Only 2 tanks and 2 healers listed in LFG at primetime on Grobb

And websites will actually still ask you if you want them when going on them.

That’s still using the chat, that still doesn’t work with what you meant before.

That’s how anyone that wants to communicate do, talk to people. It’s used by many people and they are not all con men.

Actually it does, you can whisper them off the invite then report even if they don’t reply back :slight_smile:

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That might be new but still. Haven’t heard of anyone getting silenced for asking people for dungeons. So keep the good work.

Right because they are just using whispers which are annoying but not as annoying as a pop up.

I literally have to put myself on DND in the city cuz i aint trying to port 100 people or make 10000000s of food for people.

I wouldnt wanna be a leveling tank out questing being spammed for dungeons im not signed up for.

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There’s a difference between cold calling people to beg them for a favor and trying to communicate with them.

I’m a botanist and I saw some one named Solanaceae. That’s a scientific botanical term for many types of plants belonging to the Nightshade family. I thought no one but someone who is an herbalist or botanist would know that name. So I /w them to talk about their name. We spent 30 or more minutes discussing herbalism and botany.

This is what a real social interaction looks like. This is what actual communication looks like. People with a common interest discussing that common interest. All you show when you claim whispering some stranger to ask them to join your group is communication, talking to people, is that you haven’t got a clue what real communication, an actual social interaction, is really all about. You might as well claim you had a social interaction with the Walmart greeter when she said, “welcome to walmarts” and you said, “thanks”.

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I like how you are trying to gatekeep social interactions at this point.

But I guess the biggest gain of this thread is now we know you’re a botanist damn, that’s interesting.

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Yeah, any time two people talk it can be called a social interaction. When some stranger greets you on the street and asks you for a dollar for a cup of coffee and you say Ok and give him a buck it can be called a social interaction. That’s your vision for the game. I look for something more before I call it a social interaction.

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That’s the beginning to know other people, small social interactions. You can’t just expect to become friend or to share hobbies with everyone you meet or greet. Gotta start small and sometime it won’t connect at all.

I said it before and i will say it again, anti rdf people are just extremely lonely people.

They crave any sort of interaction.

Reminds me of the movie Cable Guy.

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Explaining why randomly whispering people is not a great way to form a group is not gatekeeping anything, it’s just explaining why that’s a profoundly stupid way to form a group.


If it works it’s not stupid :slight_smile:
Anyway, moving on.

And since it doesn’t work…

I’m not sure you can figure that out.

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You don’t seem the type of guy that would try to do it so I guess you don’t have much experience with it. Also why are your quotes breaking my words it’s pretty weird.

Because it doesn’t work consitently, RDF does.

And the reason for that is the forums quoting system sucks and often doesn’t include the quote, adding a random space fixes that :slight_smile:

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Yes but that was never my point. It’s still a decent way to fill your group. The more people there are at your level the better are your chances.

RDF certainly has advantages.

Decent is subjective, and in some cases when decent becomes hours or not before you out level the dungeon…

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It could happen and still happen with RDF. RDF helps but isn’t perfect, it cannot create tanks and healers out of thin air. And if the timer is higher than an hour you might still out level a dungeon anyway.

A way that other games fixed that like FF14 is to have a queue where people are scaled down and I think that would be better even. Don’t make RDF crossrealm, just let people queue at high level in lower levels dungeons and scale them down and give them badges if they do so.

Why is cross realm a problem?

And while scaling gear down etc… might work the reward for doing so has to be good enough for max level people to do it. So are you saying it should reward conquest badges?

I would be ready to make it a daily that gives the current badges. And if you want to spam it it could give the 2nd best badge. But this is just an idea.

It’s half the problem with RDF. Don’t really feel like explaining it further when I did it already multiple times and we all know we still just disagree on that so moving on.