Open Question: An Alternative to Queues?

bumping again

So your saying you will layer the AQ event when TONS of people will be logging in TO ONE ZONE for a once in a life itme (again) event?

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Is AQ today?

No really, is AQ today?

Is AQ next week?

Then why are you asking about AQ?
This is now, today, AQ is morrow morrow land.

If we have a global pandemic going on by the time Naxx would come out, WoW is the absolute least of your worries.

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Layering will be gone by the time the AQ event happens because the only reason there is a need for layering is because of the pandemic.

Either that, or you wont be worried much about playing WoW

What is Blizzard doing to incentivise people to transfer servers now? Cause from my perspective Blizzard is doing nothing. I am stuck on Fairbanks with layering, no transfer option and would be forced to try and convince my guild to pay for multiple character transfers and give up their pvp ranking teams.

I find it hard to believe laying is solving any problems now.

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That’s what they said last time guess what’s back.

but i’m sure the server can handle thoursands of players in one spot I mean classic launch was just fine with evryone in six spots right?

Any chance you could ship all the free transfers back to there original sever now and taking the layering of Earthfury and give incendious

Logged into Herod today. World feels empty and broken and this is coming from an alliance player on HEROD who constantly gets gang ganked and hasn’t even got to 60 yet. Thanks a lot Blizzard. $$$ before the integrity of the game I guess. I’ll think about resubbing once you take this technology away. A technology that is antithetical to the immersive experience of the core of classic.

I just can’t believe you couldn’t look at other options to take down the queues besides offering character transfers (you knew full well that people wouldn’t transfer) and layering. Then again I’m really not surprised either considering the botch job of the launch.


I agree with you that it wouldn’t help your situation with being on a balanced server. In your case I’m not sure of anything that isn’t already implemented to alleviate the situation before adding layering back in. Personally I’d rather deal with login queues however.

just have layors in main city and popular zones

They tossed some word salad at that suggestion, equating to “it’s a retail thing” and not vanilla like. You know, like layering.

I am literally okay with this. Layering does not bother me.

The concerning issue are queues which are more likely to deter players from wanting to play thus losing player population overall.


Congratulations. You successfully necro’d a thread about a subject that was a done deal weeks prior.

Layering has proven to not be the answer as it ruins gameplay. I believe one of the first things that needs to be addressed is Bots taking up spots on our server by the 100s and nothing is being done about this. I’ve seen 75-100 bots running in Hillsbrad all the time. Putting and end to this may help free up spots for people who actually pay you AND play the game.


Why aren’t temporary limits (until the effects of COVID diminish) an option? Lock down servers as soon as they reach a queue. Remove paid transfers and new character creation for accounts without existing toons. Allow a “waitlist” for people who have friends that want to join, but make sure that anyone allowed in promotes a healthy faction balance.

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If your realm was experiencing one-hour (or longer) queues.
currently at 150 minutes for herod and yes we want to layers that’s a stupid question…

Please open transfers back up; I want off Whitemane!

Please give us the choice to play on layered servers. Enable layering on the servers with queues and give people free transfers for those who prefer unlayered.

Yes! Anything to be able to play the game we pay for!