I hear what you’re saying, but my passion for them micro transaction cosmetics won’t stop. Have a good night.
This is an oddly capitalistic thread.
“I NeVeR SaId PaY To WiN hurrrrr durrR”
You can’t compare the asain and other mobile mmos because more then half of them will be pay2 win so that’s not a good comparison at all to compare blizzes cashshop to .
Blizz store is wait for it OPTIONAL!
O my god say wut !!!
VS the mobile shops you complain about that are for pay 2 win to be better at the mobile game or remove inconveniences .
So I never said WoW was pay-to-win and you decided to connect the dots that way. Glad we got to an agreement.
And why so mad? (No seriously, why? That’s such an aggressive response over nothing.)
I missed out on the Quillen from the Panda collectors, when it came up I was so freaking happy! I am like you, if I like it, I buy it.
Lul it’s not even aggressive it’s you that was comparing mobile cashsops you
Same here. I got it on sale for $12 as well. I think it’s one of the better looking mounts in the game. It’s also the only quilen mount that can fly.
… There were zodiac-themed mounts?
I just remember a few different versions of Bobby Kotick.
Like a pig and a rat…
let me go see what you were waffling about.
because the money needs to come from somewhere.
because things cost money.
of course they don’t.
i was merely giving you another example of WHY people WANT the store.
did i miss anything?
NA isn’t “almost everyone” either, when it comes to a global company.
EU prices were raised a few years back too.
and now you’re not native?
in your own words, (without linking to a random article) who is harmed by the store existing?
no, i’m just not interested in the opinions of people who get paid to write articles.
just because someone is paid to write something, doesn’t mean what they say is factual.
the only thing they “prove”, is that the articles exist.
…in exactly the same way the threads here exist.
the titles may say “store evil!”… but if you read the threads, the consumers disagree with the opinion that the store is bad.
i can’t keep up with your stance.
something doesn’t have to be good or bad.
it can just… be.
i didn’t have 5 minutes.
some people have to leave the keyboard occasionally
ok, once is a typo… the word you’re looking for is naive.
And i genuinely appreciate it.
Well Cata had 12.5 subs at the time. Don’t you think that’s enough money flowing in to a point where they don’t need a price increase or MTX?
But why they needed that money? Why they need that $10 increase, the microtransactions, the pre-orders, the multiple deluxe editions, and all that advertising with other companies and such?
I never believed this back then to solve the issue of microtransactions that people always come up with. The “If the game is $80, they wouldn’t need to sell all the microtransactions and all the other garbo!” In a perfect world, sure. But when you look at titles as NBA2K21, it costs $70 and it still has microtransactions in it. Even with a next gen price hike, it still has microtransactions in it.
As a lot of people in the articles and videos i linked (and mentioned, Jim Sterling being one of them) said or pointed out, it’s a matter of greed.
I know your trying to say “games are expensive to make and they have to have this that and this” but again, Blizzard is a multi-billion dollar company. A lot of the corporations are billion dollars.
People for that time used this to not only justify microtransactions, but to justify a company’s bad decisions. The “Oh did they charity now! they are doing good things now! What how dare you remind us of the bad things they do! you’re a bad person!”. The kind of trick that makes a person shout down anybody who basically isn’t marching in lockstep with the dev as a bad person essentially because their doing charity.
And don’t get me wrong, i don’t hate them for doing it. By all means they can do it, it definitionally helps people and they are contributing a good cause. But why does that mean we have to forget they did greedy things all because they did 1 good thing?
I didn’t say or implied that NA is almost everyone.
Again, this biased thinking here on me hating on microtransactions after i learned about them, atfer i learned about them, means i’m uneducated. And yourself not a fan of biased opinion.
The Gamers simply put. And if your gonna say “well the people are appreciative…” that’s because PR works. It’s not because microtransactions are genuinely good, it’s because PR works. they bought in the whole “it’s just cosmetic” and “it’s optional” defenses that corporations use. This is why microtransactions are normalized. This is why games are terrible these days because of this.
