Operation Shieldwall rep bugged in Remix

This is still happening. I would love it if Blizz would address this.


To matter worst, now is the same with the klaxxi rep



GOOD NEWS, EVERYONE! Well…sort of. I can report that once you’ve ground your way to about the midpoint of Revered (so…10,500ish, halfway to Exalted) with DO/OS, you’ll have unlocked the campaign missions to retrieve (or try to retrieve) the Divine Bell (The Ruins of Korune/The Divine Bell). Once you have pulled that feat off and completed either the sniping of the bell, or the failed attempt to grab the bell, you will turn that quest in and be instantly transported to Exalted with DO/OS. It won’t stick, of course–the rep penalty ensures you don’t get more than 500 rep from any of the quests in this chain–but that’s okay. At least for DO, completing this pair of linked quests is what gets you the “Landfall” Achievement and unlocks the class tier sets.

So, to reiterate:

  1. Get yourself into Revered and ~10,500ish to Exalted with DO/OS via burning all your Lesser Charms of Good Fortune acquired by farming WQs and rares/WBs.
  2. Complete the linked quests “The Ruins of Korune” and “The Divine Bell.”
  3. Be briefly elated at being ‘Exalted’ with DO/OS until the rep penalty kicks in.
  4. Be eternally elated that you succeeded at getting “Landfall” accomplished despite Blizz breaking everything with TWW prepatch!

Unlocked things on my Horde mooladin, toon swapped to my Alliance Worgen Monk (what a combo…) to check and see if the cheev stuck despite the loss of rep and it had. Now I just need to grind the bronze to buy all the class sets I want…


I went way past that quest chain and at no point did it make me exalted even for a brief moment. that quest gives like 3k bonus rep and you need 21k to be exalted.

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this is terrible! with only 20 days left, they wont fix this already! am feeling like this is not going to be resolve


no post regarding any fixes to this, no update with maintenance or anything…my toons still have the same rep as before… is it fixed? can we get any kind of update?


Not fixed yet. Main quests are still only giving 250 rep instead of 3k.


Please fix this Blizzard


Was hoping to finish this today so I could focus on the new event :frowning:

edit: thank you devs for the fix :heart:


I leveled a new timerunner to double check and the rep issue is still here.


Blizz, can you please give an acknowledgment of this bug so we can have some sort of peace of mind that you’re working the issue? Thanks.


so terrible! its been 7 days now and no fix, the klaxxi rep is also buged!


Evidently it’s been acknowledged over on the EU forums. Maybe there’s nobody left in the US to respond to bug reports?


Blizz??? This should have been fixed with today’s update. Why is it so hard to get even just an acknowledgement for such a huge bug? Now we know it likely won’t be fixed until at least next patch…


Fortunately, Klaxxi, Celestials, Golden Lotus, and Shado-Pan rep can be farmed via Warbringer token drops… and the Shado-Pan campaign gives enough rep to get you to exalted without a single token, before you finish their campaign in Townlong. It’s great.

Shieldwall/Dominance Offensive, however… it’s a slog for sure. Is this also happening to Sunstriders/Whatever Jaina’s Isle of Thunder rep is?


I have been playing Remix every day since it opened. I had never done the MoP storyline before, so I had been focused on doing it in order and completing the earlier achievements. Obviously, if I had known this bug was coming I would have completed Landfall much sooner. I don’t even feel like playing until this is fixed, as I had really wanted to make sure I got all the cosmetics that are going away before doing anything else.


Experiencing the same issue even after pre patch launched, any kind of word at all if they’ll fix it? Kind of lame for those who came back late and want the class apparel that’s locked to remix.


All I can report on is what happened for me. The ‘Exalted’ status was achieved, then erased, and the ‘Landfall’ Achievement was unlocked–but it stayed unlocked. Just bought my Shaman set items this evening after grinding enough bronze on that lowbie for it.

It’s not exactly convenient, but unless and until Blizz finds a fix (and let’s face it, they’ve got more important fixes like everything for the new expansion) for this, grinding DQs and turning in those Lesser Charms is the only way to get the rep you need for the quest chain.

Also, if you surpassed the two quests I mentioned in my prior post, “Landfall” is already unlocked for you.


Did you have the commendation you could purchase on retail at Revered that doubled rep gained, or was this your first attempt on the Landfall achievement?

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This bug is bs. How can something like this get overlooked?

Here is your 3k rep. Just kidding, taking back 2750. Have a great sun-shiny day! It’s like going to a … bar … and shown the goods but no touchy! Arrrggh

I’ve been making progress by farming Lesser Charms of Good Fortune. At least its something. I’m almost Revered… I should be done with the whole quest line. But nope.