Open Question: An Alternative to Queues?

Someone get this sweaty nerd a job and a girlfriend. 2-5 hours queues are ridiculous dude get over it.

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How about instead of layering, you stop the paid transfers to high/full realms? Benediction was well populated but without ques until the last couple weeks when there was a HUGE influx of players fleeing realms (Heartseeker most notably) . . . now we have ques every evening (90 minutes tonight).

Since you have access to real numbers, why not limit paid transfers to smaller realms? And maybe even pay a little attention to faction imbalance while you’re at it?


Go to a server with out one then. There is literally nothing stopping you from finding a realm that doesn’t have a queue.

Unless of course you wanted to stay with a community? Almost as if the world is important to the game.

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Please do not enable layering.
I’d rather the queues than the exploiting it allowed.


2 Layers would be absolutely amazing, Herod has been 2-3 hour queue all day today.

Nah bruh cause I’m too busy being in a better guild than yours on herod stomping your face in the mountain and in pvp anyway. Queues are dumb. You’re dumb for thinking it improves your “experience” or the “experience” of anyone else playing. It’s just annoying.

Nice try retailer. Draenei aren’t even in classic.

Oh you got me. No way this is a posting alt that I’ve used for like a year now lol.

But anyway you need to calm down with “muh experience” like you do know these kinds of queues didn’t exist in vanilla right? And server pops were 4k? And lotus wasn’t 250g? Also your claim of waiting the “massive vanilla community” feel is bogus because realms were so much smaller than this you knew everyone. Also you know if there are two layers and more items flow into the market it’ll actually crash prices and bring them down right?

Literally everything you’re saying about 2 layers being bad is wrong.

Yes, as long as its temporary

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You can either post on a main, or continue to be a bot of hot air. It really doesn’t mean anything to insult me or my guild until then. I am all about faction rivalries, so lets have it, buy some milk.

I see no need to calm down with “muh experience”. Its something I genuinely enjoy about the game and my server. I would also be happy with anything that brought the realm more in line with vanilla populations (increasing spawn rates, decreasing server cap), but that really has nothing to do with the topic. Layering won’t change anything drastically resource wise. It will inflate the amount of gold substantially though.

Community is created by the people you form persistent connections with, not random nobodies you meet in the world then never see again.

Layering does not prevent that, realm transfers do.

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Yes, please bring back layering until the populations settle. I would also suggest halting transfers to servers experiencing daily queues.

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Layering does not prevent that, realm transfers do.

Layering absolutely prevents that. You can’t have an interaction if you can’t interact with half the population.

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First of all, even a 15-30 minute queue is too long. This shouldn’t be restricted to servers with 1 hour queues every day. When people subscribe and level a character to 60, they should be able to play that character any time they log in, immediately.

No more transfers to servers that ever have queues at all, they are full. A policy like that would immensely improve my gameplay experience.

This. Why are they allowing transfers to full servers that already have queues? It’s ridiculous.

TLDR you have absolutely nothing of value to refute my logical points with and only wanna sit here and beat on your “REEEE I’m so much more hardcore and awesome than you” drum.

Anyway while you’re over here mouthbreathing about that “natural vanilla feel” I actually played it back in the day and this ain’t it chief. Readding layers during massive queues during an IRL pandemic is fine.

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Actually you can, since you know you can still group up with them and chat with them.

What does prevent that is people stuck in a queue.

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TLDR you have absolutely nothing of value to refute my logical points with and only wanna sit here and beat on your “REEEE I’m so much more hardcore and awesome than you” drum.

“refute my logical points”

You must really enjoy debating yourself in a mirror. You seem to have it down perfectly. Just a hint though, no one really buys nonsensical arguments in reality. Especially if you can’t even be articulate about them.

“I played vanilla.” Me to! What server? I was on Frostmane.

PS: Don’t forget to make another insult about my guild or maybe my parses. You seemed to forgot you were doing that on an alt that you like to hide behind.

If you know them specifically. So realistically a couple people on your friends list, or your guild members. Hardly anywhere close to the actual population in the game.

Realm transfers get rid of a need for a queue and you can play to your hearts content.

By all means let the servers that want layering have it. Just keep it off the ones that would rather not have layering in for the rest of the game.

And? You’ll still be able to see everyone else on your layer, as well as everyone on the server in chat channels for grouping.

Which is a hell of a lot more than you can do in a queue.

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