Opinion on the in-game shop?

yes, because ketchup is the most dire supply. if it ever got to the point where there’s an actual, world-threatening mega virus we’d just be breaking into abandoned warehouses for stuff anyways.

it’s a good thing that scenario is massively exaggerated fiction.

i play the game for me so if i buy a mount its because i like it not because i want you or anyone else to like it? playing a game in a way to make someone else happy sounds more toxic than just playing how you want if paying 15$ doesnt effect anyone elses game why does it matter?


I love the way WoW does its store, and I am very excited to see the Year of the Ox mount, which should be coming very soon.

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I really don’t understand Yranda’s point of view either. I don’t think most people purchase the in-game stuff to impress others. I just like rolling around on my piggy mount.


I’m letting you know how many people feel about the store and people who purchase items from it.

There’s been campaigns against people purchasing from it, and stories about people being kicked when the transmog was added, which many found especially vile because it was adding a new category.

If there’s any kind of mount or transmog competition done casually or by streamers, people wearing store bought items are pretty much disqualified.

You asked what people think about the store, and I’ve told you exactly what a strong segment believes. You say you don’t care, and that you don’t do it to impress, so fine. But also be glad because many people aren’t just unimpressed, they downright hate it. If you ever even try to show off a purchase you are somewhat happy about, many people, rather than saying grats, will either say nothing or downright say how they dislike it because it comes from the store.

None of this information should honestly be new or surprising, it’s pretty much been a strong sentiment ever since the store has been added, and whenever a new item is added, you can expect new threads about how people hate it, just like when the transmog came out. Just telling you the truth of the matter.

Stating the store is controversial and that people using store items often have a stigma against them isn’t new information.

They don’t directly do it. But what do you think people buy tokens for as well? Gear Mats carries. So yeah they do sorry.

You sound salty.

I expect to hear some disappointment but being completely against it is just silly. Also, punishing players for supporting the game is just silly as well. It’s here to stay so why not help improve it instead of having a sour approach?

I don’t watch streamers or participate in transmog competitions, but I think it’s a bit disappointing if you disqualify someone just because they bought something from the in-game store. If it looks good why do you care? It’s that type of sentiment I’ll never understand. Just hating because you can. It benefits no one.


you mean like how everyone pays 15 dollars a month for quality content?

I see the $15 a month the cost of entry to play the game. It’s a very small amount. There’s also plenty of quality content in the game as is. I’m more than happy to pay extra to have even more quality content in the game. Without the in-game shop, we’d have less content. Some seem to be okay with that but I’m more than happy to spend extra if I see something I like. :man_shrugging:

Because there’s zero effort or prestige involved.

A store mount isn’t going to have the same impact nor impression as a mount that comes from the top tier of PvP, or the mythic raid boss while it’s current. Although certain mounts are also consider amazing when they have a 1% drop rate or require significant effort, like obtaining 100 exalted reputations.

Mounts have a particular meaning associated with them, just like clothes with a particular brand name can impress.

When it’s as store bought item, you show nothing other than your ability to use your credit card at best, and at worse, it suggests you are so horrible at the game that you need to obtain items from the store because you aren’t a good enough player to actually obtain anything noteworthy in the game.

When you purchase items from the store, that doesn’t promote them adding better things inside the game.

It promotes them adding further item in the store, and items that are substantially better than the vast majority of items in the game. It’s become a meme to say: “You know how a mount will be in the store? If it looks amazing and better than what can be obtain inside the game”

Also, as the store and the game has progressed over time, the amount of items in the store has increased while the amount of items in the game has decreased expansion to expansion.

I fully understand the concerns of those who don’t like the shop, but like every time this topic is discussed in GD, I just disagree.

The only thing they sell on the store that I dislike is the level boosts. Those are player power, so I don’t like that they let you buy them. But oh well. I don’t lose sleep over it.

The battle pets…mmm, some of them are quite good for battling, and now that I’m into pet battles, the existence of strong pets on the store is something of a conundrum. Given that it’s optional side content, however, and does not actually net my character anything for character progression ingame…I’m good with it. On pet battle weeks, we don’t get gear upgrades for our character but for our battle pets.

As long as they stick to items that are cosmetic and optional and do not give the player a leg-up over players who do not have said items, I love the store. I also like the incentive they give for 6-month subs (which are cheaper than month-to-month) by granting the store mounts to people who have them.

If it keeps the game in development and solvent…I’m all for it.

I understand the fears and objections stated by those who hate the store, but I disagree. We’ve had the store since Celestial Steed, and they have been saying, “slippery slope to PTW” since that day. Hasn’t happened, and it’s been more than a decade. When and if they start handing out stat gear in the cash store, I’ll boycott it with you. Until then…yay, an alpaca pet!

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It shouldn’t exist for a sub based game.

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In its current iteration I dont see anything wrong with it. Everything in it is obtainable through in game means. None of it is cash only and none of it is tied to power or progression.

I see the 40 dollars per an expansion as the entry to play.

So are these competitions only to show off your prestigious status from collecting hard to obtain mounts/transmogs? I wouldn’t know because I don’t participate in them. When I think of transmog competitions, I think of having all options available. If you make a good transmog and it includes store-bought items, why would you disqualify that? If that’s the case, these competitions should be renamed to “prestigious mogs” or something like that.

Why? Nothing in it requires you to pay cash for. You can get everything in it through in game efforts

That’s a sticking point for many people.

Usually, the game either has a subscription, or it is free, with things to purchase.

WoW basically set a trend for MMOs that said it was ok to have it be both a subscription and with cosmetics.

I see the $40 per expansion as part of all the new content you get with the expansion. Dungeons, raids, transmogs, covenants, etc… The $15 is to support the cost of up-keeping servers and services, along with new patch contents.