Only 2 tanks and 2 healers listed in LFG at primetime on Grobb

I mean if they don’t coordinate that can happen, just say no to each and it’s still over.

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Sure it does, there is now an explicit opt in list for people who actually want to run a dungeon.

If you choose to ignore it you are choosing to annoy random people.


I’ve been all for RDF from the beginning, but I did make plenty of acquaintances without. Be interesting to see how much shorter the queue would be for dps though. Most tanks I know wouldn’t queue, but maybe over time it would change.

There’s an explicit opt in, not an explicit opt out. That’s the whole point.

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Usually around the same time for high pop servers but faster for low pop because of the larger pool for them. Tanks/healers are almost always instant.

Says the person who is born to be a telemarketer. You’d be on my ignore list after a few times whispering me. I’d drop group if I got an invite and discovered you there.

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Feel free to, I wouldn’t want to play with someone that ignore people for trying to invite them to do content in a video game. When that video game is a multiplayer game.

I shouldn’t have to explicitly opt out of something that I do not want to see especially when there is an explicit opt in.


That’s why rdf is great. We can play with the people we want and you can use the retail lfg tool to find groups. People who use rdf never have to go through a /who list to beg people to help them.

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And by not taking the explicit opt in they are implicitly opting out, not hard to understand.

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We’ll have to disagree.

Well technically there is an explicit opt out, you can be reported for spam, which might get you actioned by blizzard if you annoy enough people.

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It’s your right if you feel that way. But it won’t happen. :man_shrugging:

Well lemme ask this, why do you whisper instead of just sending party invites since you are so sure those people want to join your group?

Because I think I have more chances to get someone to join my group if I talk to them first :slight_smile:

Yeah, that’s how the slickest con men do it.


Or because you know that most people in fact don’t want to and whispers are less likely to get you an actual report vs them just ignoring you.

do you understand how reports work? I actually have more chance to get reported if I talk to them as that give them to option to flag me. If you just send a party invite there is no way to report you xd

People like Zoumz is why the EU has laws around cookies and trackers and how you have to actually opt in for them or else it’s implied that you are opting out of them.


Actually there is :stuck_out_tongue:

I do it for people spamming guild invites, you just whisper the person then report them.

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