Opinion on the in-game shop?

Fake (or Toxic) positivity here which is worse then negativity my friend, because you are using the positivity to shut down any criticism and defend the microtransactions by saying “no no, it’s good!”, and you’re not even explaining why, all the while putting down other people who hate it, dressing it up as “bring negative” so it justifies what you do. You weren’t just asking for opinions on the ingame shop. You aren’t being genuinely positive, let’s be honest here.


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No, fighting to remove it helps keep it to a minimum.

If they saw a lot of positivity about it, they would put even more into it.

I also kinda told you how to improve it, make a currency for it that isn’t gold and can’t be purchased.

But that would just promote putting more things in it, so best to just stop adding additional things all together.

Or you can grind gold. Buy token and get the mount

Jaw drop

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Buy token and get the mount, contributing even more to using real money for things.

Grind Gold, while they go about nerfing the amount of gold people can make and increasing the gold price of items in the game. You realize you get less gold for killing a boss now than you did in previous expansions?

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For some reason, Yranda can’t seem to understand that. She want’s a special currency which would not solve anything but makes things more confusing and diluted. to me, they just want a free handout and complain if they can’t get it.

I don’t want a special currency, I want it to stop existing.

Stating there should be a separate currency, separate from gold, is just a compromise on that position.

It doesn’t confuse or dilutes anything, unless you somehow can’t comprehend a currency being devoted to items, when that already exists to a great extent with other currencies.

Does the use of Anima for mounts and cosmetics confuse you?

I honestly don’t care about mounts/pets/transmogs being there. They’re cosmetic, even the ones with functionality (2 seaters, mostly), you have the ability to get that functionality from other mounts in game.

I’m fine with all the transfers too (realm & faction changes).

The only thing I’m not a fan of is the character boosts. That’s about it.

I think the shop is fine and have nothing against it. Blizz keeps a very light hand on theirs, compared to other games. One little cosmetic reward every 3-4 months is hardly a big deal. And it’s obtainable through in game gold anyways.

There’s no P2W actual gameplay advantage to anything on there. Services are also fairly priced.

Tis fine! I think players overreact to it all the time when there really is not a downside.