Operation Shieldwall rep bugged in Remix

I know I had the rep token bonus for my normal Alliance guys. Maybe the whole ‘Warband’ business accidentally transferred that bonus to Horde as well?

Pretty sure this is the first time I’ve actually done “Landfall” at all even though I did grind Shieldwall Rep for…a while when I got sick of…BfA content, maybe? It’s been a very long time and I’m 90% certain my Horde Timerunner is the first to actually get the achievement.

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Today’s downtime did not fix this issue.
Still broken, getting less than 10% of the rep we were getting a week ago.


Yeah attempted to do dailies again today to see if I can push my rep to 950/6,000 in friendly to continue the campaign, but of course, still broken.


Yep, charms still only give 250 per, not 2500 per. Really hoping this gets fixed soon.


Still not fixed after the downtime


Still not fix after todays downtime! I think they are not going to fix this issue


Adding my name to this. Super frustrating.


Super frustrating, I do not have the time to grind out the rep with dailies. This is very unfortunate and I hope this is fixed soon. Please please please blizzard fix this soon!


Nah like fix this please. 19 days left I gotta get my mogs. Or just unlock the requirements if you can’t fix it


Same issue for my spouse. Blizz needs to acknowledge this and fix it, or remove the achievement requirement so we can get our class appearance and buy all the others like I was able to with the class weapons.

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adding my own distaste with the the whole thing. I legit resubbed to get these mogs and don’t have the time to farm the rep the old school way.


And still no reply from Blizz!!!

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And now with the echos happend every 90 min, who haves the time to do wq and kill rares to try to level up that rep!!!


Same here. My main remix character is Horde Mage. Now trying with another remix character on Alliance side. Still have the same bug with both factions. Need a fix or something before this limited time event runs out.


Got another reply today, I still have hope

Issue ID: #100138935

Your ticket has received the following response:

Hello there,

I understand that you had an issue with reputation for Landfall.

Thanks for letting us know you were having trouble with this. This is a known issue with the latest patch that the developers are looking into.

If you run into anything else like this where you believe there is a bug, please report it on the bug reporting forums with any information you have so the developers can check into the situation and ensure everything is working properly for the future.

We do not have any current workarounds to share, so thank you for your patience during this busy time.


blizzard just remove the achievement lock. We all don’t give you our money to not be able to acquire limited time items, Also a response would be nice from blizzard considering there are probably other people watching the remix overview and being interested in these items resubbing to only find out that they are basically unavailable due to simply not having enough time to normally grind these factions to exalted.


I agree in principle. I think it would be reasonable to achieve at least honored rather than require Landfall. That to me doesn’t sound like a difficult task.

How is this not fixed yet? These items are one of the main rewards FOR remix and they are unobtainable before the event is even over… UNREAL


its actually crazy this hasnt been fixed yet


still bugged lmao

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