Open druid up to more races

I’ve tinkered with Dwarf and DH mog sets on WoWHead, look amazing, but yeah, if others want to. More power to them, me. My argument would be, “cause they look cool” and yeah not really a good argument lol.

The absolute last thing we need is for blood elf druids to be a thing. They are already compromising the vast majority of the horde.

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This is a hard concept for GD.

they just need to add sexier looking models and cuter faces for the other horde races if they ever want to fix that problem

This is what people are ignoring. Druid races generally all have some kind of naturalist side, yet people continue suggesting abominations like mechagnome Autobot druids anyway.

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What were we supposed to do. I carried these marshmallow all the way from Orgrimmar. I’ll admit the bonfire got a little out of control, but the smores were delicious.

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After adding Blood Elves in BC they should have rampted up their use of Fel magic and ruthlessness throughout the later expansions, instead of now being just sun elves

We’ve already opened up more classes to more races back in Cata, and we opened DKs to every race.

I think Blizz should allow the player character to be unique and stand out more (especially since as of the past several expansions the PC is unique and considered a hero of Azeroth) by opening up classes to all races. Your character could be the exception from your races, or be apart of a small group of individuals who are like minded.

D&D did away with race restrictions several years ago for the better. I don’t see why WoW couldn’t as well without effecting the overarching story.

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25 years from that the game is still going strong with just a few Druid races, nothing new added in the way of druidic forms and players still asking that time old question. “When are you going to add new druid races” to the game.

Silence follows.

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I’m fine with more just not Blood elfs or humans. I’m tired of those being the only races people play.

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Undead druids would be really cool. Druids help nurture the cycle of life. That means both life, and potentially death. I could even envision forsaken druids growing fungi and spores within the dark places of the earth and perhaps making land that was severely blighted into a better refuge to support other creatures of the world like insects.

Only if it’s a race that makes sense. And with that in mind, that would mean adding it to Vulpera and Pandaren and that’s it.

That wasn’t the elves

Gnome Druids please please <3

Because we aren’t druids, we are people and this is a game where people keep asking for the company to spend money on areas that doesn’t need changing.

they cant because each race would require new forms, thats to much drain on their art department. THINK MONEY

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Gnome druid

Tank armadillo
Melee dps rat
Balance chicken
Travel form rabbit
Aquatic duck
Flight parrot