Opinion on the in-game shop?

Time spent designing say a store mount is time taking away from designing say a in game mount.

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aww shucks :blush:

at least Minerva didn’t get upset about my finger waggling :stuck_out_tongue:

everyone else seems to have gone the route of acting self-righteous and started making up excuses about why they buy store stuff… as if they think it actually matters.
…it only matters when they start stomping their feet and claiming the store shouldn’t exist… while still supporting the store.
I can’t see the sense in it.

(and all the others who want to claim the store is evil, continue to post on classic characters, because they know they’ve got store items and they’ll look silly.)


I don’t believe so. I’m sure they have a set amount of resources to make in game mounts not through the store mount, and a set amount of resources specifically for the in game shop. I don’t think one or the other take away from each other.

I boycott the cash shop because I don’t want to encourage too much reliance on micro transactions. Pay to win games are all sub par quality, and I don’t want WoW to ever become one.

I’m positive that Blizzard knows to never add pay to win aspects into their in-game shop. The shop has been around since WOTLK if I remember correctly and has always been mounts/pets. They’re adding more things like transmogs and toys which I’m completely fine with. My favorite toy in the game is probably the transmorpher and I got it on sale for $5 :slight_smile:

Also keep in mind a lot of the new pets get put up to support charity as well. I always try to purchase it during that time.

so … do the people who hate the shop based on their belief that it takes development time away from creating things which could be obtained in game, also feel the same way about collectors editions?

I won’t give it a dime of my real money unless enough of it goes to charity, and if I have the money at the time. In this economy, I don’t, usually.

No they are all crap and having a single one that I didn’t buy doesn’t make me a hypocrite. It’s not like I can delete it.

we moved past that.

I was just wondering why you spent money on race changes… or did someone else force that on you too?

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I bought a race change back in the day which is very different from cash shop items that should have come from gameplay. Your entire position is based on trying to turn the conversation to be about me. Even if i did something once in the past it doesn’t mean I support it in perpetuity.

Your entire position has been to try to attack me as a hypocrite instead of actually discussing the merits of the argument. Because you are trolling.

Idk I’d say this is more of a problem to the likes of me than elves

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It’s my opinion on the game store. It shouldn’t exist. Has little to do with if I have used it(wow tokens). If you go back before the wow token you’d see that there are 0 pets owned.

It’s just like torghast and maw. I dislike them a lot but still you see me in there doing the daily chore.

He’s not trolling. He’s making an example out of those who slander the in-game shop and services. You can disagree with the practice, but it makes you look hypocritical that you own what you say are “unacceptable” and “harmful” to the game. Gifts or not, he makes a good a point. You chose to accept it so own it.

He’s not making an example of anything.

His position is like saying you can’t be pro clean energy if you ever owned a car.

It’s a logical fallacy (tu quoque). But also coming from a known troll.

Exactly. He does have a good point however. But it’s not really about if we have used the store or not, we’re talking about if the store belongs in the game(or whatever the thread topic was). Whatever content that is in the store could be accessible in the game, it isn’t. That was a choice blizzard made. I bet they made quite a nice chunk from the game store. Just happy they didn’t go further.

Last I checked, everything in the store is obtainable through gold.

So someone calls you out on being hypocritical and you resort to calling them a troll. :thinking: :rofl: At least be a little original…

Tu quoque, or the appeal to hypocrisy, is an informal fallacy that intends to discredit the opponent’s argument by attacking the opponent’s own personal behavior as being inconsistent with the argument’s conclusion. This specious reasoning is a special type of ad hominem attack

it’s a discussion forum.
i was discussing your choices vs your opinion.

…i’ve done exactly the same thing with many people in this thread, and you’re the only one who has jumped straight into defensive mode, sprinkled with aggression.

you’re one of those people who thinks anything you disagree with is “trolling”.

that’s not what a troll is.


Except it’s literally what your doing. You did nothing but make an ad hominem fallacy attack. You have made no other point than to try to attack my character.

Tu quoque, or the appeal to hypocrisy, is an informal fallacy that intends to discredit the opponent’s argument by attacking the opponent’s own personal behavior as being inconsistent with the argument’s conclusion. This specious reasoning is a special type of ad hominem attack.

Yeah exactly that’s what I mentioned earlier. But that was not always the case, not before the wow token was a thing. Someone has to pay real money for freeloaders to use the store.