Opinions on Alleria Windrunner new Key Art

The void took some Alleria muscle tone in her arms and made her smaller and surprising younger looking. Her eyes are a deeper shade of blue now. The Void gave her a nose job, not that she needed one. In general, she just looking more like light-skinned void elf, all deck out in blue, not that’s a bad thing, always back the Blue, people.

Im not huge on the new outfit.
But im just glad to see alleria in the spotlight.

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This again?


I will say some of the things I like is her hair seems Nordic inspired, which the whole lore for Helves comes from Norse lore. And she has an arm guard on one sleeve which looks pretty cool. Plus that bow is pretty nice.


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Every artist is going to have a different take. Doesn’t mean her model in game will change other than getting new hair and armour. Regardless, the art looks good.


She looks like garbage with that hairstyle, and seems to have lost portions of her bust and hips.
Pretty disappointing, honestly.


Eh, just made her an even more generic take on a stereotypical elf character. Pretty meh, to me.


Completely agree.

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Her new hair style is ugly in my opinion. :dracthyr_shrug:


I’m not too worried about any apparent body changes in key art, since the in-game model will (hopefully) at least look similar to her existing model. I am not a fan of the hairstyle, as I feel it looks too “current year” and will be very dated once the current fad passes. I also prefer her old colors to her new ones, as the striking green hood was a very unique color and look in the game. Additionally, her purple void powers clashed with her gold hair and green hood in a way that looked great despite not fitting what I would consider an easy “color theory answer.”

I think her new colors were an attempt to simplify her design to make her more easily readable, but it just looks kind of washed out and bland to me; dependent on the void purple to pop and completely forgettable without it. I get that void is her thing now, and she’s not going to ever BE without that purple power, but I still can’t help but see it as a loss, design-wise.

Either way, production is far enough along that they’re not going to change it, and I’m nowhere near bothered enough by one character design to affect whether or not I buy the expansion (I already preordered)


I really like the new look a lot better than the old one. Really fits her story as its unfolded I think.

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I like it makes her look younger,also the bow looks sharp.

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The thing I noticed between the two pictures of Alleria, then and now, is that the traditional picture looks like WoW art style.
The current picture has anime overtones to it which you can see in her face which has a chubby, wide-eyed childlike aspect to it and she does seem to be lacking a bit of the muscle tone as her arm that’s exposed appears too thin, which is what anime characters have in common.

I really dislike anime and don’t want it ingame. I get the same revulsive reaction to anime that I get from Disney art style so I avoid them both but that’s me.

I really hope that Blizz doesn’t go down this anime road as FF fills in that for those who want it.
There isn’t another game that does art the way Blizz traditionally has and that’s always been a big draw for me.
It’d be a shame to lose that.

  • thought of something else. Old Alleria looks capable for the world of Azeroth.
    New Alleria doesn’t. New Alleria looks like a high school kid to me.

Her face/body/outfit look fine, but that hair… ugh. One of the major red flags for an insufferable self-insert “sUpEr CoOl BaD gIrL”. That’s a yikes from me, folks.


New art looks great. But if we hadn’t been told it was Alleria i would have thought it was a new character.


Looks too young to be the big sister of Sylvanas.


I can already tell the person who made her hairstyle gets a $10 starbucks coffee every morning while ranting on twitter


Exactly. The new one looks animesque.


Horrible. That isnt anything like the Alleria we know. This is akin to some “void emo Alleria” skin if she was in HOTS.


That new image looks horrible. Why do these people hate women? Can we stop trying to make women look like men?

Freaking mysoginism that pretends to be empowerment.