Open Question: An Alternative to Queues?

Valid points. Well done.

I will stand by my other ones though. Especially regarding world bosses. There is a reason Blizzard took layering out of the game and its because it does pull away from the MMO experience of Classic.


I also didn’t say a damn thing about your parces but I’m sorry you’re sensitive about them lol.

Your server wouldnt even be one considered for layering… So why do you think your opinion matters? You arent sitting in 5-6 hour queues.

No no, you misunderstood. I was giving you suggestions for new insults that you can make. I figured that would be a good next step after “shoving my face in BRM”. Would probably convince me 100% you are a respected and feared player of such awesome skill, that I can’t even begin to comprehend. Probably why you need to post on a alt when talking smack. Can’t have people being overwhelmed here.

Honestly, if you want layering, go play the retail. You can log in, do whatever it is you want.

Don’t be selfish and destroy the classic community because you can’t log in immediately when you want to only.

I don’t like the queues but
1)I can always transfer and
2) destroying the community especially the RP one, would be far worse.


Yes make it temporary until the situation gets better. Benediction US right now has taken a hit with hour+ queues, I can’t even imagine tomorrows queue times with the release of ZG but we should try layering (two) as stated to see if it would help and see what better solutions we can achieve to better prepare for future releases of content.

Nice backpedal.

Rest assured I don’t care enough about you to open logs on you.

lol what ever will I do with myself now!

Absolutely no layers.


Layer it up Blizz


I just think some people have mixed up priorities. They’re worried about gathering professions and the economy, meanwhile most people are just worried that they can’t even play what they’re paying real money to play. Coming home from work to an hours-long queue, means no raid tonight, no anything tonight.


LOL. What other tools you got in that there belt? Maybe one which is not as reviled as layering, I hope?

I have a solution for you: Kill the honor system so it doesn’t reward botters, afkers, leeches and players who find stupid ways to maximize HPH/minimize effort that ruin pvp, and a good portion of your long sessions gamers will stop playing long sessions.

Rather not have layering. Its caused way too much damage to be reintroduced as it was initially especially to the economy. Rather you deal with the multiboxers who are taking up more spots than they need and I’d recommend you limit the amount of accounts able to login from a single IP to 5 at the most at least temporarily as this will likely help decrease the queues.

Layering is the big red button that you guys promised not to use again. If this is seriously something that is being considered then I would rather other solutions be tested before you press it.

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Turn the layering back on however please randomize all valuable resource nodes.
For instance, have Thorium and Black Lotus (or any valuable gathering resource) spawn randomly in mining/herb nodes in ANY contested zone and on ANY continent. A maximum 8-10 nodes per valuable resource at any given time. For example, black lotus could potentially spawn in any herb node in Arathi Highlands (or any contested zone). Thorium could spawn in any mining node in Ashenvale (or any contested zone). There must be hundreds of resource nodes scattered across both continents and in contested zones. This would make it virtually impossible to camp. These things are so valuable, stumbling across one should be extremely lucky and profitable. \

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We need Layering on whitemane by tomorrow 3pm


Having to wait for 1-2 hours means many people won’t get a chance to play. If the choice is not playing vs accepting some version of layering, we’d rather play. Anyone who says otherwise isn’t rational. I’m voting for layering.


I will welcome layering with open arms as “waiting in queue” for hours to play a game is not my idea of fun.


Absolutely not.

While I saw the necessity of layering for the leveling experience, it greatly detracted from the wider game in regards to both world pvp and server community. I felt layering lasted too long at initial launch and the ONLY reason I stuck with the game was for the promise of its eventual end and a return to an authentic world experience. If this is something pure pve’rs want then try it on those servers first, but please do not bring this to pvp servers without exhausting all other options (such as properly managed transfers).

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You’re playing on a server where you dont have a 5-6 hour queue to try and get into raids. I dont think your opinion matters seeing as your server probably wont even see a queue OR layering.

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Yes please. I have to be online, or in queue, at 3-3:30pm at the latest to be certain that I’ll make a 7:30pm raid on Arugal.

Allowing entire guilds to transfer to Arugal caused this, but I doubt Blizzard will roll back and refund them to ease queues, so layering is the only realistic option. To the people ITT saying that we should just transfer off, why? I was on this server from day 1 and endured the queues for ages because I knew the other realms would be dead or not as active. I never expected Blizzard to reward the poor choices of others by allowing for transfer to a full server.

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