Operation Shieldwall rep bugged in Remix

What especially annoys me is that we are in the last two weeks of premix and bliz won’t even acknowledge the issue directly here or provide any apparent means to finish the achievement. It’s not good customer service. It’s not nice. Pretty please with lollipops?

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I put in a ticket earlier today and the response I got was basically “thanks for spotting a bug now bugger off!” with all of the bugs related to War Within I have a real bad feeling that this bug on our content is going to be the lowest priority.

I’m afraid to do any of the quests aside from the dailies.


Throwing my post in to hopefully help this get traction. Very thankful to the aforementioned blue post over in https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/reputation-no-longer-boosted-in-mop-remix-after-pre-patch/524906/3

I don’t have a ton of time for WoW these days and I’ve been trying to carefully carve out time to finish up MoP Remix and I’m super stressed that I won’t be able to get the Landfall achievement for the time limited sets. I need those mage balls! :sob:

I have to imagine the devs are working insanely hard with beta, pre-patch, WARBANDS, and MoP Remix out in the wild. My thanks go out to them! I’ve cut an in-game ticket for the rep issue, but it would be so great to get some US confirmation/acknowledgement of the issue.

Thank you devs!


Meanwhile the US support site has updated a rep article to claim the entire thing is intended.

Lots of disappointing stuff continues to pour from their CS department following Microsoft’s layoffs.

This is a massive weewoo situation…

Jesus Christ Blizzard is a mess. I really hope they realize that it is in fact a bug before it’s too late.

Biiiiiig time knackered. I’m grinding rep with Lesser Charms, f it yolo. I don’t trust Blizz to fix this in time. I’ll be damned if I don’t buy every class set. Good luck gamers, hopefully small indie company Blizzard aka Microsoft can get their ish together.

Same here, I’ve been getting all the lesser charms I possibly can cause I’m freakin out about this.

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Well, I suggest using your wallets and taking your money elsehwere. I had recently picked up the 6 month sub (5 days ago) and due to this (and some other prepatch stuff) I successfully got it refunded. This is how they want to treat customers and ignore us, then we need to stop giving them money.

I keep checking in hopes they fix it and if so I’ll resub (only 1 month at this point), but I not confident they will fix it. Bliz keeps hitting new heights of incompetence it seems.

Guild Wars 2 new expansion comes out soon and has what appears to be a great new housing system (something Bliz refuses stubbornly to add to WoW for those who want it) so I guess it’s back to GW2 for the time being. I know some people will flame me and blah blah blah, but I’m airing my dissatisfaction with Blizzard and their behaviour/conduct.

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Maintenance tomorrow morning :pray: :crossed_fingers:


Confirmed fixing this specific bug?


Just hoping u-u


Having this problem also, earned 6000 rep because I have the double rep active from my main having done the grind back in MoP and I bought the item to make it easier for alts. The very next line of text says my reputation decreased by 5500, so I only gained 500. I should have hit Revered but I’m only halfway through Honored now. I don’t know if I can finish this before the end of the event and it will lock us out of getting the achievement rewards. It’d be one thing to block the timerunners out of benefiting from double rep (I think double rep is in the spirit of timerunning), but that’s 2500 of the baseline rep I’m also not getting.


Ya its big time bugged. We’re getting railed hard. Gotta grind it out cause it looks like Blizz had abandoned us.


Thank you so much for the advice! I feel hopeful that I can possibly make this happen before remix is over :slight_smile: of course a fix would be ideal but…

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I’m posting in and trying to boost all these threads because face it, forum engagement is their main way they monitor problems. The easiest solution would be to just remove the achievement requirement if they can’t fix the underlying rep issues.


I think thats a case to spam on Phill Spencer Twitter guys, since the blizzard dont give a sht


Except that the quest reward in one case was 1.5k Operation Shieldwall Rep, which with a commendation should’ve been 3000 rep… but it only gave us 500.

33 1/3% of what they ‘intended’ to leave us; half that if we’re Commended. This is some next-level BS and they have to get it sorted.

What I wouldn’t give for Vanilla/BC-era CS, I swear.

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I’m so pissed man, i get punished for playing the game late? i wanted to play sooner but life happens.


And a week of no updates or answers… very discouraging