Open Question: An Alternative to Queues?

Please, please, please… bring layering to Whitemane. Queues are so long you literally have to login 5 hours before raid time to be able to make the raid. If you try logging in 3-4 hours before, you will miss the whole raid. It is absolutely ridiculous.

Man the WoW forums are weird. Someone telling someone else to stop crying while simultaneously



Is it possible to have layers start when the queue gets to a couple of 100 and then turn off when the population is back to a level for one layer?

I’m alright with layers but only if something is done about all the bots. Bots will be drawn to layer servers like moths to a flame. How about if we layer a server, then during that time no new accounts can be created and then there is a massive sweep by Blizzard to wipe what current Bots can be found.

Bots will exploit layering to its full potential and make it a horrid economic experience for the normal players.

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Currently 4pm Australian Eastern Standard Time

Logging into Arugal - not even peak hour yet, and we have a 140 min queue. In an hour or so, this is going to get worse and worse.

Please, for the love of god, enable the second layer.


They let guilds from low pop servers transfer onto a full server. It obviously isn’t the only problem but it definitely contributed.

the queue was literally less than2 hours @ 8pm. quit crying thanks!

Yes, do whatever you can to kill the queue until things return to normal. Coronavirus is already stressing people. 3 hour long queues add to that. Queues almost destroyed my guild. Removing the queue should be top priority.

At this point the only world boss spawns and BL/AC trade materials seem to be the concern… no one seems to really care about the social impact of being on separate layers since the worlds over crowded anyway.

Arugal is an absolute mess please turn layers on


As long as I don’t get into a layer that makes me feel like I’m playing alone, or let me choose to queue so I can be in the full layer

Just got dced to login screen after being on early since midday-ish, got welcomed back by a 2.8k, 4 hour queue, layering now! Close xfers to full servers now! (really this should of been done last week or even an automated system when a server pop gets too high). Fix your “stuff” Blizzard.


They let the felstriker guilds transfer on, the least they could do is not punish us with 4+ hour queues.

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It’s only recently that this became a problem, exasperated by the Current world crisis, and now further exasperated by people desperately trying to keep themselves logged in since early morning to try make sure they can be online for raid. The servers that were near capacity should have had transfers and the ability to create new characters closed before this even became a problem.

Arugal has recently had an influx of people from Yojamba and Felstriker who have finished their ranking grinds on the lower pop servers and now want to be on the ‘big’ realm. Now we’ve got 2 hour queues 2 hours before prime time. Now transfers are closed far to late to prevent a problem that might not have even existed.


Layer it up. Solves the queues and will raise supply of lotus, win win.

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Yes please, I just want to be able to play with my friends without having to log in hours early and prevent afk which just makes the issue worse, or wait in queue for 5hrs. Closing xfers to full realms too if that’s not already been done.

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Please add layers! Thanks so much! :smiley:

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The original WoW Collectors Edition box said “Even if you have a few minutes to play!” - Not with a 6 hour queue

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YES! do it yesterday please! 3000+ q’s

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Layer it up Blizz!

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