Opinion on the in-game shop?

For some reason, I get the impression you watch Asmongold and probably buy his merchandise. Yes, you’re right. I’m definitely trying to make you seem sad because you are sad. For some reason, you can’t afford or want to take the initiative to get the in-store items so you resort to calling it bad and link all these opinion pieces to discredit it. I bet you get super jelly when you see others on the piggy mount.

I wasn’t even talking about Asmongold in my last comment you’ve responded to, and you’re just bringing his name up right out of nowhere. This is literally irrelevant.

Why don’t you tell me In your own words why you think the in game store is bad besides posting articles and YouTube videos telling you what to think? Can you think for yourself? Please tell me why you think cosmetic transmogs, mounts or toys destroy or ruin the game. I personally think the game is in a great shape and it’s only getting better. I believe the in game store adds to the game and funds many features and community events.

Here it is, in my own words. You’ve no longer a valid excuse anymore to ignore this since you did asked. Give it a nice little read since it’s not long at all. It’s only 3 paragraphs long. :point_down:

It looks like you have a problem with controlling your spending. It’s not the businesses fault because you opened your wallet to their optional store. The game is already full of cosmetics that you can earn yourself without paying.

Basically, you claim im uneducated because i buy into their in game store. It seems to me you have low self control and spent thousands on in game items and now regret. It’s not even possible to spend that amount in the WoW shop unless you purchase WoW tokens in huge qualities. You know it’s possible to buy into cosmetics and extras without spending a fortune? Sales happen all the time and the game isn’t losing quality because of a very small amount of in game shop pixels. I think the game is the best it’s ever been and it’s only getting better.

You asked me to explain why i think it’s bad in my own words since you don’t really like me linking Youtube videos or Articles as my evidence on why i dislike something.

Also “Leading the Witness” Fallacy. Look it up.

Still doesn’t justify it.

It’s you defending it and actively saying we need more as well saying it’s good for the game without ever explaining why. I was in the same exact position as you are, defending them because i thought they were harmless, until i learned what they are all about. Something that was stupid of me to do and i’ve regretted doing.

And i say all this because i don’t want people to go though the same experience i did. It’s why i’m against it. And i’m willing to bet that’s a lot of people’s experience with microtransactions, that they got burnt by it because they didn’t know better and now they did know, they are against it.

Oh dear, you’re doing the Tupacshekar* thing. That’s pretty bad when you have to emulate him. :confused:

* = Not the rapper, the poster. … Which i just now realized both him and you are named after rappers. Odd coincidence. :thinking:

if I may, why do you bother sticking around if you think the game is in such bad shape?

Why do you keep avoiding addressing my points and doing these off-topic things like that? Like seriously here? This is a third or fourth time you’ve done where you just made a comment that asks or says something totally different from what i’ve said like “you spent all morning typing that” or “you watch asmongold”. Now your thinking i think the game is in bad shape…? :confused:

You really are a troll; instead of reading and educating yourself, you’ve now just begun insulting. You are a troll and that’s why it was flagged. You have contributed NOTHING with this thread

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My suspicion is that you are both uneducated and young.

Probably still a student; i.e., lacking education

Because he’s a troll, same with the other guy

Arguing with you and calling you names is what he does for enjoyment. All his threads are inflammatory and he enjoys making huge threads like this where so many people tell him he’s wrong. Look at his history

But I do admire your perseverance

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No offense but, i really don’t like accusing people as trolls, because in all essence, that is burying the head in the sand and excusing what they say as trolls. That’s just how i see this whole “oh their just trolls” thing. In much the same vain as excusing microtransactions along it’s cosmetic.

In my opinion, they aren’t trolling at all but misleading people into thinking microtransactions are good without actually giving evidence on why they think they is, use “leading the witness” fallacy whenever somebody does prove why it’s bad or use them to explain why it’s bad, saying what we saying is from influencers, even though they are repeating the same things the influencers and corps said, and pretty much saying anybody who hates them are uneducated. Or whatever word they want to fill in the blank. Essentially “haters gonna ice skate”.

Something that is way worse then pure trolling. And it’s shocking how different people in this gaming community repeat the same things from each other and it’s honestly disgusting how people like that even be revolted to the idea of having this stuff in the game earned only ingame because they are thinking from a business perspective. What kind of honest to god gamer thinks like this where we must have more microtransactions? We must have more anti-consumer stuff like that?

i don’t need to prove things cost money.
a business has overheads.

i’m not “acting” like it’s a dumb thing to ask.

you’re the one who keeps claiming that it’s a problem… so… it’s quite literally your problem.
nothing about the store is ruining the game.

you’re not willing to “prove yourself” on why you think microtransactions are a bad thing, and don’t support the game.
…all you do is link articles. :sleeping:

investors are clearly happy, or they would have pulled out in the last 10+ years.

players asked for them.
no, i can’t point it out, because this is about the 5th iteration of the forum… posts from 2 years ago no longer exist, so i certainly can’t point you to posts made 13 years ago.

asking for 15 years?
prove it. show me the threads :wink:

it makes no sense to cater to the 1%

and the articles are also “just opinion”.

there was nothing to backpedal on.
i wasn’t making any sort of argument.
it was observational humor, based on your ongoing misuse of a word.

