Open Question: An Alternative to Queues?

The thing about this economy that people are worried will be ruined is that we do not have Vanilla like prices. Any change will actually make it closer to how it was back then

I guess the plan is to hold discussions and delay actually making a move to fix the problem in the hopes that it will somehow solve itself with time? Blizz you have become a mockery of the studio you once were.

Yes absolutely, having a que longer than 15 minutes is going to lead to me doing something else in my limited free time

Please shorten the queue.
It will improve everyone’s gameplay experience.

Pagle isn’t even that big of a server compared to the other larger ones, and we are getting a queue time.
It is 30-45mins queue time for Pagle at 5PM and 60-90mins at peak time 7PM EST.

Were you just bringing this up for fun or are you actually going to do something? Literally can’t even get in to raid right now. 4+ hr queues at 6:00 PM.

Increase the layers to whatever is required to keep queues at 0, or at least a short wait.

Meeting stones: “NOPE! Gotta preserve Classic!”

Layers: “Well, maybe…”


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This all could have been avoided if you didn’t have name reservations

A solid point. But back in 2004 playeres were supposed to have unique names in the servers they were playing. It made things easier for current technology, and well, to appease the #nochanges crowd.

Just wanted to come back to comment on this. Temporarily assumes that there’s some trigger that would make layering turn back off. Raise the population cap, get rid of excessive queues, and there’s no impetus for the population to decrease. This isn’t a flood of tourists who will quit in a few weeks or a month. This is existing realms with active players, both ones that rolled originally, ones that rerolled, and ones that transferred in wanting ‘high’ population.

Realistically, do you see a way that the population is going to decrease (and stay small enough) before the AQ event?

(EDIT: Yes, I get the COVID quarantine increases how many hours people play, and the end of the quarantine will reduce that. But the population growth from transfers, such as Incendius saw, is a non-quarantine issue that will occur regularly because people will decide servers are dead or imbalanced, people will pay to move where the grass looks greener. This is the completely predictable long-term consequence of paid realm transfers.)

How would turn-ins for that be handled if people were on different layers, layers that may or may not exist the next time someone logs in? Or the gate opening. That’s just about guaranteed to be a swarm of people. Layer that?

If Blizzard does add layering, have they really looked hard at:

  • How would world bosses be handled? Turning off Layering before Kazzak was a big deal. Do realms that get layering now get two Kazzaks and two Azuregos, or do ‘half’ the players not even know he pops or feel forced to gimmick layer-hopping?

  • How would world buffs work? Ony, Rend, Nef. Do people have to gimmick layer-hopping to get their buffs, or will they somehow be global across all layers?

  • How will the multiplication of ‘rare’ resources be handled? Will we go right back to gimmicky layer-hopping for multiple Black Lotus spawns?


As opposed to all the fearmongers who vastly exaggerate the impact of layering and also seem to have no clue of why the current login situation is the way it is?

Nope, all I see is a playerbase unwillingly to accept any personal responsibility for the mass transfers. They jumped ship the second the server seemed dying or unbalanced and packed the most popular server even more.

I find it funny you call me a sheep when I stayed on my server and defending Blizzard is going against the masses here. Maybe you should know what you are talking about.

Take your rubbish elsewhere and get back in your queue.

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  1. Uh, it’s a little late for that.
  2. Yeah, that’s already happening. Now those being transferred to are dealing with long queues as well.
  3. Terrible idea, been discussed many times.
  4. …

So 4 non-solutions while vocalizing being against what would solve it because it would “separate the community”, apparently more than people not being able to log in at all. Not gonna lie, that’s a weird take.

(Whitemane) 7 hour queue vs Layering? This feedback shouldn’t even be asked, just turn it on and let players get on with it.


Layering is not the answer. Beyond the fact that people are now home and playing more, this problem was exasperated by free transfers to realms that were previously just fine a week ago.

Create more servers or create bigger, better servers. The technology is there. Layering is a cop out.


…why not both?

Give me layers on full servers with queues AND bigger servers.

At the very least layering should not be permanent but I am still strongly against it.

1-2. I do not see why limiting the number of players for each realm now would be too late. Blizzard allow people to leave and bang put the limit down.

  1. Why would new real would be “terrible” ? It’s even better : put all the people who wants to leave on a new realm. worst case scenario they will get a smaller queue. Natives realms will not get any.

  2. Blizzard should limit transfers on big population realm …

They need to lock them for at least a few weeks so the servers can be evaluated over a longer term. Even though the transfer has a CD of 90 days, when hundreds of players decide to jump ship at once to another server, you don’t know the effect on the server until its too late, and you have 3 hour queues and mass chaos.

1-2. (Edit - Totally misread) Limit the servers retroactively? That would make the queue massively worse. There are free transfer options already and still a 7.5hr queue. Limiting population of an already overcrowded server? I’m not sure how you think that could possibly make anything better.
3. Populations are surging because people are forced to stay at home. Once people can get out and about again, populations will most likely drop to near pre-plague levels. To create more servers when a handful already had poor population? This kills the server.
4. Yes, of course. They should (and I believe just did) block transfers to high pop realms. But again, that only keeps the queue from getting worse, not fixing the current issue of having to spend the equivalent of a full work day in queue.

Yes. I don’t think I’d notice a difference as I didn’t notice much when layering was turned off the first time.

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Yes please to adding minimal layers.

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