Open druid up to more races

It’s not that simple. You haven’t noticed that all the races that can be druids more or less center around a connection with nature and spirits?

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That’s the reason I said shadowlands might be the right time to introduce new classes to druidism.

I have never wanted for Gnome Druids to exist that I do right now.

if we are strictly talking about what would be the coolest class for druids if they somehow could be a druid, I’d say Mechagnome robot transformer druids, Forsaken zombie druids, Dreanei alien druids, Void Elf voidy void Druids, and Panda druids because pandas.

They definitely did. There’s nothing to justify Lightforged Death Knights. The Lich King isn’t that strong. Hell, it took Arthas TONS of torturing and mental exhaustion trying to turn a prominent Paladin in Northrend, and in the end, he didn’t even get that guys’ soul–He was saved by Naaru interference.

Lightforged are a totally different beast. They’re practically infused with the Light, right? They don’t just “call” on it?

Exposure to spirits doesn’t make you a druid overnight. It’s taught and passed through generations.

None of the classes in WoW are just picked up on the fly.

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No, we’re exclusive for a reason…

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and that reason is that blizzard is too lazy to make more druid forms…rip

It’s taught but not necessarily through generations

Well, in the case of Elves it takes the time of generations, and yes, it’s through generations. Druidism becomes a part of the society. That’s why I just asked you if you ever noticed the common theme between the races that can be druids.

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Who said it takes generations? Also like I said, druidism can be taught so why not teach?

Nope, all druidsm comes from something like that. Thornspeakers have an ancient if you didn’t realize and trolls have their loas.

You are just trying to pass up random magic as druidsm when that would just mean mages can do any class. What difference is between a warlock and a mage after all when mages can also summon x type of minion to do x thing and x magic effect? by your way of seeing it, nothing.

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You do know that druids do arcane magic as well? Most of the star attacks are arcane attacks.

“A new continent on Azeroth has been discovered where all current races exist seperated from the rest of the world, but they happen to know how to use all the locked race/class combinations.”

Yes, that’s supposed to be Elune’s magic or so.

But it is arcane magic, and speaking of elune and magic why tf aren’t night elf pallies a thing?

Dude…I think at this point it might be better if you just googled druidism.

Because night elf culture is not paladin culture. They have other values. Their priests are already militarized.

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Lol what? Their is nothing saying that druidism has to take generations to learn/

Part of learning involves going into the Emerald Dream. Druids sleep for years.