Open druid up to more races

But they have priests so paladins are just the next step right? Should have introduced it with the night warrior questline.

And yet, most races with access to druids don’t live even half that time and Druid just fine.

What the Night Elves do is not the be-all, end-all of Druidisim.

It really doesn’t.

Unless you think Gilneas had an ancient no one knew about for the centuries they were practicing druidism before the curse came along.

The only thing you need to be a druid is an understanding of nature magic. Most cases learn that magic from a wild god because those guys are practically made of it, but in the end it’s all learning. Not some mystical connection to “da nature” you only get because a random wild god liked the cut of their jib.

We most likely have a time skip coming in the next expansion due to time traveling differently in SL

Ion said they weren’t going to do that.

He also said Vulpera aren’t gonna be a thing but furries now roam orgrimmar

Please no, class restrictions are a good thing, and if anything they are to loose as is.

yea, but no one likes Ion…soooo…

Why are class restricitons a good thing?

Well, if it means money, I’m sure it’s on the table.

Gilnean harvest witches didn’t have all the druidic knowledge and power an actual druid does. You just don’t know druid lore, Their transformation aren’t just “forms”, they actually have some of the power of the ancient in them that comes through their connection to the emerald dream. Hence why the worgen form was so hard to control, because goldrinn is that powerful, not because worgs are inherently evil.

Lorewise certain combinations just make no sense
Dwarf Demon Hunter
Blood Elf Shaman
Void Elf paladin
Tauren Warlock and so on.

It also adds to the distinction and uniqueness of the races.


He’s saying that it doesn’t take generations to learn druidism. It requires a connection to nature magic.

Im going to sleep will continue tomorrow if anyone else posts

He never said they wouldn’t be a thing. He said having player ready models didn’t guarantee that they would be a thing, because they like to make NPC models player ready just to make variety easier.

We have player ready Vrykul models too, still no playable Vrykul.

By that logic a level 1 druid isn’t a “real” druid either.

Just because you don’t know everything doesn’t invalidate what you do know.

And none of this is an obstacle because all of this still only applies to Night elf druids, and there is no reason whatsoever Blizzard has to check all the Night elf boxes to slap Druid on another race.

I’m explicitly saying that it doesn’t.

Drudisim is a skill. It’s not some gift you get, it’s something you learn.

Every instance we know of about a race gaining drudisim, it’s referred to as being taught not gifted or blessed.

Yes please.

Well… Baine did forgave a large chunk of the Grimtotem tribe that broke off from Magatha, and he allowed them back to Thunderbluff. Guess who are apart of Grimtotem ranks? Tauren Warlocks. And no, not talkign about the Bloodtotem who turned Feltotem tibe (though having their designs would be awsome), but the Grimtotem tribe are apart of Thunderbluff and the main Tauren nation.

So, lore wise makes sense, the rest, yeah no argument I can give, lol.

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I can see a faction of Mechagnomes wanting to turn druidism into science… just sayin.


No. It’s not allowed.

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Or even just a faction of druids that wants to turn into animals and finds they have to understand nature to do it.

Not going to try and defend the Dwarf Demon Hunter? LOL