Online Dating in WoW?

What is your opinion on online dating in games? Have you ever online dated? How about in WoW?

I feel like online dating in WoW isn’t very common. It actually seems more common in kid’s games’ like Roblox. (I occasionally play with my younger siblings and see a ton of “ODers” as they call them.) And when I was younger I could get an online “gf”/“bf” pretty easy and I had several over the years, but I’ve never gotten into a relationship with someone I met in WoW.


I have personally known people that have acquired and developed long distance relationships and then later on met each other in real life. Not in WoW though.


I’ve dated a couple of people I’ve met through WoW. Both relationships were pretty good experiences, and I’d do it again if the opportunity presented itself.


Okay my age showing here, but I think it is silly.


I would never date someone who played wow gross


If I clicked with someone in wow and they lived close enough irl, why not?

At this point looks at my online dating apps with 0 matches and 0 new messages I feel like I shouldn’t be choosy xD



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It’s not really that different from normal online dating. If it happens and works out then great!

It’s probably a little harder to happen in WoW, but not impossible.


From some one who has dated a gamer it’s really not that glamorous weeks in you realize you are both just hermits now. That doesn’t work for me I need to visit family, dance, go sight seeing.

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Wow assuming I’m a shut in >.>

Nah I’m not that kind of gamer. I still go out and do things, if I have the right company.

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i’ve never dated someone from wow that i didn’t meet irl first. i have an ex who plays and we played together until we stopped talking. but i met her on a dating site first.

i don’t really see the point of dating on wow though.

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I’m not trying to say what you are I just feel like when a gamer dates a gamer it just isn’t too grand in my experience but I wish you all the best

Eh, I meet my partner thanks to Brood wars, now we both have a lovely 2 y/o son.

I say go for it, but be mindful that people are crazy(yeah, even those you meet in the real world).

Fair enough lol.

Lots of E-Dating in RS when I played. and lots of ~buying gf have rune plate gold trim

had a e-gf in Maplestory. But we basically just ran around spamming f5 or w/e at eachother.

egirls are pretty common in wow, and where there’s egirls there’s edating. more so in tbc and wotlk than now, but they’re definitely still around and boys hound them.

Maybe it’s more of a PvP thing?


Avatars in place of real pictures to start the connection. Bonding through a single online interest opposed to truly getting to know someone.

I think it is easily tempting, but overall not the healthiest way to date.

And then ye got the “e girls” (and I’m sure guys) which are disturbingly more common than I would personally ever think.

Date on WoW at your own risk. Definite good can come of it–I just think it’s rare.


Whatever makes people happy. So long they are both adults and gave/give consent then who am I to stop love, the world needs more of it to be honest.

As for personally? No, I guess if the rare chance that I would fall for someone I wouldn’t object but there is almost 0% chance of that happening.

I met my fiance 11 years ago on WoW. Been together 10 years now. The beggining wasn’t easy, but it worked out just fine.


I met my boyfriend in WoW 4-5 years ago and we’ve been living together for over 2 years & have a house now. So it can happen.

I’ve been to 7 guild weddings :slight_smile: i even know of a couple that met through the wow forums and got married.