Let us also remind us selves that Activision-Blizzard isn’t an indie studio (meme’s aside), it’s a multi billion dollar corporation that has tons of money already to the point where there even getting tax returns without ever paying their own taxes. There getting our money either way. I think they will be fine if one of their biggest franchises, WoW doesn’t have any microtransactions.
So by your logic, your influencers and corperations doesn’t have anything factual to say either? Because i have linked 2 articles that has the corps say the same things you guys said, so you don’t think it’s factual to say “It’s optional” or “it’s just cosmetic” then?
Because like i said, PR works. They buy into it, thinking it’s harmless.
My stance was clearly defined. Your deliberately mistaking something i’ve done. It’s not an accident. I was clear and precise when i asked that question to you.
I’m asking you to prove yourself how you think microtransctions are good or support games.
If something doesn’t have to be good or bad then why are defend it you silly cow? Why agree with Twochainz here that it’s support games?
You clearly do though. That fact you’re able to sit down and write a comment like this is prove enough that you have more then 5 minutes.
Thank you.
the store already existed… so… you think it would be a good idea for them to remove the store, and make those items unobtainable?
regardless, that was over 10 years ago.
because things cost money.
the point of a business, is to make money.
i don’t even understand what you’re trying to say.
so if you ran a business, you’d tell your investors… “sorry, but we have no interest in your investment, we just want to give stuff away!”
and in order for that to happen, they need to make money.
…or do you think they just print it?
oh boy.
read what you posted.
read what i responded with.
read what you responded to.
read the ACTUAL words, not the words you want to see.
i was joking about your ongoing misuse of the word “native”.
they’re good because it gives the customer access to more options.
that was 5 hours ago.
5 hours ago, i didn’t have 5 minutes to devote to the forum.
and i’m still waiting for you to use your own words to describe why you think the store is detrimental to the game in any way.
Companies can never have enough money. That’s business 101.
Because they want more money. If they know people will buy it why wouldn’t they?
You’re free not to purchase it. Blizzard isn’t forcing you. I’m more inclined to give Blizzard money if I know it’s benefiting charity
That’s just your opinion. You’re free to have one but that doesn’t make your opinion a fact.
It is just cosmetics. Until there are pay to win items in the in-game shop, I don’t see any problem with it. Blizzard is one of the least offending companies when it comes to micro-transactions imo.
Why would they take out the in-game shop if it’s making them extra money? If you ran a business, would you stop selling something that’s making you money?
I don’t need to prove anything. Blizzard provides products and they deem success by if others purchase into them or not. Clearly it’s a success as they keep making new content for the in-game shop. Money talks.
Because it’s his opinion.
I have already stated before to Rollio here that i am not fond of the limited time items like that and would like the items to be not that. But given the choice between the option to pay for items forever, or not have to pay them but they will be gone if they are limited, i rather pick the latter to be honest, purely on the fact that i don’t want to support the microtransactions (and anymore).
You’re repeating the same answer here, thinking it explains everything. I was hoping you elaborate on this. Because it just sounds like “Games are too expensive to make” excuse that pro-microtransaction people like to repeat over and over again.
You’re acting like that i’ve denied that. You keep on saying this as it magicly proves your points without ever elaborating on your points. Of coarse the business is to make money. Nobody ever in the history of history regardless how you want to twist it, has a problem with that. It’s only a problem when they start getting greedy. When they start doing anti-consumer things like microtransactions and defend it, and they know people will come to their defense because PR works.
Read again and try again to understand.
That is not what people are saying. You are putting words in their mouth here. This is why i linked an article of the CEO of Take-two to draw a comparison with what’s Twochainz is saying here. You are actively defending microtransactions by using the words of the corporations here and you are pretending like it’s a dumb thing to do.
