Can confirm, it’s still bugged. She is MIA.
This is pretty sad. Maintenance day and all and they cant be bothered to reply or maybe even just fix this. GG
6/4 still bugged. I can’t turn it in.
Tell me, how am I supposed to live without you?
Now that I’ve been loving you so long
How am I supposed to live without you
And how am I supposed to carry on?
When all that I’ve been livin’ for is gone
Official Blizz post in the game:
“We have received several reports of this issue and can confirm it is not working as intended. Currently, we do not have a workaround or resolution that can be provided. We apologize for any inconvenience while our developers work as quickly as possible to resolve the issue.”
Death to the deserter!
Damn, after frog farmers get to keep their stats, now Alliance is hit with a game breaking bug that keeps us new characters from advancing. Way to f up things again Blizz. Can’t even be bothered to do actual maintenance on maintenance day… Where is all our sub money going to if you losers don’t even do work?
Yeah, very disappointing. I just got into MoP remix yesterday only to find this out. If I wanted a Horde character to play remix, I would have made one in the first place. This is a huge facepalm on the devs part.
So basically “meh, when we get around to it”
Ughh - I’ve been leveling an Alliance then Horde, and repeat - was about to work on an Dark Iron Paladin, I guess it’s gonna be 2 Hordies in a row… too bad, I want a break from working for Garrosh…
Still an issue on Stormrage 6/4 7:30PM Eastern.
you can still do Alliance. There’s enough side stuff at Tian Monastery or Nectarbreeze etc. to get to level 20 and move on to Valley. Go back and do Jade Forest when they fix it.
I agree it’s obnoxious and should have been fixed yesterday but don’t let it stop you from progressing.
But the Quest is a campaign quest. Are you saying once you hit 20 the campaign quest line changes so you can continue a new campaign quest line? If so who’s the new campaign line quest giver?
I made a ticket last night, got a reply,:
Quest: Onward and Inward issue: Sky Admiral Rogers is not on the place he is supposed to be, so quest can’t be turned in.
17 hours ago
This ticket has been marked as Answered.
You can use our item restoration page to restore sold, destroyed or disenchanted items. You will receive the restored items in your character’s mailbox`. This free service is available at the adress below.
etc etc.
Still no Sky Admiral Rodgers, not even in my mailbox
Each zone’s campaign is “standalone”. You can walk up to Chen and Li Li to start the Valley of the Four Winds campaign when you are high enough level without finishing the Jade Forest campaign. Not one of my timerunners has finished the Jade Forest one but I’ve done the others.
Unless that also broke today, which would be not too surprising at this point.
Okay, thanks for the info. I’ll go check it out!
It’s not just in remix. Happening in Chromie Time too.
So I got all the mounts, and transmogs that I wanted from the vendors and then flushed this atrocity of a so-called event down the toilet. I did all this on a horde toon, but before I quit I tried to do a ally toon and ran into this as well.
Not sure why I expected better as seeing nothing but bugs and nerfs since this event started. Glad I got what I wanted and now I am done with it. Hopefully The next event Blizzard does they should actually Play test it for bugs and listen to the community when they say their is a Hyperspawn issue and exploit issue that needs to be addressed. Instead of waiting for a HUGE drama-fest to explode, they need to get to the issue on the PTR and not wait until exploiters take advantage of a issue and ruin all the fun for others.
Guess I’ll be taking the 4 Alliance alts i made for this event cause i was missing them in the base game and leveling them through the dungeons to level 20 then skipping to Valley of the 4 Winds. What a croc. I like completing things, and i never played Jade Forest on Alliance in recent time so i don’t recall the story. And I’m a big fan of story
It’s actually kind of hilarious at this point. I log into one of my Alliance toons parked there every 3 to 4 hours, and there are always 3 or 4 other people saying stuff like “still bugged” or “still not working” at the exact same time at that location.