Only 2 tanks and 2 healers listed in LFG at primetime on Grobb

At that level a ret paladin can tank without having a prot spec. That was my point earlier.

Imagine complaining because you didnā€™t get to click your three lvl-47 dps abilities in a lowbie dungeon.

You never just run into people. You queue and never get a group. I have grouped with the same people before and the interaction goes like this:

Me: Hey, I remember you.
Person: Hey, me too.

*Kill first boss
*Kill other bosses
*Kill last boss

Entire group: Ty for run

*Everyone leaves

Meaningful interactions there.

Small town vs big town only works when you all only have one store to choose from. Ive lived in both. I knew everyone in the small town because I kept seeing them in school, stores, sporting events etc. I never meet people while leveling because I never get a group.

You actually get more meaningful interactions in raids, even with pugs unless you are speed running.


Iā€™ve met many people while leveling, dungeons are a good way to recruit for guilds to. It also depends on you. Look itā€™s not black and white and you can still find people in big city, itā€™s just some people like the atmosphere better of small towns. I just think people should respect that.

Now about RDF itā€™s probably time anyway they put it in, as some people still think Iā€™m against them putting it ingame.

Do you /who people and whisper them? If that works, thatā€™s amazing.

On a high pop server, I saw just a few people until joyous journey (hopefully itā€™s still around once Iā€™m back from vacation). I only saw 4 dps in lfg, most of which did not want to tank/heal after asking.

The social experience while leveling has been terrible except for the beginning and even then, most wanted to get to naxx anyways.

Rdf should have been in probably from the beginning. The only time I made friends were when I started raiding and I had some meaningful conversations while in dungeon groups.

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I play on Ashkandi, not a big server by far. And most of the time Iā€™ve been just sitting in LFG until I get an invite if thereā€™s not enough people or inviting people in if there are enough people in the LFG. I feel people on that server might be more open and we also did 4 man some dungeons when we could.

Each time I speak of my server it feels like a big difference vs other servers as I could still do dungeons often out of joyours journey. I think because a lot of people came from Maladath (fresh) and are still making alts that it helps a lot.

you ppl live in a fantasy world

all bs

Yes, to not confound with World of Warcraft the real world.

Its almost as if approaching the game as a social game results in a different experience than seeing everyone around you as a means to an ends of your own benifit.

You want to pug a tank/healer/dps so you can do your dungeons and nothing more.

When i look to pug a person for a dungeon i hope to make a new friend. Sure it doesnt work out that way all the time, but approaching it that way has made me many friends since classic came out. Most times i chose to pug, because i want to make more social connections than i already have.

We arenā€™t doing dungeons to make friends, weā€™re doing them to get gear and badges so we can move on to end game content. If I want to socialize, Iā€™ll do so in guild chat and Discord. Itā€™s not 2008 anymore, when communicating with people online was a novelty. No one is looking to chat in dungeons when we have social media for that.


At the end thatā€™s your choice. And yes some people are looking for a social experience when playing a social game. There are tons of games where you can just join a lobby and be done.

You are the most delusional person on these forums. This thread is hilarious. Youā€™re so clueless it feels like youā€™re a dev :joy:

Being called crazy when using the wow forums is most often a compliment. You wouldnā€™t want to be called sane by asylum patients. Anyway, this thread like the other ones is now pretty much dead as weā€™re now past the logic point. If you like adding salt to thread or oil to the fire at the end it is just that.

You dont want to be called crazy from asylum patients either. How crazy must someone be for crazy people to call you crazy?

And no, most people do not play this game to socialize. If im looking for friends I do this antiquated thing called leaving the house. In the game I want to play the game. A requirement shouldnt be make as much friends as possible, which is impossible because they all become acquaintances since you spread yourself too thin, this is the realization Blizzard had when wrath was current. Your guild or friends list is the new community.

Then theyā€™re free to play single player games. You play this game for the human element that you want to lie to yourself about it or not.

I see youā€™re one of those that prefer to be part of the echo chamber.

Thatā€™s because they have never managed to make smaller server work much. But clearly they have tried more to do this in Wotlk Classic by locking server transfers which I think was a good thing.


yup blizz will bring in tokens but not what we really need which is rdf. rdf was fun when i played way back in og wrath. i geared up rather quickly which was nice. this group finder bs that we have now doesnt work with the game. the way you socialize is with raids. Raid finder is A HUGE no go with me and i never want to see see that again

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No I really dont, I play it because I liked playing the game. I even solod stuff back when Wrath was current.

No im just rational. Are people just wanting to be a part of an echo chamber that think stealing is bad? No, its just a rational position to have.

This is an MMO, small servers kind of defeat the massively multiplayer portion of the genre. You do not have to make friends to play an MMO either. You can work in an office building and only have 2 friends even though its an office building of hundreds or thousands. Even in guilds at most people only make friends with a select few people. I think people do not understand what friends are.

And playing it requires you to interact with people and that is part of the fun. The main way to play this game has always been group content. Sure thereā€™s a couple people that only play for the solo content, but that is not for them that the game was designed.

And this isnā€™t about stealing. There are reasons to not have RDF is all I am saying. Itā€™s fine to think that the pros are better than the cons, but there are cons. This isnā€™t an absolute truth.

MMos are all about massive content, it was never about being able to just have a lobby.

Really? Because you are a shining example of what interaction with others is like on this game right? Thats enough to put anyone off of playing this game.

Group content does not equal to everyone having to be your friend. Its group content meaning you should group up with others. The fact that its a mutual goal will have people seek others out, not because ā€œfriendship is power!ā€.

Im talking about soloing group content.

Thats right its not about stealing. But its funny how the point just flew right over your head.

No there isnt.

Lets see if you can understand it this way. Ever watch Goblin Slayer and his farm was threatened? Most of the people in the guild didnt care and only a select few that were his ā€œfriendsā€ were the only ones that would do it without an added incentive. It was only until the guild offered a bounty per goblin head did people join in. This group that formed to defend the farm werent friends, they were just there because it was mutually beneficial. Thats it.

Yes most definitely. Youā€™re free to disagree with it but Iā€™m having fun playing with people and I find people when I want to make groups. So yes maybe thereā€™s something to learn from me about it.

You donā€™t need to be ā€œfriendsā€, when I play a sport or a game with someone tho not being a recluse or a sperg and just being cordial is a good way to have more fun. Maybe it will evolve in friendship, but I think everyone can have more fun that way. I donā€™t think itā€™s a stretch.

The point is like many others you think you have the absolute truth and only can see the point from your side. Everything is not black and white. There are reasons that you disagree with them or not. Itā€™s fine if you donā€™t share the same values, but those values exist.

Itā€™s fine to have a goal but itā€™s even better to have a goal with people that are fun to play with.