Opinions on Alleria Windrunner new Key Art


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I like how with this new art it seems like the artist actually thought a bit about how the look works with her being an archer, braids to control hair from getting in her eyes, a smoother bit over her chest is less likely to catch a bowstring, stuff like that.


I think one individual summed it up nicely in the Wowhead comments and I share this sentiment.

"Alleria is the mother of an adult son and veteran of an eon long war. Why is she dressed like a teenaged zoomer? "


She’s been stuck fighting an eons long war, so maybe she felt like a change in style.

…my guy what Teenage Zoomer do you know dresses in armor like that? And where did they buy the outfit? :confused: :dracthyr_a1:

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I saw that on Wowhead, and can see where they’re coming from.

Looks cool, but I’m tired of the shaved side-head hairstyle. It’s a bit overused and I think they could’ve been a bit more creative in creating a fantasyesque look with shaving if they wanted.

It’s not shaved. It’s just braided tightly.


I saw the previous thread too, and it was in fact the complete opposite of trolling.
You should be getting onto Blizzard for deleting a completely legitimate thread, it’s ridiculous that it has to be reworded to avoid getting flagged as trolling when it was absolutely nothing of the sort.


Guess I should have specified I only share the sentiment, I don’t really agree 1:1. The teenage zoomer look really starts from the neck up with the fingerless gloves coming off a bit too Hot Topic but only because of the look as a whole.

Looks more like Vareesa to me but with regard to the overall sentiment the quote carries, I can see where they’re coming from. If you asked me who this was without a title I would have assumed it was some Vareesa fan art.

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Looks kinda meh to me.


Plenty of people are bothered by it. If you can’t see that then you’re simply not paying attention.


So you didn’t actually read that thread. Thanks for confirming.

The thread was absolutely trolling, but also had some severe derailment into people thinking that “cis” was a slur. There wasn’t a single redeeming thing about that thread. The world is all the better with some of those posts not existing.


Why are you even saying this? Just to attack her?

I disagree, but as someone said earlier art is subjective. Everyone sees it differently.


I read the entire post. Are you sure you did?

It was the complete opposite of trolling. Literally the… complete… opposite.
Do you even know what the term means at all?

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OP is that you? Did you alt hop to try and generate your own back up?


Lol…no. You all seem to live in such echo chambers of willful ignorance that you don’t know just how many people agree with me and not with you.

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It would be better to just be trolling than to say that stuff sincerely. Fortunately there’s a flag option for “Inappropriate” as well.

“people thinking that “cis” was a slur.”
That wasn’t in my WoW forum post. You didn’t read it.