Opinion on the in-game shop?

Everything in the cash shop should have a route in-game to obtain. Even if its a long grind for a super rare currency. Let people farm it up if they want to put in that kind of time and effort.

As long as it remains cosmetic only, I’ve got no problem with it, tokens excluded.

oh dear.
ok, i think i’ll quit responding to them.
i thought it seemed a bit more aggressive than “i’m offended”.

thanks for the heads-up.
(that’s what i get for not going “actual” stalker-mode, and checking their post history to see if this was standard behaviour) :expressionless:


i was hoping to try and re-direct the discussion back to my previous question, of whether people who don’t like the store, feel the same way about the virtual items which come with collectors editions?

they’re items which can’t be obtained in game.
people have to pay more if they want them.
so… are collectors editions viewed in the same way as store items?

i want to know if it’s only the store items which people view as bad, or if collectors editions fall into the same category… and if collectors editions are ok, why, and what’s the difference? (especially now that it’s all digital)

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The last time they took a prospective store mount and dumped it back into the game in WoD because of players whining about the store, the mount became a limited time, exclusive raid reward that nobody who has joined the game in the four years since it got removed, or will join the game from now until the planet goes spinning off into the sun, can ever actually earn.

Point is, Blizzard’s track record for this kind of thing is not great.

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So you literally don’t understand ad hominem and contributed nothing to the actual topic except to jump on attacking my character. Got it.

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which mount was that?
was it one of the aotc ones?

The Grove Warden moose mount was intended to be a store mount in WoD, but some players had a hissy fit, so it became yet another reward for raiding content.

So, it went from a mount that could be bought, to a mount that could be randomly “earned” via a small range of content, to a mount that cannot be “earned” or bought ever again.


ah ok… i’d forgotten about that one
for some reason moose mounts make me think Legion

WoW is a subscription based service, one could argue all of the content should be available via the subscription however it’s also a business so having a mechanism to “get” more from your customer base is smart.

I don’t loose sleep over the existence of the WoW shop is basically how I feel about it though; I think as long as it’s controlled well and not overly used it’ll be alright.

It’s nice to have more products their. It just shouldn’t be the source of the only good products. I would be fine with more added. It was more of a problem in WoD when the best mounts were put in the store. Now we have good variety.

I suspect it was a teaser mount for the next expansion, like the pre-WoD chimera mount was.

Hooray for Blizzard spending money on developing now-inaccessible in-game stuff for the people who think artificial scarcity of randomly awarded digital items = prestige, instead of a cash shop item that might be making more people happy years after it was released!

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You can use your gold to purchase a wow token and exchange that for anything in the in-game shop

As long as it remains cosmetic items, it’s fine by me. Means if I choose not to buy something it isn’t going to affect my characters power.

Though I will say I wish Blizz would put even a small percentage of the effort into updating the Trial of Style vendors with some new mog sets, even if they were recolors.

yeah that’s a bit disappointing… especially considering the quantity of people who were paying for runs to get the mount.

blizzards intention was clearly for people to earn it via participating in the content.
…instead, it resulted in people buying large quantities of illicit gold to obtain the mount.
that plan seemed to backfire.

i hope the mount that we voted on last year doesn’t go the same way…

After doing a fair amount of allied race armor quests (and the collector’s edition armor quest, which is obnoxious in its inconsistency of quest items dropping), I’m expecting some kind of questline with an annoying amount of driving around to random locations to talk to druid NPCs, but not any group content.

don’t mind it at all… with a few caveats…

  1. nothing in it helps toward gameplay. nothing is a boost for a character.

  2. transmog items would be awesome to have, but there should always be a bigger abundance of items in game available. (as of the past few expansions, transmog items have been few and far between. I feel like that’s why early expansion mogging hunts are so popular, there’s a bigger variety)

  3. keep the prices competitive and within reach. sales are great. frankly I think the boost should stay at the recent sales price, know it won’t happen, but one can dream lol.

other than that, hey the store is cool, just another way to have some fun in game if you so choose to do, as it’s optional.


You know what’s funny? Ok so my primary game is ESO and they have a huge crown store but the bulk of what players buy is stuff for their houses. I mean they’re constantly adding crap for our houses and players are constantly asking for things they see in the game to be added for us in the store. ESO is making bank off selling housing stuff! (There is also a ton we can make with crafting too and that also sells very well on the traders, I make a ton of gold in game selling housing items I crafted).

