Online Dating in WoW?

Yeah, I’m going to take the bold position that checks notes a WOW dating thread is a Sunday thread.

I feel like people should do whatever works for them. I’m from a generation that did all our socializing in person, so I can’t really get into any kind of online thing. I really have to be around a person in real life to get an idea who they are. But I’m not going to say others can’t meet and form meaningful relationships online.

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My last experience with online dating was back in 2000 with AOL chat rooms. Which actually worked out OK for me, since that’s how I ended up getting married. It’s been 18 years in May.

Any internet venue that allows person-to-person communication can be repurposed to online dating. You need to be aware of the risks, and need to be prepared for them, including the risk that it’ll end up in an inverted flat spin with all engines on fire.


As long as both people are open about who they are, there’s nothing wrong or even weird about it. But of course there’s always gonna be weirdos trying to be someone they’re not online, which can backfire if they ever meet up IRL.

Also OP, you talk about online dating in online kids’ games, and frankly it’s just not the same thing. Minecraft, Roblox, whatever, I feel like more often than not that’s just a quarter-step up from Runescape’s old “buying gf” meme.

I met my husband of 13 years in secondlife in a furry club :stuck_out_tongue: so online game dating is successful in at least some cases. He flew in from vegas to Canada in an ice storm wearing shorts when he moved here… in October. So I would say if you want to go in for something like that, dress for the occasion xD


Sweet but I don’t like it

Looking for lovely ladies, must look like a belf princess, must be rich, call me now :laughing:

Posting on an alt because it’s kinda silly.

I joined an RP guild about six~seven years ago now and met the love of my life. Neither of us knew it then, though. We spent about five years RPing together, but really only in a group setting. There was once or twice where we RPed together and we didn’t really talk a lot OoCly. I was going through some stuff, so I’m sure I gave my partner a lot of headaches at the start because I’d lash out at people, but not enough to where it was a big enough issue that I’d get myself booted.

Once I moved and things were better, my attitude did a complete 180 and I started to be a lot more social with my guild and attending events a bit more often. Now the character I mained and my partner’s main wound up developing a good story together that we pursued. Then it turned into us playing Overwatch together. Which turned into a bunch of other games and then eventually talking OoC daily. It developed rapidly from there and we’ve been together for quite some time now.

LF relationship.
Straight Guy IRL.
Plays female characters.
Plis. Am desperate.

Single 27 yr old male LF guy to get close with :wink:

Sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt. Biggest obstacle is long distance. That plays big factor in it working. Oh wow i didnt realize this was necro.

12 months later…holy necro batman

Ive done it. Met the person in real life. We were roommates for a VERY short time. 100% different from on line what they pretended to be.

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I like that in WoW I can eat 7x[lovely cake] and still look this good. I look cute IRL but it’s too much work. It seems much easier to date through this character.

Dang it you’re 10 years older than me :frowning: Still, you’ll have a great life since you’re tall and good at math. Wishing you the best!

Dawg this is a year-old thread you just necro’d

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so, heres the problem with online dating in WoW (and dont get mad or anything because this is just me expressing my interest) 99% of guys plays girl avis to either A) troll others or B) for S**t and giggles. which leaves off with just 1% who are actually woman. I would look but I’m actually more cautious because like I said u may never know that a guy plays a girl avi. I played WoW since wrath and still dont have a date. lol :slight_smile: good luck to those that are still looking tho

I know a few people who met over this game and now are married and have children.

I also know of tons of drama from online relationships.

It’s the same as real life tbh.
Personally I’ve never dated anyone I met on this game but a couple have sent me nudes so I guess that’s something.

oh hey i posted in here a year ago

so forget what i said above lmao does anyone wanna online date me


I’ve had three separate relationships because of WoW. Two were pretty short and didn’t go anywhere. There were no hard feelings or anything, it just turned out we didn’t work as a couple.

One relationship though lasted over a year and had me thinking about marriage. Unfortunately, both of our combined emotional issues compounded each other in the worst way. It culminated in a huge fight and she cut off all contact. We were both young (this was back in late wrath, I was 21 and she was 20) and neither of us truly knew how to deal with our own baggage. While the whole event sucked, it did help me to grow a lot as a person and has certainly made relationships since then better. I’m sad I never got to apologize for the things I said in the fight, but I hope she’s doing well and is happy because I did (and will always) love her.

I haven’t dated anyone in/from WoW since, but I’m not against it. I’ve just never connected with anyone else in game on that level since.

P.S. Wow. I didn’t expect to dump all that out. Still, good to get it out sometimes ya know.