Opinion on the in-game shop?

Ive discussed being able to use gold several times, in short, you only can because it helps wow tokens, that gives blizzard even more money.

Good. I don’t agree with it being limited time though, but don’t you think that should tell you that people dislike microtransactions that they will have a backlash as big as that is enough to effect some change to have more rewards to earn ingame?

Which brings me to my second point, why did you put earn in quotes? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

The cash shop has 20 mounts and 16 pets, while the overall game has 425 mounts and over 1400 pets. There will probably be 3-4 store mounts over the lifespan of SL, and nearly 50 in-game mounts were added to the game at SL’s launch, with more likely coming in future patches. In-game mount rewards are going to outpace store mounts by a factor of 20. How much more rewarding do players feel entitled to before they feel adequately compensated for their $15?

Sure, there are plenty of reskins in those 425 mounts, but there’s plenty of non-reskinned stuff (at least at the time when they models are new).

As for why I put “earn” in quotes: that word has been thrown around a lot in this thread by people who don’t like the store. They want to earn the mount in-game. I don’t consider getting a chance to pull the lever on a slot machine to maybe get a random mount drop to be earning anything. Saying these raid mounts are earned is much like saying someone “earned” a winning lottery ticket. You were lucky and you were present, so you got a mount.

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Ahh another player still blind to the reality. Live long and prosper young man.

I could probably figure out a way to do it by accident.

I disagree with everything you posted. You can make up every excuse under the sun to hate the in game shop or you can adapt to it and make gold or work a few hours of your life to get everything available and support the game. It’s not hurting the game and hasn’t since it was introduced in WOTLK… the mental gymnastics must wear you out.

Or you could provide evidence for your “direct link.”

You know what discourages me from grouping together for a mount drop in-game? Spending YEARS not getting a damn drop. That’s why I don’t bother with grouping for mounts anymore. The store has nothing to do with it. The appeal of “Too bad, so sad, try again next year,” has run out. If I’m going to be miserable hitting up an old raid for a mount, I don’t see the point in bringing someone along to share in the disappointment. That is the reality. The game does not build up player belief in success. There is zero bad luck protection.

Shadowlands is the proof that WoW isn’t Blizzard’s priority anymore, they’re just milking it as much as possible to get more money for other stuff.

I enjoy it when there are sales, but they need more cosmetic items. Especially holiday geared cosmetic items. I really miss GW2’s shop. So many mount skins, holiday cosmetic items, over all fun things. They got alot of my money lol.

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I wish they’d take off seasonal restrictions! That alone would make me happy.

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I don’t think adding a separate currency will fix anything and will just add currency bloat to the game. Why add a separate currency if gold works just fine? You can’t claim it’s not available to those in-game if it is through earning gold in-game. What’s confusing about it?

thanks for that.
it was pretty funny.

just because you saw it on the internet, doesn’t mean it’s real.
the dude doesn’t even know how tokens work.

the introduction of the WoW Token, which allows players to purchase tokens for $20 that give them a certain amount of gold that is dynamic based on the worth of gold in your server.

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I agree with you. Especially your end-statement. A lot if not most of the mounts in-game are earned through random drops sometimes on mobs that randomly spawn throughout the map. It’s basically like a lottery ticket or slot machine. There are also a lot more mounts in-game and through new patches and expansions than their ever have been in the in-game shop… not to mention every new mount that has come out has been included in your 6 month subscription.

You’re using the less numbers here to justify the microtransactions staying, that’s what corperations do here by saying “Oh it’s not as bad as the others, or as it can be!”…

Any microtransactions in a premium priced game is too many microtransactions regardless how you justify it.

If WoW is a free to play game (and before you say it is because of WoW Tokens, it isn’t. You need somebody to buy the WoW Tokens in order to get them first off. I’m talking about actual free to play), then sure, microtransactions are fine there too. (Though as i said with that one, it’s possible to screw that one up as well)

I’m not asking these mounts to be given away for free here, i’m asking them to be part of the actual game where you work to earn them.

Exactly, what is wrong with playing the game to unlock a reward? Why do we need to have real money enter in the equation here?

As much i despise RNG sometimes, RNG without microtransations is always gonna be a better experience then RNG with microtransactions.

Again, i do hate how there’s a lot of RNG involved here and how rewards like that can’t have a simple progression to work yourself towards instead of a dice roll, it’s one of the reasons why i like world quests in that respect. But here’s the thing why i don’t think it’s comparable to lotto tickets the least. You didn’t pay money for the raid itself to get a chance to get rewards. You paid money to get access to a game and all of it’s content (all in a relative sense that is). It’s not like a one time thing with Scratch tickets. And you have to actually work to get the reward. It isn’t like the lotto ticket where you just scratch it off and hope it wins. Not to mention the win rates between the two are significantly lowered for the latter because the lotto ticket’s rewards has a real life value because it’s money.

It’s one thing to put ‘earned’ in quotations, because while i can understand how you can feel it’s not earning given the RNG, i don’t see how you can deny there is work involved to getting those rewards, especially if we bring up the topic of carries. But i honestly hope to god you’re not implying that paying for microtransactions is actually earning the rewards.

Of coarse you do, i’m so surprised that somebody who defends a plague on gaming as “supporting the game” would disagree. :roll_eyes:

Your defenses of the shop are literally excuses.

You haven’t told us how the microtransactions make this game better. Seriously, how does it make it better, or support the game to where we see higher quality content? If you think that’s the case, why the last few expansions after Wrath has been a mix of high and low mixed bags in terms of quality?

Well i know your not taking it seriously, so i suppose i expect nothing less from you here.

Does it really matter? The end and start result of the WoW Tokens are the exact same. You pay money, and you get the gold. There’s just that middleman that makes it look different.

I hate it but I’m tired of being the only one raging at mobile game cash shops in premium MMORPGs when everyone else seems to be okay with it.


I won the Swift white Hawkstrider in a hero TW dungeon…couldnt sell it…so learned it and never have rode it. Im sure a goblin looks alot better on a Hawkstrider than Belfs!

it sure does.

your source is a poorly written article, on some random unknown website.

…and instead of even attempting to discuss any of the claims, the best you could manage was “i’ll just leave this here”.

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Not only okay with it, but actively supporting in ruining games while pretending it’s “supporting the game”.

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It supports the game by putting money back into the game. Blizzard uses our money to support the game. Even if that means using the store-bought items to create more store bought items. I’m perfectly okay with that as long as it’s cosmetic stuff only. I enjoy the mounts they create and I see the costs as entertainment that adds flavor to my game-play. It’s purely optional and adds no game-play advantage over other players. Without the in-game shop, we wouldn’t have the cute piggy mount or the fey dragon, etc… I’d much rather have those in the game and I pay a premium than not at all.

O pls just because that’s what YOU think is more rewarding . I hope they keep adding more to the shop inspite of people like you.

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