Only 2 tanks and 2 healers listed in LFG at primetime on Grobb

You invite what you need and make a LFG group.
You spam LFG with LF xyz for dungeon each couple minutes
Then you can whisper random people of the dungeon level by using /who as yes a lot of people just don’t really use the LFG tool.

if you had a great time you can add them to your friend list so next time you need someone you can invite them and from there you can get more social or not depending if the other person is receptive or not.

Yes there’s no guarantee you’ll be able to make a group at all time. But really, it shouldn’t be too bad if you play during prime time.

You didnt answer the question asked, you are confusing yourself,. Dont blame me for your actions.

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It’s because at this point of the phase barely anybody needs dungeons anymore. Wait for P3 and H++ to launch and there’ll be tons of groups.

So if I don’t play during primetime, I am screwed right? What if I have a limited amount of time and would like to run a dungeon but finding people take up the entirety of that time? I just don’t get to do dungeons I guess?

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Yup, this is why I went back to Vanilla man… Wrath is dead excluding raid logging.

Pro tip, if they wanted to do the dungeon they already would have listed themselves in the tool, so basically you just like harassing random people.


Harassment is not that and I understand why some people would think of it that way. But you’re playing an mmo, people talking to you is normal behavior.

Fair enough, you have sent them unsolicited spam.

And yes it is, but in this case there is a better way to indicate whether you want to run a dungeon or not. It’s called the LFG Tool. And inversely if they aren’t listed they are indicating that they don’t want to run a dungeon at the moment.

Reading social clues is also an important part of normal behavior.


This isn’t a single player game and you can put yourself in /dnd if you do not want any whisper.

Neither signing up in the LFG Tool or signing up for RDF makes it a single player game, it’s actually the opposite, it’s people explicitly wanting to play with other players. RDF is simply the better tool for it.

You spamming random people who have implicitly indicated they aren’t interested in a dungeon is just you annoying random people.


They’re free to decline but they are part of this world and of this game. Who knows maybe they’re waiting for someone to motivate them for a dungeon.

Right in which case they sign up in the LFG Tool or are staring at the chat. If they aren’t they aren’t interested and you are just annoying random people, no different than the telemarketer who calls during dinner asking if you’re satisfied with your long distance plan.


They are maybe interested, not being in the LFG doesn’t mean you’re not interested. It’s neutral grounds.

Right I’m sure that’s the justification of every telemarketer.


You can put yourself on a list to not get called by them. Like you can put yourself on /dnd.
There no option to flag yourself to not want to receive communications or to say you really don’t want to do a dungeon. Maybe you should ask for one.

Actually there is very easy way to indicate you don’t want random people trying to get you to join their dungeon, don’t sign up in LFG. If you ignore that social queue you are intentionally harassing people.


Yeah, just like telemarketers do sometimes sell a new long distance plan or new windows. It’s not about how some times it works. It’s about how many people do you bother before it works. I always had /4 active so I knew when some group was having trouble finding a healer. Some times I’d take pity on them and join their group. But my standing rule was never to heal for a group that whispered me. I didn’t want to reward that behavior.

It’s like when I went to Mexico all my Mexican friends told me to never give a beggar money while you’re sitting at an outdoor restaurant. If people do no one will ever be able to eat a meal in peace.

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There is something that says I am interested in a dungeon. It’s called the Looking For Group tool or LFG for short. There is also a chat channel for attempting to get people to join your group with the same name.

Sleezy sales use the same tactic as unsolicited messages. If they are really sleezy, they go after elderly/vulnerable adults as they can trick people into buying products or signing up for services they don’t actually need or want.

Use that information as you wish.

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It doesn’t mean that but feel free to think of it that way.

Comparing people wanting to do content with you to a sleezy sales is really farfetch.
This is more like random people offering you a trip or free stuff. You can simply say no and they’ll go away.

That’s not actually true. Often when you have 4 people looking for a healer two or more of them will whisper me. They’re all searching and not coordinating with a central list to make sure they don’t ask the same person twice.

You’re pretty clueless. They’re asking you for a service, a favor, for help. They’ll often beg, or at least say please a couple times. They’ll try to guilt trip you, “We’ve been looking for a healer for over an hour.”

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