Opinion on the in-game shop?

There is a diff between asian mmo /mobile pay 2 win games vs just only optional cosmetics in the blizzstore pls :stop_sign:

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You’re still buying gold, regardless what’s the middleman here or what makes it look different.

Can you explain why it’s poorly written, outside of not knowing the WoW tokens?

I was kind of putting my trust into common sense there that you guys would actually read that.

Since you’re clearly not going to change your mind, i think it’s more productive to educate people on why microtransactions are bad for gaming and only good for the corporations. (because that means more money for them.) Their pretty old artcles, but still valid to this day. (even more so now).





And before you say it, yes, i understand, their a business. That goes without saying. But there are better ways to get more money then microtransactions, one cursory look at the indie scene and even AAA games that aren’t full to the brim of DLC’s, Microtransactions and other such nonsense, and focused on making a good game first or only should be enough to give you an idea.

I never said WoW was pay to win.

How? Explain that one. I don’t think you’ve ever explained how microtransactions support the game to me.

Or if you did in this thread, mind pointing that post number out so i can check it out?

You were complaing about p2w cashsops wows cashshop isn’t the same thing

Look, if you can’t think outside of what you see on these opinion news articles about how micro transactions “ruin” games, I don’t know how to explain it any further to you. When you give a company money, they use that money in many ways, including putting resources back into the game. I’m not 100% sure on how the money is used, but it’s safe to assume a percentage of it goes back into making new content for the game. Rather that’s in-store shop mounts or adding content to new patch cycles/expansions, etc… Blizzard isn’t forcing you to hand money over. They’re not locking essential content behind a pay-wall.

…but this isn’t about gaming in general.

it’s about the wow shop.

everything which is available in the shop, can currently be purchased with ingame currency.

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Where did I say pay to win?

If you can’t understand the actual reasons why people hate microtransactions and are against your opinions here and resort to assuming people of having no free will because they hate microtransactions (But apparently it’s not lacking in free will to agree with what you said here), i don’t know how to explain it any further to you.

Please answer this question here again instead of blatantly ignoring it.

As well Shops being part of microtransactions, because it needs a place to shop them in, and microtransactions are part of gaming in general. And WoW is part of gaming in general. So it’s relevant.

I mean did you just forget about BFA with it’s corruptions where people are saying that’s Pay to Win there with all the BoEs?

And i called it, this is one of the times where i despise being right because it’s just so utterly predictable. :roll_eyes:

I’m using it to articulate for those who feel microtransactions are causing Blizzard to neglect actual in-game content that there’s a TON of in-game mount rewards despite the existence of store mounts. For those who feel the store mounts are of a higher quality than what is in the game, that’s also subjective, and, by sheer numbers, untrue.

It’s entirely possible to get a lot of the recent store mounts for nothing, without spending anything on tokens, and at a savings to the amount you spend per month on WoW.

I haven’t bought a mount in over two years. I just get them for free for giving Blizzard $12 a month instead of $15.

As I noted earlier, that exact request can backfire.

A little more than 2/3s of players don’t have the mount that Blizzard took from the store and dropped back into WoD, and there’s now no conceivable way to get it except maybe through the black market auction house (I’ve not seen it, but it’s probably somewhere in the loot table).

See above. It doesn’t.

Your sub payment can be all that you have to spend if you opt for the longer-term, lower cost plan where you have to pay more upfront.

Having experienced that very thing for the last 16 years, RNG that can go on for for over a decade SUCKS. At least terrible RNG with a store means players could potentially get something nice guaranteed once or twice a year, possibly at zero cost, instead of potentially nothing for 10 years straight.

I didn’t say anything of the sort.

I don’t understand this whole issue of currency bloat.

It doesn’t go into your bags, it’s just something that goes into a list. Adding one designated for store items is completely harmless.

Also, the whole purpose of separating it from gold is to ensure the currency being used to obtain items isn’t the same as the one being sold by the shop. Having a wow token sold that gives you gold, and then allowing gold to be used for store items, is an extremely typical gimmick used by Free to play games to encourage the purchase of a currency, in this case, gold. Just like those games, where you can earn the crystals in game, but they also sell them on the side. They might as well just remove the subscription completely and make it basically identical to free to play games.

It’s no coincidence that the gold value matches the actual money value. There’s no discount from buying it with gold. Considering gold can also be used for things inside the game, it makes more sense to just pay money for store items and leave the gold for things that can be used in the game. It makes it a bit dumb to use gold for the store items. A separate category for store items would ensure it’s only worth is store items.

Right now, WoW is set up like a free to play game, except it actually also charges for a subscription and expansions.

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I guess that’s why they’re not actively de-bugging the baseline content before it goes live.

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Don’t really care as long as it’s just cosmetic stuff, though it’d be nice if there were more flying mounts that could take passengers that you could just obtain through the game instead of the store.

Most store mounts don’t look great.

It’s a curse and a blessing.

If they must keep it, I think the best-looking mounts should be only available in game.

and I hope they do the opposite, inspite of people like you. Disagreeing over the shop didn’t start, nor will it end, with us.

So you want a currency that will be just as hard to obtain, or even harder than earning gold that can be made from most content in the game at choice of how you obtain it? :crazy_face:

You do realize that while they are making profits, acknowleding they care more about micro-transactions than subscriptions, expansions have had less content and smaller zones. Perhaps even more outrageous, they have layed off employees, to hire new ones with lower wages, while their CEO and top executives keep raising their salaries. Now development hubs are being closed as more people lose their jobs.

They are difinitely gaining money from the shop, but it’s not being poured back into their game. Trying to say Blizzard puts the funds back into the game and supporting it… should we even discuss the whole toy fiasco?

Nobody said there being neglected. It’s obvious that the mounts (as well anything in this game) isn’t being neglected by the art team because it’s always gonna look great by them. But wouldn’t the mounts be much better if you can get them though ingame instead of just paying a bunch of money to get them? Why pay any money at all when you can play the game and work for them?

And again, getting them via tokens don’t count, because that’s still supporting a terrible practice, that and you need people to buy the tokens in order to get them the free to begin with. That’s what you guys miss on the details. The tokens isn’t an unlimited resource, it has to be bought by real money to exist at all for you to buy.

You’re defending microtransactions by saying “oh, it’s a low price”…

Well if somebody misconstrue that as “i want the mount for free with no work at all”, that is on them because i did specify i want to work towards to earn them, not just handed to me.

You’re acting like the mount not being on the store is a bad thing here.

As i stated before, i dislike the concept of limited items like that, i want the items to stay permanently so people will get them, along they put in the work to get it. It could’ve honestly taken the approach the raids do with their mounts where it starts off a high drop chance and then when that patch is over, it will be a very low drop chance.

Well that is just your experience.

I understand you’re saying here that time is limited and it is, but instead of microtransactions, wouldn’t it be better to have a bad luck protection system here then? Where everytime you don’t get something, you get in-game currency to take it over to a special vendor and get the mounts that way?

Alright, good. :relieved:

I think the zones themselves are large enough and packed full of content. This expansion has the most amount of RP and scripted events ive ever seen. I’d much rather them make smaller continents with packed content than large continents with far and few between content layed out. Quality over quantity. But I guess it’s all subjective.

no, i didn’t hear anything about BoEs being pay to win.

pay to win is a direct reference to being able to pay real world money for items which give an advantage to the player.

how is a BoE, which is only available within the game, pay to win?

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