Open world/solo should reward scaled mystic ilvl raid

You mean the one that is from a known forum troll? You mean the one that was made to get ones like you?

Here is the thing, I was not trolling when I asked who said anything about power progression being the rewards, thing is, I did not argue such.

However, since you said to rad the first post, troll though it is:

So, think that power progression being the end all reward is all that people are after? or could the argument that power progression is the gateway to rewards could be made?


I think that is why people play WoW. I also think that these complaints are borne of bad players who think gear is holding them back in random BGs.

This is such a stupid argument.

I don’t play red dead 2 and then get pissed off that I can’t be a samurai in that game, in the same way that “solo players” are pants on head stupid for thinking they should be able to come to WoW and shoot themselves out of a cannon for bis to help them in pvp.

Depending on level what mythic would be considered ,but no the highest level gear should be in raids and not mythic dungeons either.

In truth ,the vault is an excuse to get players to keep playing and nothing else.

Some, perhaps, but to say that is ALL people are after is idiotic.
I play WoW because I like the setting and, when it is good, the story
I play to over come the challenges that have rewards I want

There are still a huge number of people playing, to think thay all for the same reason is really just moronic, and basing arguments on ideas like that is one of the epitomes of trolling.

To come into a thread demanding outsize gear for trivial content and claiming that isn’t actually the case is “idiotic.”

In fact, just tossing you on ignore. You’re a troll, and a bad one. Tired of reading your incredibly stupid equivocations.

Heh, I troll at times, but I am no troll, the only ones who think I am are the ones that take the “anyone that disagrees with me is a troll”.

My aim is not to argue, but to provide food for thought, but even I can’t do anything with closed minds.

Oh, and in case you did not get it, this thread was started by a WELL KNOWN forum troll, meant to stir the pot, the mere idea that you took him seriously tells me he succeeded in his goal with flying colors.

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You can easily solo torghast with Cypher gear.

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Even the upper layers? as that is part of the argument, not that Torghast can’t be soloed in world content gear, but how far can that gear take you.

Yeah because torghast is all about anima powers.


There’s videos of hunters doing it without gear at all except a weapon.

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Well, I would not say all about anima powers, but fair enough.

But we have that world. Trash stops scaling as soon as we ding 60. A fresh 60 is probably the weakest character in the game right now. But we grow out of that hole right quick and pretty soon start clobbering world content.

ZM mobs don’t scale, Korthia mobs didn’t scale. But they did start off tougher than normal SL 60 mobs, making early days in the new zone a bit tougher than later as we geared up.

That’s not quite true.

For sure, the Anima powers are powerful. And a good batch vs a bad batch can be night and day.

But they still need a fundamental base level to grow upon.

A 2x as powerful 250 character is a far cry from a 2x as powerful 300 character.

So, iLevel does matter in Torghast.

If you only have 20 minutes at random times to login and play, good luck finding a keystone group.

Very true… but that’s exactly the problem.

Blizzard didn’t attempt to make any new content for ultra-casuals in Season 4.

It would have been so easy for Blizzard to allow casual players in Season 4 to activate “Fated Mode”, which would bump up the difficulty of all world mobs, world quests, and elites in Shadowlands zones. These “Fated Mode” encounters could then drop higher ilevel loot. Perhaps up to 272.

Good luck finding a +2 from the dungeon finder if you’re only ilevel 250 and only have 20 minutes to both find a group, get to the dungeon and complete the run.

Untrue. It’s very easy to patrol ZM and kill multiple rare elites in 10 minutes.

I refer specifically to content that allows ultra-casual players to make their characters more powerful. For WoW’s endgames, this means item level gear upgrades.

Sure, you might have lots of incomplete quests from earlier in the expansion, but they’re no longer relevant if they don’t actually make you stronger.

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Torghast didn’t magically get harder with season 4. They were soloable in when they were current and they are soloable now.


Good luck even managing to find a rare to kill or an herb to farm.

But it’s not since you only have 20 minutes to play at random times. So you still have plenty of content left over.

Start a Group.

Very true. At some point, you can’t expect Blizzard to design a game for 20 minute moms.

Dude, if you’re that ultra casual, this just isn’t the game for you nor do you even need to get ultra powerful.

But what I really suspect is most solo players play for hours, they just don’t group out of some kind of misguided obstination.

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It very much is all about the anima powers

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dude you got the same amount of “new content” as everyone else.

you got affixes in LFR and low keys.

bam. new content.

what, exactly, do you think raiders are doing? you think we’re out there doing some new raid that says “Casuals Not Allowed” on the front door? no. we’re doing old content with affixes, just like they’re doing in LFR.

season 4 sucks. there is no new content for anyone.

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Some open world gear is as strong as or stronger than raid gear in open world settings though, like the Zereth Mortis gear with the crystallic sockets if you put Toxicialic in them. You’re likely to outdps anyone who isn’t using one of those if you’re fighting a rare non-elite mob

The domination socket gear from 9.1 was also really good in the Maw and Korthia; obviously that came from raids but the bonuses weren’t better or worse depending on the ilvl of the gear

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Oh…I didnt say ‘I’ couldnt do it…I ‘could’, with this toon, if I wanna be there forever…but who seriously wants to pound on something for 20 minutes waiting for it to die.
I’ve been playing this BDK since legion, and even in green gear, only time I EVER die is when I do something stupid, like, you know not notice a cliff & fall off it. LOL…but…go on and think it’s a ‘skill’ thing
now if we were talking about me, with my mage…thats a whole other can of worms…not skilled with her at all, she doesnt die much, but only cuz I am super careful with her, lol

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