Anything that will help… right now, I’m paying for a sub that I cannot use, which will be cancelled immediately until you guys figure it out.
Please bring back layering to Herod. These queues are ridiculous.
just need to expand realm capacities… it’s 2020, more population on earth then 2004, calls for more population availible in 2020 classic. layering will never be the answer. increase servers performance limit per instance and realm capacity to meet modern demand.
As has been said, there is a max amount of people you can get into a single existence (meaning not instanced) in any MMO, and no amount of money and hardware makes that go away.
before cross realm and phasing i was on Illidan horde for years with more then 20,000-30,000+ players on at any given time, it is indeed possible.
Please add Layering to Whitemane.
How about banning botters? There’s consistently 40 people in every high level dungeon all day long, guildless, random names and mostly mages/hunters constantly botting and that’s just ally side. I guarentee there is at least 1000+ bots online on Herod at any given time.
yes but Multiboxers are not bots, Bots are program automated, not player driven. a youtube video i seen recently trys to point at funny names guildless and gear enchants. not entirely the case. a bot only has 1 specific trait, the movement and way it reacts in the world, rotations way it loots etc. in an automated style. looks like an AI or NPC movement/actions
You need to add layers back in a WEEK AGO. Many people in my guild have already unsubbed because of que times. What are you standing around for asking questions? freaking add layers in before its too late.
I strongly and overwhelmingly oppose to layering over the fact that it is very easily exploitable for massive gain in many areas of the game.
Also, restrict or disable multiboxing. I keep seeing numerous unique 2-5 boxers in all zones.
You were never EVER in vanilla WOW with 20k to 30k concurrent users at any given time.
Vanilla realms began with a max cap of around 2000 concurrent users, then went to 2500 and then was able to be expanded to 3000 i think, some time close to TBC.
There is no MMO on the planet that can host 20k to 30k concurrent non instanced users.
Even Eve Online uses a massive amount of well done and creative implementation of instancing various aspects of the game to maintain that feel if enormous space battles
Multiboxing i don’t see a problem with, if 5 players attack you at once. you will indefinitely die. same as if a multiboxer.
20k+ in wotlk on illidan/horde we used a website that maintained realm counts called WoWprogress soon after Cata realese numbers dropped on active accounts.
Nope incorrect entirely.
- WotLK was absolutely CrossRealm
- WotLK realms had much less than even 10k real capacity
- WotLK introduced Phasing, how do you think the DeathKnights got their starter zone, as well as how some of the quests in Northrend were done.
20k is probably how many unique toons existed on the Realm
Not how many were logged in concurrently
for lower pop realms, illidan horde was not cross realm… till this day illidan remains in it’s on realm in the city’s. Personal note, Still remains #1 also /win
Yes, that is a no brainer it would also help with the complete lack of spawns, herbs, & ore. Not to mention i would like to be able to raid with my guild again since i have already missed the last two because of the ridiculous que times.
Also effects economy on more drastic level for high pop realms on prices
Illidan had the same crossrealm features everyone else did in wrath.
Which was crossrealm battlegrounds, and i think at the very end you could crossrealm LFG in the LFG tool.
And they never had 20k+ concurrent logins, they would be larger than the highest pop realm that ever existed in wrath.
Retail does not even have 20k concurrent per realm, though in retail it is hard to tell what you have as it can phase things on demand as needed
Cross realm was slowly implemented over 3 years, with illidan being the last realm to recieve connections in world. illidan did not recieve cross realm till late MoP. your idea of crossrealm is as a whole. cross realm meaning in world. battlegrounds have always been cross realm. they are entirely separate
I would like to come home from work to be able to play, so yes please!