I highly doubt you even know bit of business at all (and before you say it, i’m not implying or saying at all i know either, but apparently to you, me not knowing business means i’m invalid while all the same time, hypocritically not applying it to you because it goes both ways.) since you want to deny the simple fact there are people who is against microtransactions or pretend they don’t exist.
And where that money goes? Because i can tell you right now, all the money i seen goes to either advertising or graphics. Which a lot of gamers thinks it’s honestly superfluous and should have gone to … actually making the game better.
And most of the money isn’t even going to the workers, it’s going to the CEO, who frankly has way too much money here. As it’s proven by these articles here.
(The website is wondering if your a robot before proceeding into the " Blizzard Workers Share Salaries in Revolt Over Pay" article there.)
“Neh, more random articles that exist, bias… neeeeeeh.”
Literally? No.
In essence? Considering the fact they dodge taxes and even get tax returns…
"Oh i was just joking guys! it’s just a joke bro! "
Well guess what? my comments are a joke too, so why your taking it so so serious? /s
See? we both can do this game too, it doesn’t prove a point other then you wanting trying to get out of being honest. And you’re being dishonest and disgeniune by backpeddling into the “it’s just a joke”. You were clearly not joking. You just didn’t expect me to call you out on your hypocrisy, again.
Gee, that sounds like an opinion. Want to back that opinion up and make it factual here?
I still yet to see you post links about how you think it’s good. Like how come i’m the only one posting links and you aren’t? How come i can back up the things i said with sources here and you can’t be even be bothered to read a 5 minute long article?
And you’re still sitting down and write a comment like this. Again, why not use that same energy to do reading? You tell me to read, so i figured it would be appropriate to do the same.
“It’s 2 hours ago!!”
You’re still using the “get your own opinion” excuse to invalidate what i say because you simply refuse to look at the links i have given to you as my evidence on why i think the microtransactions are bad, and why people hate them.
If you’re looking for a post that i have explained why i think microtransactions are bad. Here it is.
Here it is, in my own words. I very explicitly detailed my experience with supporting microtransactions in the past due to my lack of knowledge on them. I actually didn’t know about them and literally thought they were harmless, i was in the same exact position as you are now, the difference is, i didn’t yell “bias” to excuse myself from not learning from the people talking about microtransactions.
Yeah, $1.5 Billion dollars isn’t enough for Activision-Blizzard. What a poor starving indie company. Think about the corporations that graciously put microtransactions for you to choose! How dare you expect to play a game without microtransactions, you ought to be ashamed of yourselves gamers.
Because of PR. You know that PR works.
Keep beating us with the head with the thoroughly debunked “it’s just optional”.
And you wonder why i linked articles with corporations saying that phrase in response to what you have said.
If you wanted to benefit a charity, why not just cut the middleman out and pay the charity yourself?
And the same can be said to what you’ve said. Again, just like noredeadredemption here, (by the by NoBully, if your wondering why i change your name alot, i do it for funzies here with certain people here, because their name reminds me of certain things, like yours remind me of R* games, so i do that) you don’t seem to be posting any links or such to back up what your saying here. Meanwhile he (and possibly you) are saying “oh it’s just bias, it’s random” or “it’s irrelevant”.
Still repeating that line over and over again that corporations has said, huh?
Well there’s WoW tokens that allow you to buy gold with real money. (Again, the middleman makes it look different), so why aren’t you having a problem with it?
Prove it. How’s Activision-Blizzard is one of the least offending companies when it comes to Micro-transactions?
That’s the thing, it’s extra money. It’s not money they need, it’s money they want.
Your acting like i or anybody here said or implied it’s bad to make money in general here when nobody ever did. They are clearly and precisely telling you it’s being greedy with the microtransactions and such are the problem. I will say this again if you keep on insisting that notion.
I think the problem you two here seem to think that it either has to be all of the money needed to be made here or else you it might as well be nothing. There is no inbetween here with you guys.
Then you don’t need to be correct then.
If you can’t prove yourself, then you aren’t giving a reason for people to believe you. It’s common sense.
