Opinions on Alleria Windrunner new Key Art

I think its the hairstyle for me that makes her look younger.

I like the new look in general but like Dreadgoat said before maybe its just consept art and not the finish product…

To me the new armor and weapon looks cool… However they need to work on her face so she looks like… Alleria and not like either a long lost daughter or a younger version of herself. (IMO)


Nothing wrong with this post. Just players opiniona on new Key/Concept art. If this is 404’d what really remains in these forums?


Same OP.


As concept art goes it looks great. I don’t see anything wrong with it. Wish we had that hairstyle in game. And the armor too, though I’d want some different colors for it. Maybe Black, Or a nice Dark blue with silver accents. :dracthyr_nod:


No need to stir up something that doesn’t exist. Especially when it’s been remedied with a neutral post to get other’s thoughts and nothing else.


I think her new look is fantastic. The old bikini armor was cringe.


Yes. This post is neutral and asking for discussion and opinions, with nothing else added. The point of general discussion.


Oooo that’s true if it we could get that in game it be great… uff, that armor in black or have a bit of space FX like the Void elf Heritage armor would really look soooo good!

Ok? I’m familiar with the point of GD. Not sure why you’re directing this comment at me.

Looks good


It reminds me of the sombra hairstyle fem nelves have. At least I think that’s the name…

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Yeah, I agree. I do like the new armor and bow…the bow especially. Hopefully we can get some like this in game.

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It would be fantastic. My Velf hunter would rock that armor. She’d look fantastic in it.


Yep, that’s the one. And it is pretty close. Wonder what the hairstyle will look like on the actual in game model when we see it in testing.

Hmm, I didn’t intend it to. Not sure how that happened. Disregard it.

I just hope the ingame versions still looks like her. Blizzard, for a long time, had a bad habit of updating characters and the characters looked nothing like they used to. Anduin is the biggest culprit of this.


It’s like with comics. It’s just one artist’s interpretation. There will be different others.

She looks good. The only mistake they made was not making her skin blue like a proper velf :triumph:

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Meh, it’s okay. I don’t like the haircut.


Don’t really care. I didn’t care when they updated Thrall all 6 times they updated him, Varian, Saurfang, Anduin, etc. I really don’t care that they updated her.