Only 2 tanks and 2 healers listed in LFG at primetime on Grobb

I think 99% of the people that interact with you would disagree with that statement.

Do you think people are just joining groups and instantly insulting people? I really dont know what game you are playing but its not this one, thats for certain.

No I see it from the point of someone playing the game.

If those values dont fit reality then they are meaningless.

Thats the only subjective part. What people find fun. Defeating bosses is what I find fun. If you find conversing with people fun then go join a discord or go to twitter.


Have you not played lobby games or M+? xd Yes that’s what happens when you’re just another number.

And I have I think 7x80s at this point with many having done Ulduar hard modes on. With all of them being made in Wotlk.

Maybe not “your” reality, but they certainly exist else no one would be playing on non-mega server.

And I can even do that on forums! Weird right.
Having a social experience doesn’t mean not clearing content. Like I said you can do both. And MMos were made for both. You can join any lobby games and never have to talk to people if you want to. Chances if you’re in a guild you had to talk with someone and they have their own rules. I doubt many guilds raid in total silence also.

It’s ridiculous to say that. In original wrath my dps alts got a group in 10 to 40 minutes. Now we know you’re just making bullsht up to support your agenda.

It will help a lot. Players have given up on the system. Lfg tool works so poorly that many players just don’t try to find a group. They either solo quest to cap or don’t even bother starting an alt. Rdf will bring players back into the system.

Rdf doesn’t just bring people back into the system to level more alts. And it doesn’t just increase the pool of players you draw from. It increases the length of the peak hours by 6 hours. Lets say peak hours is 6 to 12. When peak hours starts on the east coast players on the west coast can start at 3 and join them. When most of the players on the east coast are going to bed the late nighters can keep playing until 3 am and still be getting groups with west coast players during their peak hours.

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Answering a question with another question isnt an answer.

Sure you do.

Oh… you are one of those people thinking there are multiple realities or something.

More people played in the original wrath. We’re probably lucky if we have a 1M sub just for Wotlk Classic. I would expect easily 30m to 60min minimum. Add to that we have H+ which will reduce the amount of people using it at max level.

I think it would help, I don’t disagree with that.

The answer was yes I play this game and those are examples outside the game. No I play on a smaller server and no RDF/cross-server isn’t a thing outside of pvp so no I don’t have the same experience in Wotlk Classic. I’m glad I had to explain all of that because you couldn’t figure that out yourself from my question.

Nice try you’re the one saying other people can’t have an another opinion and care about something else xd.

We do respect that. No one is suggesting that the new retail lfg tool or /4 be removed when rdf is added. Those who want to make their own groups can still do that. Or they can make partial groups with their guild and friends and just join rdf to fill out the group. That’s what I did. I almost never entered the rdf queue alone.

I don’t think you truly understand what a small town is like. I live in a small town’ pop about 700. It is different but it’s not like looking for a group. Everybody waves as you pass them in your car. At the local store you nod or say hi to people you’ve barely met just because you recognize their face. We have a phone book of almost every one living in the town, it’s a small pamphlet of about 20 pages. But when I want to go on a hike I don’t cold call everyone in that pamphlet asking them to join me.

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I have people waving me in when I login time to time. I recognize a lot of people around Dalaran. I have met some of them in dungeons, other raids. And yes I got invited into some raids just because I knew some people.

But adding RDF is like bringing a walmart in a small town, it will have an impact. That you keep LFG or not.

You mean you play the game with a social attitude and get social results?! Lies!!!

I have had similar experience. And when telling others about it, these rdf degenerates say i am a liar just because my experiences are different than theirs.


Are you the guy they keep under the asylum then with your 10k posts? Great logic as usual, :clown_face:.

Nah Im guardian of the zoo.

What makes you a liar is claiming their experience is solely caused on their end and that there’s no larger systemic issues than RDF addresses.

That’s what every delusional chimp thinks too.

Not sure where you keep going with this but I hope you’re having a great time xd

I never said it was solely on them, i said they had the power of their choices made and that is part of the reason they are having said issue.

They have solutions available to them now that can fix or greatly reduce the issue they are having. Them chosing not to use any of those solutions is their own fault.

He is in the same place that many of the other pro rdf people are at. Inside their victim mentality echo chamber believing they can do nothing and the only way for them to be saved from their problems is for someone else to fix it for them.

And those solutions do not fully solve the issues or in many cases do much to alleviate them, making them at best bad solutions or at worst non solutions. Where as RDF is simply the superior solution in either case.

Which of course people know and why they’re calling you out on it.

You dont even know what the question was even though you quoted the question. So your answer to the question


You are in no position to say this. In fact I have no idea what this is even pertaining to nor do I think anyone else does, not even you.

No im saying other people cant have a different reality which is what your “your reality” statement actually means. There is only reality. Opinion is not reality.

Your guild was such friends with you they were going to bench you for a complete stranger.

Your social experiences are a lie.


I don’t even think we speak the same language at this point. Just move on because you aren’t making any sense.

Am I suppose to invite the dps that don’t want to tank/, chat for an hour or two then watch as they drop group because I can’t find a tank/healer?

I left for vacation just as joyous journey came about so I have no clue how it is now but before, there were barely anybody in queue. I am not sure how to be social when there wasn’t enough people doing dungeons in the first place.

I usually get whispers from people in regards to my name and it’s hilarious what people come up with. We have a quick chat then usually I am the last to respond.

What am I missing then? I add them as a friend so I can add another pending friend invite?