…i guess you forgot that you got snippy at me when i didn’t have 5 minutes… because you somehow determined that i “clearly did have 5 minutes” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

and now, to the main event… you’ve quoted yourself here, but you haven’t actually SAID anything.
you haven’t explained WHY it’s bad.
…just that “you educated yourself”.
“it isn’t a good practice, and i was manipulated” ???
lacking self-control, does not equate to manipulation.
i’ve been playing for about 14 years… and only just made my first store purchase a few weeks ago.
(and I LOVE MY SQUEAKERS!!) :mouse:

you weren’t manipulated into anything.

the only person who needs to learn from your mistakes, is you.
…and it sounds like this isn’t an issue which you have with blizzard, nor is it an issue with the gaming industry or the type of transaction.

it’s an issue you have with spending on frivolous things, and then dealing with your buyers remorse.

…that is a you problem… all the way to the bank.

Well, ok - just remember what happens when you wrestle with a pig.

I think gaming has evolved where this is just the norm now. I don’t think Blizz’s shop is a problem until it becomes p2w

-Buy Gold
-Buy BoEs

In a way, it already is.

The world first guilds talked about how much they spent.

Then you don’t need to be correct.

Then why not explain it then?

So is other people.

Because you are literally ignoring my links and evidence in order engage a “leading a witness” fallacy and even ignoring that, or don’t think it’s good enough.

I don’t see players genuinely asking for them.

You do realize the Wayback Machine exists?

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: … Really, all the time playing the game since presumably TBC, and you never seen anybody asking for High elves for all those years? I honestly find it hard to believe that you’ve never heard or seen those requests.

And before you ask me the same sort, i wasn’t on the forums until 2016.

So you’re being inconsistent with your arguments here.

And how do you know it’s 1%? Suddenly people who are against microtransactions are the 1%? May i remind you that one game got politicians involved to a point where the lootboxes has stopped for the most part? How’s that 1%?

Articles report facts about what’s going on in the video game industry. Explain to me why you think it’s just opinion.

Well if your obviously tired and want to go to bed, that’s understandable.
If your just sitting there, skimming though the stuff, and just writing me a comment telling me you did that in all the span of 5 minutes, it’s not.

Wow, even if i use my own words, it’s still not good enough for you. :neutral_face:

How about you link me proof on why you think Microtransactions are good then, since you keep shooting down my evidence here?

You do realize, you saying that i lacked self-control, implies i’m uneducated on the matter? I mean your actively proving my point that i was actually uneducated on this before i went ahead and learned about MTX, because heaven forbid, i want to learn something. You said or implied yourself that people should be educated before they make strong opinions. I educated myself and i have a strong opinion. Yet you still think that’s a bad thing to have because apparently it’s not the “Right” opinion to have is the vibe i’m getting.

Uhh, You have Lil’ Ragnaros in there. Unless you bought Lil’ Ragnaros second.

Defending by thinking it’s harmless and supporting microtransactions is a mistake, and i am glad to learn from that.

To be honest, the way you worded that i would imagine it be like those crocodile wrestlers on TV, but instead with a pig in mud. Kind of sounds like fun, if only the fact that pigs don’t swallow you in whole in one go and mud is slippery. :grin:

and it isn’t able to pull up single cached pages of forum.

ok, i recognize that wording.

i won’t keep feeding you any longer.

Fair enough. While on my search to find the high elf pages, the wayback machine was giving me the same exact trouble. I will half concede that one mainly for that reason. Not for the lack of trying, because they do exist (unless the Wayback machine doesn’t have them anymore or nobody has them archived anywhere on the net). I know for a fact they were asked for a long, long time, in BFA, in Legion, in WoD, MoP, Cata, and so forth. Kind of sad that is getting increasingly harder to find because of the old forums are gond, and the only way to know or get an idea at this point is just ask somebody who played TBC who uses the forums.

And given how much longer you played more then me, considering you’ve started near TBC, i honestly you would at least seen one high elf thread before 2019. (before shadowlands was announced).

Though i have seen plenty of people asking of microtransactions on other games. The only times i have seen people asking for microtransactions on here, are only doing it to rile people up or just misinformed on why it’s not really a great idea.

Because calling people out for using a fallacy is a troll move according to noagent. … :confused: /s

The flag was tossed out because I’m not trolling. I made a post about the in-game shop and how to improve it and what others would like to see added to it in future updates. When you come in and say “shop bad must remove” it does nothing but add negativity to the thread. Blizzard isn’t going to remove it and it’s here to stay so let’s be a community and help improve it.