Online Dating in WoW?

Makes me wonder what they wanted from you by sending those when they weren’t even dating you…?

I’m sorry it didn’t go well.

I’ve had lots of dudes try to make me their WoW gf, if that counts. One invited me to move away with him after we spoke for a week. He thought he was a genius. He was really dumb. He swore that had he asked me to move with him at a different point in the conversation, I would have said yes to his request. No, I would not ever move in with someone I don’t know. What a weird guy…

Another kept pushing it after I talked to him repeatedly about how I like women only. He took everything I ever said to my other male friends and believed it was some passive-aggressive hint at him. He clearly thought everything was about him. He told me he once hired professional orchestra players to show up to their school during lunch and play music while he asked a girl from drama class to be his girlfriend. He told me we were perfect for eachother, that he had all of this money and needed someone to spend it on, etc. Mostly, he stressed how he was perfect for me. Or that I’d be even more perfect if I was combined with another girl in our guild. He ended up doing something super creepy and I blocked him.

Another guy in my first guild told me he was going to marry me because he liked my voice. Like, didn’t even give me the option, just told me that’s how it was going to happen.

Another guy thought I sounded like some WoWhead woman and when he was drunk one night referred to me by her name, which was telling that he was pretending I was her the whole time I knew him.

Nobody is allowed to ask me why gay people talk about being gay so much. If I don’t introduce myself as a lesbian in every new community I join, I get tenfold these responses. Speak in any new voice chat: “Was that a girl?” “Who was that?” immediately makes me want to never speak again.


That’s what role play is for

Yeah, I legit feel bad for women in gaming. The thirst is real and extreme. Hope things go better for you in the future and you find that elf girl you’re looking for.

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Maybe I’m old and no longer with it, I used to be with it but they changed what it was and now it is scary and foreign to me. So knowing all that, I say absolutely not. I met my girlfriend online but it was through a dating site and we progressed to talking and meeting IRL pretty quick because we lived near each other and even had some mutual acquaintances. Just meeting someone somewhere in the world with no RL connection is still kind of scary and foreign to me.

Also from numerous friendships over the years I’ve realized games aren’t a great connection point to intimacy, my girlfriend plays practically no games (free cell games occasionally don’t count) yet I couldn’t be happier with her. We don’t need to share this. And when I play this, I’m not looking for that, if that makes sense.

Thanks! It sucks. Like super sucks. I was a semi-pro HotS player at one point, denied by pro teams for being a woman. Endlessly taunted. Stuff like that. Men say they want girlfriends who game, but then push women and girls out of gaming at any chance they get. They won’t push me out, though, I was raised by gamers into gaming. It’s in my blood. LOL

Moving to Proudmoore and finding a good guild changed things for me. I can speak confidently in Discord when I’m with them. I’m so glad there are communities of people like that in WoW.

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ive seen plenty of parties in the finder saying they wanted a girl or boyfriend

it seems like it could work, since at the very least the two players already have one thing in common

I don’t really date at all, let alone online, but my sister met her husband in a MMO. It can work out. If both parties are amicable, then I say go for it.

Though I don’t agree with spamming chats looking for a GF/BF. That stuff’s just annoying. :frowning:

I never see this in an unironic way. I will say, I do this sometimes, but only for laughs.

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Pretty sure most people that do that are just continuing the old RS “buying GF” meme. Or I’m out of touch and people are serious.

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Looking for GF/BF, i have a longneck mount you can ride along with :heart:

Edit: GF - Great Friend :smile:
Edit: BF - Best Friend :smiley:
Jk, i dont have 1.

Oh yeah, jokes are one thing. Even in games where there are in game marriages is okay because yay in game benefits. I mean when people are trying to use the MMO like a pseudo dating site. To be fair though, I haven’t seen much of that in WoW. Even when I am on my female toons, or speak in a new discord, people pretty much leave me alone.

For context, I’m female in RL. I just prefer to play male toons for the very shallow reason of I find them pretty. :slight_smile:

I know a couple that met in wow, played for years, met up and now married with kids. It happens and apparently is fairly common.

In fairness, that’s basically the same reason most guys play female toons. :smirk:

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For this necro, the ghost of El Santo will visit figure-four leg-locks upon your dreams tonight.


Hey, me too. I stand by what I said, though. I’m full up on women in my life – a wife, a daughter, and four dogs. (There’s a fifth dog, but Duke’s a guy.)

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I love this!!


I think online dating in games is possible. I met someone who I fell in love with on another game and he brought me to WoW. Online spilled into real life with phone calls, texting, emails and playing online for hours but it never went to meeting IRL. It lasted close to a year, we broke up but still played games together. He left WoW and I was left behind by myself. Recently I’ve seen him pop on from time to time but its just like another name on your friends list that’s their for decoration purpose. I’ve always read about people meeting on WoW and ended up getting married. I think that’s wonderful. It might seem silly to some to fall in love in a game but love finds its way even onto a game.

Hazelnutty and her husband met through WoW.


Well considering the current situation, not a good advertisement for wow dating lol