Opinion on the in-game shop?

I liked the White Hawkstrider. I’ll still use it occasionally.

@op you are everything wrong with this game. people like you


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There’s already stuff on the game store and they’re not making quality content.

I don’t care if they have them but I wish they weren’t in game because I bet people accidentally click and buy them by accident.

how would that even be possible? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

You get multiple warnings before purchase. How you decided this was thing, is well silly.

Sorry you feel that way. I think I’m doing the game a service by supporting it.

It goes to show that there are plenty of people against it, and regardless of how much you like the shop, its status is controversial at best with many many people against it.

Did you seriously just create this thread to be argumentative and get into fights with people?

Starting topics like this, where you then just support the shop, knowing full well the arguments it produces, is precisely why your thread can be considered a troll thread. You’ve gained zero new insights here, you’ve just gone about trolling and telling people who you feel they are wrong on a topic that has been discussed ad nuseum.

As another poster said, players like you really are the worse and don’t be surprised if they kick you from a group while wearing transmog or spit on your while riding on a store mount.

:rofl: Not enough pixels lol.

I think it doesn’t it’s optional pixels to buy

While I disagree with you, i made this post to get others opinion how to improve the shop. It’s here to stay so even if you disagree with it, it’s not going anywhere. I’d rather have constructive feedback on how to generally improve it. Instead of saying “remove it” why not realize that’s not going to happen and just try to improve upon it?

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The issue isn’t that there is a shop in a game that’s every game these days, the difference between say the faerie transmog and a skin on CoD Warzone is that you don’t pay the CoD Warzone devs to specifically spend time on Warzone gameplay, you can choose to not pay at all, it’s a free to play game.

People dislike the WoW shop because we pay for this game monthly. Our 15 USD a month is supposed to go towards the time spent developing this game, but instead they use that 15 dollars to pay the art guy to make a paid for transmog.

I don’t really care either way but if you look at this game objectively, the pace and quality at which content comes out can really barely justify 15 dollars a month on top of paying for an expansion. It made more sense back when the model was developed because “free to play” games didn’t really exist on a wide spread level.

Obviously WoW takes more time to develop than a 1 map first person shooter battle royale, but I do question if it takes 15 dollars a month + expac price level of dev time.

TLDR; instead of using funds to pay devs to make the game better or hire better QA personnel to improve the quality of the game, they spend your 15 dollars a month on making an item to sell back to you.

PS yes I am beyond aware the faerie mog I used as an example is a free gift with a 6 month subscription, there are a ton of players who do not pay for this game in that method and they would have to purchase the mog to acquire it.

you know you don’t have to keep responding if you’re upset by it… right?

…just like you don’t have to purchase store items if you don’t want to.

this thread seems to show otherwise.

even the people who want to claim “ermagherd, store is evil!”… in reality, seem to have no issue with dropping money on store stuff.

and you continue to post on a classic character… no doubt because you own lots of store items.

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Honestly I’m starting to question them as well. Posting on a classic character. I wouldn’t be surprised if Yranda owned every store mount at this point :rofl:

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I own most of the stuff from the shop (most of it purchased during sales, or received as gifts, but still) and I’ll still maintain that anyone thinks the shop exists to “support further development of the game” is deluded.

Look at the absurd salary Bobby Kotick pulls in. Look at Acti-Blizz reporting record earnings right before laying off 800 people.

They have money. This is not a small indie studio where every purchase matters.

They just want all of the money, and Acti-Blizz will monetize anything they can reasonably get away with, because they want all of the money.

So, yeah, I own stuff from the shop, but I am self-aware enough to know the purchases are just going into some suit’s pocket. They’re not buying a dev’s groceries or keeping a server from shutting down.

Now, to the point of the thread: My feelings on the shop? I can take it or leave it. Acti-Blizz is going to monetize where they can so my liking or not liking it doesn’t matter. Not super happy they sell boosts but at least the rest is cosmetic (or utility, like realm transfer) and at least they don’t sell bleeping lootboxes.

Personally, I feel that the in-game shop detracts from rewards they could put in to the game for effort involved. Something to be proud of, to look forward to, instead of throwing money at it.

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Because as you continue to show resentment towards the shop, there is a hope that it will actually deter doing even more from the shop. If every time they added an item, it was responded to threads of joy rather than anger and back and forth, like in this thread, then the shop would become more expansive with even more items, which is exactly what I don’t want to happen. Thus, rather than giving up, we can continue to fight it tooth and nail every step of the way.

Items that could have been placed in the game instead, incorporate into a piece of game content, where it served as a reward, to improve the in-game experience and the content available. It’s both more rewarding and improves the game better when it becomes a piece of content you seek out within the game. That’s why, as many others have posted, the shop makes the content within the game worse.

That’s why there’s the option to farm gold. I think earning gold is a great achievement and there’s plenty of content in-game to earn gold from.

As I said before, if gold selling was effectively banned and there were no tokens, then being able to use gold to obtain those items with gold would be fine. Instead, it’s allowed because gold tokens are sold, which gives gold an actual financial value, and making them available for gold helps promote the selling of gold tokens.

Put differently, if there was a separate currency, one you could only earn in game, and couldn’t be bought, but then could be used for the store, it would be kinda ok like you say. They allow the purchase of it for gold because it encourages people to regularly be buying gold from them, which actually earns them more cash than a monthly subscription.