But in WoW there is no housing and when players say they want it others shoot it down and say no we don’t need housing. LOL. There’s real money to be made there for Blizz, and real gold to be made there for players. Shame.

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It does not necessarily mean that you pulled out your credit card - you may have also spent the time and effort necessary to earn enough gold to afford them. This can take as long as the grind for a “prestigious” mount like the ones you refer to.

I’l just leave this article here.


Plus, didn’t people had there issues with the new mog while ago?

So does Steam, and you can walk out with 5-10 games for a price of AAA that has more value in them then just cosmetic MTX in WoW even on a sale. What’s your point? :neutral_face:

I love how you guys keep on comparing this and using that as a justification on why it has to stay because it’s the “least offending”.

Honestly, those mounts and everything on there should be ingame but hard to get to. (and no, getting all the gold you can to buy a token doesn’t count. I mean with actual hard work that you can get it though the actual ingame, and not the shop.)

I think you’re anti-gamer here.

Nothing you’ve said or suggested benefits gamers in anyway because your in support of microtransactions. Heck, i doubt it benefits the devs, it only benefit the ones at the top. I.E Corps. It’s one thing to be okay with microtransactions and other anti-consumer things, but it’s another to say you want more of.

As a gamer, don’t you want more rewards ingame to work towards, instead of just paying for things? like actual ingame rewards that can be earn though working towards?

And to somebody who is inevitability gonna say “but you can get them though in-game, just get the gold, buy a wow --” No. That’s not actually getting the rewards ingame. When i said ingame, i mean ingame and only ingame. What you are doing here is defending microtransactions by saying “you can also get them just by playing the game!”. It really doesn’t excuse anything.

Are they really high quality? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I mean you mentioned toys, and all i see is fireworks and an advanced coins of many faces. What’s high quality about those two specifically?

And there we have it. “Along it’s only cosmetics, i don’t see the problem”.

You don’t see the problem because you’re part of the problem. By turning a blind eye and defending this, your allowing corperations to get away with trying to get more money from us. You remember Overwatch and how it kicked off Year of the Lootbox? That sadly got overlooked or ignored because YOU people defended this by saying “it’s just cosmetic”. Now look at where we at with these.

I’l put just put this video here because it excellently explains why cosmetic microtransactions are just as manipulative and bad as Pay to Win MTX.


Yeah, it certainly adds flavor to the game, a flavor ruins the entire dish.

You might as well say “Being broken on release adds flavor to the game”.

Like what? List me some. :expressionless:

Because microtransactions ruin games, regardless if there cosmetic or not?

And WoW has pay to win aspects as buying gold with real money. And before anybody tells me, it seriously doesn’t matter if it’s created or not. The start and end result is you get gold because you paid money.

I didn’t quote this one, but you keep on saying “it’s not that expensive”. Well have you considered that’s part of the design of MTX, to get you thinking that a small amount of money means it’s a good purchase?

“Oh 5 bucks for a tux, it’s a good price.”

“oh 2 dollars for a hairstyle, even better!”

And it goes on and on before you realized you spent more then $500, because you think it doesn’t cost that much money. Like i have implied, Cosmetic MTX are manipulative. They aren’t even harmless either since it creates a culture of “haves and have nots”. Does everybody forget about Fortnite and those children got bullied for having the default skins? Or more on the topic of WoW, everytime a mount or any store related content shows up, there’s a group of people who dislikes those things and treat the person with them poorly? Hey, how about CS:GO that created it’s gambling sites? Or TF2 with it’s Free vs P2W class war?

Or how about CoD BO4 that sold Crosshair dots? I swear to Crocodile Jesus i’m not making that up, they’ve actually did that.


This is where “it’s just cosmetic” has gotten us.

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It would be better if it was a separate currency that wasnt one sold by Blizzard. The gold costs also arent abitrary; they are directly related to the cost in real dollars and done so people routinely buy tokens aka give Blizzard even more money, often for mounts not even created specifically for the store, but rather something they made anyway for the next expansion and put it early on the store to make it appear unique when its not even unque, something they had created anyway.

Saying to use gold is just Blizzard double dipping, they earn money from buying gold and then from things sold in the shop. Thats why it was never this way prior to the token.

Blizzard doesnt let you use gold because its an in-game manner to get them; they do so because it helps tokens that gives them even more money.

If there was truly an in-game method, it should be a currency other than gold, something like echoes of mortality

In short, saying you can use gold isnt a good defence of the shop

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