Opinion on the in-game shop?

What type of mounts would you be interested in? I think adding the gargoyle mounts would be an interesting shop mount. You mentioned there aren’t a lot of unique models, there’s plenty of new models in shadowlands that could be used as mounts. What are some models you’d be interested in?

Because there’s a sucker born every minute while a fool and his money are easily parted.

They’ve done a good job at making people actually enthusiastic about paying for things they used to get for free.

None. If it was up to me, there would never be any additional items added. Instead, place those items in-game only.

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Really now here advertising your store and the products you sell Blizzard. Why buy a mount you can’t use to fly in SL with? things must be pretty bad to be on the forum talking up your own products.

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$15 a month isn’t that much. That’s like s pizza and a soft drink dinner lol.

My favourite moment was perhaps in WoD, when they released a mount that could fly, advertised its ability to fly in the trailer, all while trying to remove flying from WoD and convince people the game was better without flight. That was kinda hilarious

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Yes, for Americans. Anyway, if you are happy for them to spend your money on Microtransaction and not the actual game contents then…well…

They are even proud of the fact that subscription rates are now irrelevant and don’t represent how they make money.

Then they wonder why the quality of the in-game experience has gone down…why bother when people like the OP are pleading for ways they can spend even more on items they can’t get just by playing the game or having it be a reward.

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but… you can get the items just by playing the game.


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A snake mount would be a really fun mount to have in the game. Slithering around everywhere. Sounds like something that’d be unique.

Like Nobully said, you can get them if you spend in-game gold. I don’t think the quality of the game has decreased at all. There’s plenty of new mounts that are some of the best looking mounts in the game only obtainable through content.

What’s wrong with wanting to support the game further have Blizzard make interesting mounts through the in-game shop? They wouldn’t bother making that type of content if they weren’t making a profit. They are a business after all.

You are the type of person who spends 2000 dollars on a sucky mobile game’s shop. I mean happiness can’t be measured so you do you I guess.

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We’ll be able to fly soon enough in Shadowlands, and I play other content outside the expansion quite often. I’m not a Blizzard employee but I want to give them some ideas for future shop content.

One thing about Blizzard’s item shop that I do like is all the stuff you purchase are account-wide. I really dislike games that have mounts and items solely for one character like Black Desert. Just makes me not want to play any alts nor possibly not buy any premium items for fear of not playing the character anymore.

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Agreed, I know FFXIV does this as well with some of their in-game shop items. Black Desert I’ve heard in the past has some pay-2-win aspects as well… not sure how true it is but that’s something I want to stay far away from. The game does look very pretty tho.

It’s fine in the sense that there’s no P2W features in it.

It stinks because it’s obvious most effort is going towards store mounts and not in-game drop mounts.

I really don’t get the extreme hate for an in game cash shop. Maybe because I only play Warcraft, and it is more of a vile Pay to Win scheme in other games, so people just reflexively hate it?

I see no issue for non combat stuff that has very little lore implications and is purely cosmetic. If people want to buy a Fairy Outfit or Bunny Pajamas, thats fine by me.

I suppose I will draw the line at actual power being purchasable. Like if Blizzard sells tokens that boost the ilvls of items by 15 ilvls. Or if they sell actual weapons and gear with stats that compare with Raid Gear. Then I would be against it.

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I like it and will continue to like it as long it is only cosmetic things like mounts and pets (mostly pets lol). If they ever started selling actual gear that would be a problem for me.



I usually only buy mounts when they are on sale or if the sales are going towards a charity or relief from some disaster, sometimes as gifts. I use the services more, which you could argue is not really a “cash shop” thing, I do wish the race change was a little less though.

As long as in-game rewards outpace store items, I’m fine with it.

nonsense. no one is forcing you to buy anything.
some of us enjoy having stuff to purchase outright.

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