Just because it’s his opinion, doesn’t give it a magical shield against criticism if it’s a silly opinion.
He said it’s something doesn’t have to be good or bad. If it doesn’t have to be good or bad, or if he’s implying to leave it be, why then defend or support it at all then?
“It doesn’t have to be good or bad!” …then proceeds to defend or praise or support it.
Did you spend your whole morning typing that out?
I think I just scrolled up for 2 years. I wish I had that kind of passion for…well…anything.
As for the topic, in-game shop mounts are fine to me. But people sometimes spit on me for riding a store mount, I don’t know why that is though. So I gave up on riding store mounts you get for being wow subscriber.
You spent two days trying to defend microtransactions with this thread with the same tired arguments that’s been thoroughly debunked by people. In effort of trying to make me look like the sad one because you don’t refuse to actually address or respond to any of my points in that comment, you make yourself even sadder this way.
I’m not trying to make you look sad. Why do you think this? I have responded to you and you keep responding to me back with more questions and reasons trying to make me change my mind on the topic. I appreciate your discussion but I don’t agree with most of your stances.
i would hope that an adult would understand that things cost money…
i don’t know why this would need explaining.
office space, furniture, servers, electricity, wages… you know, stuff which isn’t free?
it’s a problem for YOU, because you view it as greed.
it’s not a problem for investors.
it was the consumers who asked for it.
for years there were threads of “i’d pay extra for cool stuff!”
it would be bad business to continue to ignore the ongoing requests of customers.
and again… you resort to silly articles.
if you can’t use your own words, why are you even here?
are you for real?
you said you were native.
n a t i v e
yes, i joked about it.
i’m not going to apologize if it went over your head.
…and before you get uppity about me not responding to you instantly, i am about to go to bed.
i’ll be back in about 6 hours or so for my coffee.
Why did you say this then?
What do you want me to take away from that? You want me to think your being genuine and nice here? This is the only thing you said to my comment there, not addressing anything else i’ve said. Zero quotes.
Gee, it’s almost like i wanted you to prove yourself on why you think microtransactions are good and support the game.
You’re really not doing a great job at changing my mind or anybody’s mind who is against MTX either.
At least with me here, i posted linked to articles and YouTube explains more in depth on what i’m talking about here.
I would that an adult would understand that proving yourself is necessary if your trying to make a case for something.
Again, why are you acting like it’s a dumb thing to ask? Why are you automatically assuming people know what you mean if you just said it without explaining it?
How’s it my problem that they are putting in microtransactions and ruining the game i dislike? Explain to me.
Yet so many companies want to please investors.
Who asked for them? Can you point it out? Who asked for them for years? Can you point out these threads?
Balderdash. I seen many many many requests from people requesting different things on the forums here for years and still continuing for years to come, and the most prevalent and obvious on is High Elves. They were asking for it for 15 years. Along with Wildhammer dwarves, Demon Hunters for 10 years, to See emerald dream and-- What if the request of the customers is to remove the store? That request kept on going for years and years since Wrath’s inception. You said yourself it would be bad business to continue to ignore the ongoing requests of the customers. And yet, were going to ignore this ongoing request? You can’t pull that card out if you can’t apply the rules consistent with it.
Well that’s just your opinion. The articles simply report the facts of the video game industry, as well confirm and further expand on what i’m talking about. I’m sorry you dislike it, but your gonna have to deal with it because i find it very effective.
Your just blatantly ignoring that post like 2 times now. You’re not even interested in me using my own words here, are you?
Why are you here?
Everybody does this “it’s just a joke” excuse to backpeddle on their arguments. You were clearly not joking. That fact you were even defending yourself in this comment below proves you weren’t joking to begin with.
By all means, take your time my dude. And i do actually mean it, you aren’t exactly forced to respond at my time and vice versa.
Granted i wish you would take your time in general with me, but i digress. Have a great Atfernoon’s rest.