lets players make the rules. Sure they’ll take input and blizz did with banning gdkp the ppl who want it just never shut up about it for some reason
both very untrue statements. Tradeable or not, Master loot should of NEVER been a thing. yet it was created by blizzard. if you believe what you said, then /roll shouldn’t be in the game either right? ML rules are 100% up to whatever the raid agrees to.
ppl like you are why personal loot was made. (which myself i 100% prefer personal loot) personal loot shouldve been put into SoD.
it doesnt matter if its on group loot or master looter. you can still bid on stuff regardless if its bop or boe. hence why ppl use ML even in ms>os for /rolling.
you saying “its bop its not meant to be sold otherwise it would be boe” its completely untrue. ppl roll for things like formulas/recipes and skull flame shield, yet those are all boe’s AH items. do you not understand this?
just bc something is bop doesnt mean it shouldnt or cant be sold. i sold DMT chest/buffs all the time in 2019. just bc those are bop doesn’t mean i cant sell them. sold angerforge loot all the time as well which is all bop
So you argument is that because people roll for BOE items as is intended you shouldn’t roll BOP items and ppl should be able to buy them??? where you dropped on your head as a child??? yeah and ppl who need them need them and ppl selling them hit greed… Unless you’re just the kinda person who needs stuff to sell it?
nope. people can roll for AH or roll for usage. its 100% up to how the group organizes the rules. same for raiding for loot. its 100% up to the raid as a whole.
i think you were dropped not me. you seem like you think you have power over ppl and think you choose how the games played and youre wrong for that. players can play however they want. i bet you believe in communism irl with how you think bout gaming/wow lol.
after a quick look at your logs. its clear that you literally fit the description of every anti-gdkper i just listed so it makes sense why youre trying to bicker w me. gg i guess nooby shhttt tbh maybe you should buy gold and whale out in gdkps you clearly need the carrying and p2w lol
I laid out a proposal here, but Blizzard didn’t even bother to ask the actual GDKP community for feedback before removing our freedom. Is anyone surprised we quit?
You folks always seem to forget that GDKP raids are…actually raids. These folks aren’t buying gear from the WoW shop. So, they killed the same boss as you and they get rewarded for it using gold instead of dice. Are dice really the moral high ground you make them out to be? lmao
And also, what’s with the argument that the way Blizzard made the game is 100% correct and should be viewed as the word of god? Players do things they never expected or thought of all the time, and it makes the game better. Exactly like GDKP did.