Online Dating in WoW?

I am of the opinion that you never know where you are going to meet a soulmate.

I also believe that being open to people is risky but worthwhile. Lots of people are broken, so proceed with caution. You can let people into your heart without flinging good sense to the wind.


I met and eventually married someone I met in WoW, and I know a few other couples who’ve done the same. Doesn’t seem to work out too often, but neither does real life dating, yeah?


Wow it’s not just a game, but a social network. Love pop up a lot there.

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Me and this other Pandaren had a little fling. He ended up choosing alliance and it took me a while to get over it. I hear he’s married now. But I’m fine, really, I’ve got my cats and a couple of buckets of ice cream. Yep, completely fine.


My opinion on this would no doubt be a short essay…



I met my wife via an online game, a MUD (Multi User Dungeon). We’d talk online for a bit. Then it progressed to calling each other. Then I visited her in the US (I’m from England) and we’ve been married 21 years this year. As someone said earlier it’s just another way of meeting someone. At least if you met someone via WoW or another online game you already have something in common.


I don’t think anyone should SEARCH for love in WoW.

However, dating in WoW is fine. Just don’t make it your mission. Love doesn’t work that way most of the time.

I’ve dated in WoW a few times, back when I first started and was younger, with me seeking it out and then later not seeking it out at all but it just sort of happening. It never seemed to work out, with the issue either being -me- doing something stupid, people vanishing, or the other person doing something unthinkable and wrong.

That doesn’t mean it never works out though! After ending a bad relationship (I wont go into deets), I wasn’t looking for any sort of love. I just wanted to have fun with my friends on my RP server and continue on with life.

My character at one point tried to pick the pocket of a stranger while they were distracted. Critical fail. Just as she was about to get her hand crushed, another stranger showed up, an Undead Rogue, managed to get my character out of the situation, and even tossed her a few gold like "Here you go. Dont be stupid and try not to do that nonsense again :l "

Thought that was going to be the end of that… But wouldn’t you know it that our characters were introduced again via a friend this time. Both mine hand his became close friends, though very awkward with mine being pretty dumb and his being like “SIIIIIIIIGH WHY DO I PUT UP WITH THIS”. You know. The good stuff.

ANYWAYS. Fast forward a couple of months, and we’re all talking Out of Character… And it turns out, me and him are starting to get close with one another. Not just our characters, but like… I dunno. You know that feeling! Decided we’d give the whole online dating thing a try. Talked on Skype a lot more. Before we knew it, we were sending each other RL gifts… And after around 4 years of this online dating thing, booked our first plane tickets to see each other for the first time!

I guess you can say everything turned out right, because we’ve been together now 7-8 years! He’s even moved up to my state and we’ve been happily living together for around 4 years.

TL;DR version:
If it happens while you’re playing WoW… Give dating a shot! Some times it works, some times it doesnt. Play the game with each other for a while and take some time to get to know them. If it doesnt work, oh well. If it does work? Then I hope it will blossom into something bigger like I did for me!


I met my lover through WoW, and we’ve been with each other for three years. We’ve met in real life several times as well, and otherwise video skype. Online and long distance are on the rise I heard, but can also be unstable or fail if both parties are not mature or able to handle things. There is no love at first sight, in my opinion, and it takes a while to grow a healthy relationship.

If both parties put in the effort however, it can work out well.


I’ve met most of my original guild IRL. We vacation together every other year or so, I met my current husband through them and we just had our third child.

I’m still a little skeptical when someone tells me they are dating someone from a game, but hey it worked great for me!

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Best part about online matches in WoW, is that I do not need to hide behind my character cause I look exactly like them.:wink:


This comment is golden

No less perilous than any other online dating site. At least you know that anyone you meet in WoW has at least one common interest with you. Be clear about what you’re looking for, respect boundaries and make sure others respect yours, and don’t take unnecessary risks. I’ve seen loads of people make it work after establishing their relationship in WoW, so it’s really not too anomalous.

Heh, I’ve never dated period. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m speaking more from observation than experience, so I guess there’s a pinch of salt to be taken there.

Wait what…

That’s… that’s kinda… yikes…

Yes I have had quite a handful of super close relationships with opposite gender however in the end things just turn kinda weird and drama will happen or something and it will be the end of it. My previous “gf” was a blood elf and we knew eachother for 6+ yrs online but never once would she let me speak on phone to her. She was def a woman though no doubt about it, however i think she was an older lady and didn’t want me knowing… she sent me pictures of her daughter saying they were her…bout 2-3 weeks later i called it out – ANYways, I don’t talk to her anymore

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Only because it’s Sunday…

I’m happy for all yall that met someone and it worked out! I’m jealouse too v.v

Yeah, but it’s different on kid’s game. Like they just straight up ask “Wanna be my bf/gf?” to anyone they just met. That’s just how kid’s are. (At least I hope they’re kids) I don’t think adults in WoW would do that xD

Ugh, I’ve been catfished before. Not fun.

Any post is a Sunday post to you xD

Yea tbh when I caught on I didn’t care, I told her i’d still have the same feelings for her no matter the age… and same goes for all other females i meet on WoW, but she was just too private with things and would do things to spite me, like if i didn’t log on to pvp with her every night, she would go missing for like a week then come back n act like it’s all good

I’m a bit of an odd bird. I like dating, I think it’s fun, but I don’t really want to be in a relationship. I could be convinced, but I value my free time way too much, and the idea of compromising that… eh, it’d be tough.

I would never date a cow, elf, gnome, dwarf, blood elf, undead, but I might date a human.

What flavor of ice cream ? I like cats. No dogs. Hate dogs

If I was a parent, with a kid playing that game, this would alarm me.

First Rule of the Internet: No one is who they say they are on the Internet.