Only 2 tanks and 2 healers listed in LFG at primetime on Grobb

You gotta one-up the competition and send flowers and chocolates to the tank.

I mean that’s a good start.

I did make a group.

I invited my lvl80 buddy since no one wanted to tank.

Was a massive social experience and with RDF in the game i might of had to settle on playing with people my level instead.



RDF thread #598265329843298 :sleeping:


Apparently Horde have forgotten how to win AV. I just want to get this Daily BG quest done for when S7 starts. :expressionless:

Should´ve bought a 2nd ring tho, im disappointed in you!

Ive been in queue for a while and no tank or healer shows up… at all. Also not every ret, fury dk or otherwise can just go “ill tank” because they dont meet the requirements. This isnt like retail where you can just swap your spec and tank something. This is also talking about end game stuff.

But… yeah sure… I can make my own group… with what player pool? On a medium pop server and the only reason why LFG chat is active is because JJ is active. Some heroics are ran but they are majority heroic +.

“Make friends” isnt an answer either.


Or an example of why the fight to heal model was not such a good change.

70% of the people in that pic are capable of tanking that dungeon.

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Don’t you have a higher chance of making friends if you have access to more people? Wait that’s dumb. They would be on different servers with rdf. You can never be friends.

No, you get in line. So you just get in line and forget it until the dungeon pops. You don’t have to pay attention to dungeon spam to make sure that someone who entered the queue after doesn’t get a dungeon before you. So you can go off into the world and focus on questing or farming.


I don’t have the gear, spec, or desire to tank on my paladin. I made a serious effort to tank in Cata, hated it, and swore I’d never do it again. I’m certainly not about to start again in H+.

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on Mankrik last night from 5:30-7:00 pm est i only managed to get into one dungeon as a 78 dps queued for all 9 dungeons that offered exp according to the LFG tool (OK, DTK, VH, HOS, HOL, UP, Gundrak, CoS, Occ). we really need RDF if we want to be able to reliably run dungeons while leveling

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Lmao bruh. You know you ain’t mting nothing.

I don’t really understand why Blizzard wants to strangle the life out of Wrath and it’s players over no RDF.

It’s obvious they can see the damage that it’s lack of inclusion is causing, they said as much, but they would rather placate the tiny insignificant anti-RDF portion of the playerbase. They would rather the playerbase shrink into nothing in order to appease these anti-RDF jokers, instead of adding RDF and increasing the playerbase.

With their livestreamed comments retconning their initial “No RDF ever” statement into “No RDF until 3.3 but we’re looking into it”, it’s obvious that RDF is coming. But making us wait till ICC is such a scummy move. We’re dying out here, and Blizz doesn’t care.

People like doing dungeons, this should be a surprise to absolutely no one. The lack of RDF is killing the game.

Just add it already and leave the group finder in place for H+, there easy.


I know your memeing, but that literally was a “social experience” You got your friends to help you. With RDF, you wouldn’t have reached out to your friend or established community (guild/discord).

With RDF, you play with randoms you’ll never interact with again. Without RDF, you are incentivized (and rewarded) for having friendships and getting people you know to help you in group content.

Oh please, we’re all playing on mega servers and don’t know anyone outside of our guilds. “Muh community” is a meme and just an excuse for gatekeeping content.


And you ain’t contributing much because I have been playing tanks for many years by now. I hope that comment felt good as much as it was useless.

We are not all on mega servers and yes some people care. You not caring doesn’t mean they can’t. Always go that way in RDF thread, there can only be one vision.

Think about it like a big city vs a small town. Small towns you have better chance to know people because you need them and you will keep meeting them while doing the usual stuff. Sure you can meet more people in a big city but you’re replaceable, good chance people will forget you the instant they meet you because they don’t need you. You might as well be a number. The difference in quality of social interaction is a big difference with how you interact with people and the world.

What do you do if the line says 1 to 4 hours? You do understand that a line or a timer won’t necessary fix the lack of tanks or healers right?

That’s what I said

Imagine wanting to play something but you cant cuz you have off specs…