One month in, legion still not properly scaled

Any interview with Ion is going to be on Mmo-champ but as new stuff gets posted it’ll get pushed further back

It’s on page 3 at the moment

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I see, thank you!

lol why are you guys still getting baited by Tupac? :rofl:


Like flying?

True, but I expect to see you here as we continue to do it anyways. You can work yourself up to 9500 posts like I did this year :rofl:

We are, that’s what the forums are for. I’ve adapted to complaining about this daily


I felt it in my gut in that interview because I’ve been looking forward to finally working on quite a few transmog sets from Legion. Unfortunately, based on Ions comments, it actually is working as the Devs intend. It’s just that the intention doesn’t match player expectation or previously set standards. I hope they reconsider because, for me, it was a motivating factor in my play time and style.


I’m not doing anything else right now, drinking my sweet tea and about to roll a cigarette :slight_smile: as I drag myself from 40 to 50 :weary:

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Sorry but this is no longer the case, if you see the rankings for rated across all regions you’ll find that more and more players are participating than ever! If you go as well to the subreddit for WoW PvP or even on these forums you’ll find that the folks complaining will be the minority as a majority of actual PvPers do not mind the pacing of Shadowlands PvP!

You aren’t the only one as should be obvious from all these threads lol. Every xpac I plan to go back two xpacs to solo the raids so in 10.0 I’ll (hopefully) be in BFA raids :+1:

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Wish they’d go back to the old style of farming legacy raids where you sneezed and the boss blew up for several billion points of damage, it was actually fun, no need for it to be otherwise.


Why are you arguing with someone who can’t even spell Tupac Shakur correctly?


Again no one is forcing anyone to support anything that they don’t want to! If you feel like WoW is just not your thing, then that’s completely OK and you can choose to stop supporting by unsubscribing, but feeling unhappy about a service while still continuing to support it is an individual problem and not a problem of the service!

They started off exactly the opposite of how they seem to be now. I suspect it’s just an experiment to see how long they can milk the pathetic brown-nose angle until people simply ignore it.

At this point I’m simply reading it for the mild entertainment value.


Or I can continue to give my feedback about this one issue that is obviously not working as intended and play other parts of the game I do enjoy until I run out of those things to do. Point is, do you stop just because of one or two problems, no, you leave feedback and let the company know what parts you are dissatisfied with.


You know, it’s one way to increase post count!

I got so tired of the dribble I put them on ignore - my feeds are great, save for the occasional quote replies.

I’m really grumpy about legion not being scaled correctly :frowning:

This needs to be fixed asap, it’s way more important to me than getting less loot in Castle Nathria.


I get a hoot out of the forums sometimes, my neighbors probably think I’m crazy since I live alone and can be heard audibly laughing at random hours of the night like a nutty professor :rofl:


So true, can’t have people getting too much loot, but other problems, nah we will just ignore those.

Sorry but the system is clearly working as intended as it is currently the system that Ion and the Dev team feel is good for the game. You may absolutely leave your feedback and be dissatisfied, but current content will ALWAYS take a priority over old content because not every player cares about their transmog or mount collection as much as the money they spent to play the current iteration of the game!

And I said, simple fix is bring back the hidden aura that was used after the first stat squish until they actually have time to fix the underlying issue.

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Alright, fingers on the table. I’m willing to bet fingers more people care about old content than current content.


You’re implying there’s something to fix when the system itself is perfect the way it is, folks need to understand that this is how scaling will work now and the sooner they adapt and change the sooner they can get to collecting their coveted transmogs and mount collection! There’s already plenty of groups taking on old content right now as well, so this is overall building a sense of community as well!