Opinion on the in-game shop?

In game shop is fine. It’s a revenue stream for them and most likely one of the reasons our basic monthly subscription hasn’t increased in years.

Take away the shop and we will most likely be paying more a month. Whether they need it or not to function, doesn’t matter anymore. Blizzard would have to justify the loss with an increase somewhere else. There’s always consequences to actions.

Removal of WF/TF and then decrease in loot drops come to mind. If you don’t think these are related, then you have to be a special type of stupid.

It’s pretty amazing considering the annual rise in inflation that we don’t pay more. We pay more for pretty much everything else. In fact, we are actually paying less per month for this game than we were in 2004 when you factor in annual inflation.

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In a transmog competition, looking good definitely matters.

Looking good while wearing hard to obtain items, however, both looks good and is impressive. People go “wow, looks amazing AND, OMG, they have THAT item”

With store items, at best you can look good, and people will overlook it’s a store item, at worst, they look at is as a negative that takes away from it and makes it look ugly.

However, even if you look bad, people will still be impressed seeing a hard to get item. That never happens with the store items. No one is going to be impressed when you use store items. But if they bring out like 100 exalted rep mount, which is basically a recolour of similar mounts, they will be impressed by what it represents. If you look at the mounts being used by people, when it isn’t from the store, you’ll quickly notice it’s usually related either to rarity or some key achievement.

Actually, for many countries recently, they ARE paying more for subscribing to the game. The US is increasingly an exception.

Uh idc, most of the stuff is cosmetics and there’s SO many mounts and pets in the game. I’m glad it exists for people who just have extra money to dump though.


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I never thought of it that way. If Blizzard did remove the shop, I’d imagine they’d have to recuperate costs some other way. This could negatively effect the game or make the cost of entry much higher. Considering the in-game shop is minimal compared to other games, I think Blizzard does an excellent job.

If I had any faith that the money we spent in the cash shop directly went back into making the game better I’d be more for it. But let’s be real here, we already pay the box price of the game AND a subscription. Things in the store actually take away from what can be put into the game without additional costs.

edit: I realize the irony of not liking the cash shop while wearing a transmog piece from that very cash shop. I’m a chump, but at least a self aware chump lol

I think there’s plenty of mounts in-game that look amazing and just as good if not better than the in-game store mounts. Sure I love the piggy and fox mount from the store, but I wouldn’t consider them to be better looking than some of the more rare mounts in the game. I just purchased them because I happen to like them and think they’d look cute with some of my transmogs and race options.

I don’t like cash shops of any kind.

If they have to exist, I’d rather they be marketplaces for the best of the community’s creative output, with the designer and Blizzard dividing the profits… just imagine having a bevy of player-designed cosmetics to choose from, all with vastly differing looks+feels, instead of the handful of Blizz-designed things most of which are kinda ugly.

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I think that’s a great idea. There’s plenty of good player-driven art out there to look at. Would be interesting to see Blizzard approach to designing the in-game shop with mounts/cosmetics with fan-art that gets voted on by the community.

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It should exist :smiley:

I want them to add more tmogs to the shop !

This is entirely false ,when I win the first trial of style 98x in a row some the themes I used the ice crown from the store and people didn’t think any less of my tmogs just bcuz it was a store item 🤷

Most the time I don’t think people really care where it’s from most people in this game are not fashion tmog addicts like me .

Most the time the negativity comes from people who can’t afford items so they just hate on it or the people who just want everything for free so they also hate on it but people don’t overlook store items nor do they feel impressed by earned in-game items . At most if they were impressed by an item earned it’s be from something mythic or high rated for a rare achievement or a rare farm .

99% tho people do what makes them happy

Exactly, the more rare mounts, which are typically the ones that look the best, because they are more difficult to get.

So then, someone has a mount that not only looks good, but also reflects a particular achievement in the game.

versus something that just needed a credit card.

If you like and want it, it’s within your ability to get it, and luckily, you don’t care what others people think, because many, if not the majority, aren’t going to find it as impressive as a rare or difficult to obtain mount that looks good. Heck, some rare and difficult to get mounts don’t even need to look good for people to be impressed. Because it’s an MMO, and you are socializing with people, a good amount will choose a particular mount knowing it will send a signal to others about the feat you achieved. Consider how many use the timewalking mount, for example, which is done to a large extent because it’s a rare drop from timewalking. There’s none of that prestige and impressive when someone is seen with a store mount. During a raid tier, you’ll see people even show of their raid mount in the cities because they know the message it gives. No one sits in the city showing off their store mount, and worse, it might be something you see a lot because it’s so easy to obtain, which makes it’s coolness diminished. When you are using the same mount as so many people, it makes it look less impressive and more like you are just a sheep. In short, rarity and impresiveness adds to how good something looks.

But luckily, you don’t care what others think…

You think people actually form an opinion and properly judge what they like most during trial of style? Isn’t the joke that people just pick whatever comes first?

I never mentioned trial of style, I stated competitions run in-game, like the ones by streamers on twitch.


Did I just read this correctly!?


Obviously , the first trial of style people actually took it seriously it wasn’t til the 2nd and 3rd etc that it went downhill . Trial of style is the same as transmogs competitions in the game it’s the same concept . People pick the best transmogs . Period.

I agree, the shop is a positive addition. This is coming from someone who hasn’t purchased anything from it other than the Celestial Steed and Lil’ K.T. when they were first introduced in WotLK.

The argument that our subscriptions and expansion purchases entitle us to all content created for the game is wrong. The games, subscriptions and their profits don’t claim that we will be entitled to everything that they create.

It’s unclear that people actually pick the best transmogs, as you say, it’s gone downhill.

It could be “best tabard”, and someone without a tabard will win or be second lol I think many just click whatever is quickest to click to get it done.

You’re right on that. I’ve personally never cared to impress anyone with anything in-game. I just ride around or use transmogs that i find fun.

I’m not playing this game to impress anyone. I’ve never once thought of which mount I’m going to afk on in the city or not just to impress other players. I just use my random favorite mount button and go lol.

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It’s fine. I love it. I own every mount and pet and transmog from the shop.

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